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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chunky_Dunk

  1. well guys let me just tell you that is much as I motivate y'all you guys keep me motivated and you'll push me to keep going. That is why I post so many pictures. I'm trying to hold myself accountable for the weight loss if I fail everyone will see it. So I have so much appreciation for you guys coming in viewing my page and comment saying and having such positive things to say. I am also loving saying the people who are my height and weight. I remember doing my research and finding hardly anyone my size and when I did find people my fav eyes no one wanted to show their skin they would either hide their stomachs completely or they would hide the bottom part of their stomach into their pants. my stomach hangs at the bottom and I was mostly concerned with how that would end up looking it was so hard to find anyone willing to show that before their surgery and even some afterwards so that is why I showed all of my stomach because I know there are other people out there that have that same thing as me and I know that you want to know you want to get some kind of an idea of what it's going to look like afterwards so I was very happy to see people my size. I am doing this from my cell phone and I just spent a good chunk of time replying a good and its reply and I accidentally erased it so I am redoing this through talk to text so I apologize for any typos that may be in here and if none of this makes any sense at all lol and ask for three and a half months out I still can only eat three to four bites and I am stuff. when the food taste good you just want to keep going but you can't. I remember being so sad about that but I have trained my brain with certain things I have learned certain tricks to use on myself to help fight certain feelings. In this specific case I I would think of how much extra fat they're getting from the extra bites they are taking. I would think back to the way I was before my surgery and I would think that how big my plate would have been had I been allowed to eat as much as I wanted compared to how much I'm eating now. I learned to exchange that sadness that I could not eat with pride if I allowed my I would be back where I was before Surgery. So i look at our restriction as a blessing. You just have to train your brain using your surroundings as motivation. I have so many different tricks for the many situations I have dound myself in. It doesnt bother me now. remember shortly after my surgery oh my goodness this is a permanent surgery what have i done i cannot take this back I cant eat crazy again! I freaked. But I would never be 75 pounds down today had I not taken that step. Please dont regret your sleeve. try not focus on the wonderful opportunities it brings instead of its restrictions. I really not sure what all I have mentioned in what I have not mentioned because I've had to rewrite this lol but I have to trick if anyone is interested VSG has become one of my favorite topics to talk about so please if you ever get bored are you have questions or you want to know anything please ask me I love talking about it when I get bored I will not ignore you and I take me a few days to find it but I will get back to you this is my favorite topic and I open to tell you anything that I know tricks that I've learned the good the bad and the ugly everything I am at your disposal this is the best decision I've ever made and I strongly recommend it for all of you that haven't had it yet I said so much more than the last one I hate that I ended up deleting it because now my mind is so blank if I think of more I'll come back and if you think of anything you would like to know please message me respond on here and we can talk about this however long you like. Failure is not an option...your mind will try ro convince you that this food is ok just this once...you just have to take a step back and talk to yourself. Think theough it. Think of how many times in the past you have held this exact conversation with yourself. How many times you have given in only to eat 5 , 7, 9 times the amount we can eat now and how disappointed you were in yourself afterwards. LOL I dont know if that kind of stuff works for anyone else but i can smooth talk myself out of eating anything these days. LoL your mind tries to trick you...you just have to learn to trick it back. I believe that we sometimes eat out of emotion...I think we can train ourselves to handle food better using the same emotions. I am trying to remember everything i had written and cram it all in at once before i forget and it is not working. LOL i am going to leave it at that in case I am not making sense lmbo and let you guys ask whatever you like if you want to know more!

  2. Thank you guys so much!!! I am glad I could inspire at least a few ahaha! I am always searching for inspiration to help me get through my tough times, so that is an amazing compliment!!! I was considered "light weight" and, as such, didn't expect to lose the weight that I did. I figured I would lose about 25 first month and 10 the next two and a little less the next lol! Just goes to show, though, that you never know and to not judge your success or progress on the rate of others. "Comparison is the thief of joy" -Theordore Roosevelt. I hit a stall for a couple of weeks and then when I weighed I was at goal weight on 2/27/2014. That was six days ago from today. Yesterday I was down 5 pounds from 5 days ago. So, it just randomly happens. At any point in time you may drop 6 pounds out of no where. The ending result is what is the most important...and we are going to be a great looking group by the end of 2014!!! ;)

