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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jslern

  1. the mean girls from high school only become the mean girls in adulthood. have read all the other posts and agree totally...knew this girl was heavy right away..she is a jealous B**** and you should kick her to the curb. this is definitely not a friend. Friends lend support and are happy when you achieve success..best of luck to you and never look back good luck waiting to hear about ur success..I get sleeved tomorrow and have only told one person besides family I know there will be the mean girls waiting when I loose the weight to probably tell me I look to thin lol

  2. try taking a prilosec in the morning 1/2 hr before eating. Did you not have an endoscopy for the surgery? You might have hiatal hernia which they can repar during surgery. Talk to dr. you don't want to go against their advice good luck. I have endoscopy today to see if surgery is on for Thursday. I have hernia and mild reflux. I am taking acifex for the last six weeks and hope today he will say I am healed they will not operare on me til there is some healing of esopg erosion

  3. my question is for mrsjumbo and of cours anyone else who experiences the same..you say gerd is a problem.can u medicate for it, does what you r eating cause it or does it just happen my surgery has been delayed because of gerd I didn't know I had and will know tomorrow if I am a go for nov 2. any advice eternally grateful

  4. Hi all you sixties people. I am almost 67 and having the vsg on nov 7th hoping all goes well. I too am a fairly low bmi and know just from reading all these post that my weight loss will probably be a little slower. whatever I just want to see the loss. My husband was worried that I was to old but surgeon told him he operates on people in there 70's. looking forward to more info from this group. good luck to all

  5. Hi islanders. I am in Nassau but having surgery at cornell weill with Dr. Pomp. No pre diet needed just 2 days of liquids. getting more anxious as date approaches. Nov 7th if endo goes well nov 4..had some reflux isues. reading on the site the emotions and experiences are across the board. I hope I will have an easy surgery ( husband worried about complications and extra hospital time at a very high price as I am a self pay). also hoping I will be able to get those shakes down and also to still be able to eat eggs. Using Unjury vanilla which now tastes pretty good but I am hearing that a lot of things change . Staying positive and hope to hear about everyones success...this is really a life changing experience .

  6. I too am worried about the eating after. Always ate huge portions, always hungry, never satisified til stuffed. Now evry meal I have out with my husband there is a discussion about what it will be like after vsg. He says you won,t enjoy everything, he will have to slow down his eating because I will have to, he thinks I will never want to cook again and I am only worried that I will not like my favorite food eggs which r so good for the Protein and I would miss terribly.has anyone had the experience of not liking something and then the taste for it comes back?

  7. I believe the reason is that the Water tends to empty ur stomach quicker thereby making yo hungry faster and not allowing for good digestion. This and not drinking with meals for me I know is going to be the toughest. Drink before meals its just going to be a big behavior modification for me as well as the entire food thing. good luck you can do anything u really have to... u have come this far

  8. Having the test Nov 4th. I don't really know how long I have had the gerd as I never had any symptoms. Did the endoscopy only because the surgeon wanted it. Have been on medication for 6 weeks and hpe all is healed or I will Have to put off surgery til feb...really have been good so I am hoping for good outcome..no tomatoes, coffee chocolate citrus mint onions...all the things I really like But have found some wonderful teas (caffeine free) that taste great.have a great weekend it is georgeous here in N>Y>....Jane

  9. Hi Tx hope you r doing well I have 11 more day to see if they will do the surgery. 2nd endoscopy to see if the reflux I never had has healed...I am being very positive and have followed the gerd diet really strictly...but will think positive and hope for surgery on the 7th. How is the eating going? feel good

  10. during preop testing I have also been diagnosed with gerd surgeon won't operate until I am 4-6 weeks on meds and then another endoscopy. Having it on Nov 4th and being very positive that it will have cleared up have scheduled surgery for the 7th. Keeping fingers crossed and Am eating nothing that is high in acid

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