  3. I really appreciate the encouragement! And with the bra...one thing you should know is that I wear a regular bra with the sports bra on top. The under bra is awesome and holds the girls up beautifully and it is called (I am just reading straight from the card...Customized lift for your cup size! sexy fit by playtex and the awesome outter sports style bra that works wonders is called Moisture-control wicking inner layer racerback 2 pack by fruit of the Loom Sport. The under bra was $15 and the outter one was $11 for two. They both came from Walmart. Just go and try them on and at least see what you think! Because I can NEVER seem to find a bra that holds them up and firm and out of the way! There is zero jiggle and bounce in these bras! It is wonderful! LOL

  4. Awe!!! Thank you guys so much!!! I hope I can help motivate or inspire someone the way everyone on here inspires me!!! Here is something I just wrote out to send through private message...I get asked this a lot, though, so I will just go ahead and post it on here, too. I just stick to the basics...I wish I had more of a planned routine that I could tell you guys about to help out some, but I am just a random person. I want to get into swimming. My doc told me that swimming is the only exercise that works every muscle in your body at the same time, promotes an hour glass figure, is low impact, and helps improve breathing. I think that it will help me a lot to workout while doing something fun. It can be a steady, daily thing that I do along with my random junk to kind of help things out more. Anywho...here is what I put in the letter:

    I am not quite sure what contributed to my weight loss so much because I am so random with what I do. LOL! So, I will just tell you all I can think of. Aha :) I really just think it is because of all of my weight being isolated to the top and so that is where 90% of my weight has come from instead of it coming from everywhere, the change looks more drastic. I stick to the basics, really. I drink tons of waters sometimes with Walmart brand sugar free flavor packs (grape is the best lol) eat lots of meats (chicken, and any canned meats) eggs, and Protein shakes. I walk some which I have slacked on severely and I have a 3 mile rediculous obstical course (ROC) race coming up march 22nd that I badly need to prepare for. It just got too cold to walk or run. I do step aerobics at home using my daughter's step stool and some 5 pound weights and, randomly, if i think about it, I break into a floor tummy workout for about 10 minutes lmbo exercise is definitely my biggest struggle, but I figure that 10 minutes is better than none. I drank the special k chocolate Protein drinks for a while there but was told that the sugar and carbs may be bad. I only drink not even half at a time, but now I just treat myself to that here and there. I dont want food nor do i truly enjoy eating anymore, so when I know it is time to eat I just pick a meat and go for it lol Oh, and, I dont know if this is ok or not, but I do not like Protein powder. So I have been getting Water and heating it up. I put one or two TEASPOONS of sugar free french vanilla Cappuccino in it with one scoop of my vanilla Protein Powder and top it with sugar free liquid french vanilla Creamer to taste. I dont do this 5 times a day or anything, but that helps me drink my Protein powder and it is soooo good! And I barely put any Cappuccino in it! May be bad...i dont know. It just helps me lol i doubt any of this helped...but that is how my average day goes. I do wish that I had an actual planned routine, but I am just very random with what I do. Maybe my body is wondering what the heck is this crazy girl doing and that is the result LOL! My weight is just isolated to the top half and because of this...the only places to lose the weight were my actual problem areas. I am down 75 pounds and about 88% came from my real problem areas up top, so the loss was very noticeable. I hope something out of here has helped! :) Thanks everyone for viewing the pics and commenting! Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!!! And please let me know if I helped at all. LOL! And if you have any more specific things you would like to know about that I didn't mention, please just ask.

  5. Thank y'all! Congrats on the weight loss, so far, you guys, too! Looks like we are all close in pounds lost, as well! Keeping up the progress! I am always taking pictures. Does anyone else have a hard time seeing a change? I look in the mirror and I look like I have not lost a lot of weight. I go shopping and I pick out clothes that would have fit me 75 pounds ago and I even will think "man, I hope this won't be too tight." They end up being too big. I take pictures and I am so confused by who I am seeing LMBO! No complaints...I know my mind will just take a little bit longer getting used to the quick changes as they happen! It is just funny, though, because before...I would look in the mirror and think I wasn't very big and then I would see pictures and be speechless by how big I was and that is how everyone else saw me. I went to Goodwill for some more clothes several weeks back because I don't want to buy a whole wardrobe only to fit them for a few weeks lol (I have great finds and they are cheap...highly recommend it). Anyways...I ended up finding some super cute pants that were size 9. Last time I tried on jeans, I was a 10. So, I decided to go on a limb and try it out. They fit! So, then I tried on, and bought, several pair of sz 9 jeans. Then I saw a pink pair of tighter leg jeans. Looked at the tags...size 6...how unfortunate! :( My sister says "just try them on...I bet you can fit them." Absolutely not, but in an attempt to prove her wrong, plus the jeans were awesome, I went ahead and tried them on. They buttoned...Oh My Word! They were tighter, but, hey...they fit! I obviously bought those amazing huge size 6s LMBO And then I bought two other pair of size 6 jeans that were abnormally big (there is no way I fit a normal size 6...just...no nuh uh...) Ahaha Just goes to show that even now my eyes/mind play the meanest tricks on me! Pictures are my best friends! LOL

  6. Hey there, guys and gals! How is everyone this lovely night? Today I am 3 and a half months post vsg and I am down...75 pounds! Starting weight was 220 and my current weight is 145. :lol: My first bigger goal was 150 pounds. My ending goal is between 120 and 130 pounds (I am 5'2"). So, I have 15 pounds left to lose until I reach 130 pounds and I will just see how I look and feel from there. I am ecstatic with the weight loss results so far!!! I do want to warn you guys (a little late now I am sure) that there are skin pictures involved LOL! I have a sports bra and pants on. I only put a few on here. I have more on my profile page, and I also, just last night, uploaded a progress video of a bunch of pictures. Feel free to check it out on youtube...the title is very long, so you can just access it by typing in "72 pounds down" in the search and my video should be first. My name is "FindingMyselfAsIDisappear". If not, then just stop by my profile for more pics. Here are a few "in progress" pictures! :( Good luck to everyone with your journey!!! And if anyone else wants to post a progess update, please feel free!!! I love seeing how everyone is progressing!!! :P




  7. Wow, that is just right around the corner!!! I am very happy for you!!! I will be on here off and on throughout the day, so feel free to write me anytime! Good luck and I am soooo excited for you! I have no doubt that this will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself and you won't regret it or be disappointed! I am here for you anytime you need! Just try and relax...I'm glad that I could help! Talk to you soon :D

  8. I have been wanting to get some unjury Protein as well, but haven't done it yet. I have been having the same issue. I am not hungry and I crave nothing. So, whenever it is time to eat I spend a ton of time trying to figure out what to put in my tank. I decided to go ahead and start premaking things so that I will have something ready instead of wasting time searching. I have been eating tons of canned chicken, canned tuna, and the alreay cooked grilled chicken fajita strips. I just pop them in the microwave and go to town. I also like turkey sausage. I found some turkey sausage links in the refrigerator section in Walmart where some of the Breakfast food is. They are $1.14 for 8 links. They don't even taste like turkey. I put two in the microwave for 30 - 35 seconds and I eat either one and a half or two. eggs were well for me in all forms as well. Basically I am eating things that don't take long to make, are good sources of Protein, and still taste good. I also like to cook grilled tilapia, grilled shrimp, baked chicken, and a variety of cooked veggies when I am in the mood for cooking. Whenever I want something sweet I do treat myself to a Special K chocolate Protein Drink. I can only drink half if even that much. It is a little on the higher side sugar wise, but it does provide protein and it helps with any sort of chocolate cravings I may have. I do have days where I have to force myself to eat because I am not hungry and I don't crave food, but it helps a lot to remember that when I don't eat enough it affects my weight loss. Good luck to you! :D Oh, also...I get on pinterest when I want to try something new and want a meal and I look up WLS recipes and things like that. Tons and tons of good ideas for healthy foods for wls patients on there!!!

  9. My pre op diet was only 3 days of fruitless yogurt and Water. Obviously I don't recommend straying from your doctor's pre op diet orders, but I did mine in 3 days, so whatever your doc recommends will work. As Kitklass mentioned...if you stick with your pre-op diet you will do great! :D Good luck to you! God bless!

  10. Just try to keep your eye on the prize. There are times right after surgery that are going to be sore and you may even second guess your decision. Just remember that it is 100% normal. In all of my research that I did I never saw anyone that regretted their decision in the end. I had my regrets right after mostly out of fear. It does go away and it gets so much better than you could have ever imagined! I am only 2 months and 4 days post op and I am so pleasantly surprised! No amount of research is going to truly prepare you for the surgery because everyone's journey is different. I remember being terrified walking into the operating room, but I am now 56 pounds down 2 months out. I am at a weight that I haven't seen in years and I am happier than I have been in a long time. We have neglected ourselves for too long...we have put ourselves on the back burner while we take care of our kids and husbands and just life in general. It is time that you do this for yourself! You are going to become a healthier you and you won't regret it! Try your best to push all of your fears aside and keep reminding yourself that you are doing this to better yourself and your health. Picture yourself smaller and healthier. I have never liked to exercise...I tried a lot and I always failed. Lugging around a lot of extra weight just made working out miserable. I saw so many people saying how much they loved to workout now and I, of course, had hopes of doing the same, but my expectations for that were low. I have gotten to the point now where I workout off and on throughout my day. I am very active. I don't have those crazy strong cravings anymore, either. I would crave food so strongly that I would leave my house at 10 at night to go grab a big mac because I saw a commercial on the TV. I don't have that issue anymore. It is amazing how much this surgery has changed in my life in my two short months post op! I'm not saying that these things will happen for you...it isn't guaranteed that you will have drive to work your butt off, but I'll tell you seeing those numbers on the scale getting smaller and smaller will make you want to get up and move! I hit a stall earlier this month and I knew I had to do something. I began working out and the weight jumped ship. I know you will do amazing and you are going to be so happy with your new healthier body and lifestyle! I will keep you in my prayers! God bless you! Keep us posted on your awesome progress that is to come!

  11. When I weighed today I was 164 pounds! I weighed 220 pounds starting out and I am 5'2", and so my BMI was 40.23. I was in the "morbidly obese" category. I am so happy to say that my BMI is now 29.99! I am still overweight, but no longer obese. Was anyone else this happy to be overweight??? LOL! I feel kind of crazy being this happy, but I am down to a number that I haven't seen since I was 16 or 17 years old! Can't wait to be in the "normal" range! I am only 14 pounds til my first weight loss goal of 150. It is so weird being where I am, though. I never could see myself losing the weight before surgery. I just didn't feel like it was possible and I thought I would be big forever. Even after surgery I felt like I may lose a little weight, but it was so hard to believe that something like this would happen to me! I am more than happy with my surgery! Best thing I ever did for myself hands down! :P I carry most of my weight in my belly and back...I started losing the weight in my legs and stuff first...can't wait to get rid of my belly so that I can shop at Papayas and just fit into smaller shirts! I started my measurements four days post op. I wish I would have thought about measuring the day before, but unfortunately I missed that opportunity. Here are my measurements before and today:

    November 24th, 2013: January 24th, 2014:

    Arms: Left - 15 inches Right - 14.5 inches Arms: Left - 14 inches Right - 14 inches

    Breasts/Chest: 51 inches Breasts/Chest: 45.5 inches

    Belly Button: 47.5 inches Belly Button: 41 inches

    Hips: 41 inches Hips: 38 inches

    Butt: 42 inches Butt: 38.75 inches

    Under Breast/Ribs: 41 inches Under Breasts/Ribs: 37 inches

    Waist: 46 inches Waist: 39 inches

    Thigh: Left - 24 inches Right - 24.5 inches Thighs: Left - 22 inches Right - 21.75 inches

    Calf: Left - 15 inches Right - 14.5 inches Calf: Left - 14 inches Right - 14 inches

    TOTAL INCHES LOST- 36.75 inches :lol: Yay

    post-195264-0-53316900-1390639945_thumb.jpg post-195264-0-69294800-1390640035_thumb.jpg post-195264-0-75808000-1390640097_thumb.png

  12. When I weighed today I was 164 pounds! I weighed 220 pounds starting out and I am 5'2", and so my BMI was 40.23. I was in the "morbidly obese" category. I am so happy to say that my BMI is now 29.99! I am still overweight, but no longer obese. Was anyone else this happy to be overweight??? LOL! I feel kind of crazy being this happy, but I am down to a number that I haven't seen since I was 16 or 17 years old! Can't wait to be in the "normal" range! I am only 14 pounds til my first weight loss goal of 150. It is so weird being where I am, though. I never could see myself losing the weight before surgery. I just didn't feel like it was possible and I thought I would be big forever. Even after surgery I felt like I may lose a little weight, but it was so hard to believe that something like this would happen to me! I am more than happy with my surgery! Best thing I ever did for myself hands down! :P I carry most of my weight in my belly and back...I started losing the weight in my legs and stuff first...can't wait to get rid of my belly so that I can shop at Papayas and just fit into smaller shirts! I started my measurements four days post op. I wish I would have thought about measuring the day before, but unfortunately I missed that opportunity. Here are my measurements before and today:

    November 24th, 2013: January 24th, 2014:

    Arms: Left - 15 inches Right - 14.5 inches Arms: Left - 14 inches Right - 14 inches

    Breasts/Chest: 51 inches Breasts/Chest: 45.5 inches

    Belly Button: 47.5 inches Belly Button: 41 inches

    Hips: 41 inches Hips: 38 inches

    Butt: 42 inches Butt: 38.75 inches

    Under Breast/Ribs: 41 inches Under Breasts/Ribs: 37 inches

    Waist: 46 inches Waist: 39 inches

    Thigh: Left - 24 inches Right - 24.5 inches Thighs: Left - 22 inches Right - 21.75 inches

    Calf: Left - 15 inches Right - 14.5 inches Calf: Left - 14 inches Right - 14 inches

    TOTAL INCHES LOST- 36.75 inches :lol: Yay

    post-195264-0-53316900-1390639945_thumb.jpg post-195264-0-69294800-1390640035_thumb.jpg post-195264-0-75808000-1390640097_thumb.png

  13. https://www.facebook.com/#!/TrishyLupz?fref=ts

    This is my coordinator's website. More of a personal look into her as a person. dr. ponce de leon isn't the best in English, but he always has someone with him (mostly Trish) to talk. He is very nice and he took a picture of my stomach once it was taken out too. I gave him my camera and asked for one pic of my stomach and I got several pictures of my stomach once it was out, and then a picture of me laying on the bed during the actual surgery which was pretty cool of them!

  14. I am so sorry it took me so long to respond! I paid $5,200 for mine. But, I also paid $500 for using my coordintor Trish. She comes in every single day and makes sure that you are happy and have everything you need. She talked to the doctors for me if I needed anything and would tell the nurses things I needed done. She would bring my Mom food and took us out to "eat" and shop around. She even brought me this adorable gift basket with different little things like tea, chapstick, little hearts and things, a balloon, a mug, and an absolutely adorable goal T-shit! I got my DVD with the surgery on it which was AWESOME! When I talked to her I told her that I found a place advertising dr. ponce de leon for much cheaper and she said that there are several websites out there that say big named surgeons doing it for a cheaper price, but a lot of the time they will use a cheaper doctor. But, that definitely isn't to say that that is the case! I can see someone paying around that much for it. Trish also arranged our pick up to bring us across the boarder straight to the hospital and from the hospital back to the US airport. She also arranged our hotel "La Cerna" I think it was? So, we did get more going through her than we would have without. It is a little more, but I would do it again and again through him. He was wonderful and he took excellent care of me. Are you going to a recovery house after you leave the hospital or do y'all just go straight home or a hotel? Is that included in your cost? Also, I don't know if I mentioned, but the airplane ride back home didn't affect my stomach at all. That was a concern of mine, but I had no issues there (aside from a severe ear ache LOL).

  15. Hi there...while i did not go to this specific doctor, i did go to Mexico. My doctor was dr. Ponce de leon. He was wonderful! As soon as I arrived at the hospital (8 am) i was shown to my room, given my hospital gown and put on my leggings and shoes. The leggings given are super tight white things that go all the way up to the tip top of your thigh. They stay over your foot like foot pajamas, but there is an odd/uncomfortable hole that goes at the bottom of your foot. I had to wear mine for most of my stay as they help prevent blood clots. The "shoes" are the blue slippers that usually cover your shoes that are provided when you are accompanying someone having surgery. They took some blood to do a few tests and did an EKG. I waited for my results. I had my IV put in. I had to answer some questions (some were quite odd) and got to meet my surgeon and ask whatever questions i may have. Before I knew it I was told to get in my wheel chair. I was wheeled up to the door of the operating room. I opened the door and it was bright and a little scary. The nice staff helped me get on the table and as soon as i laid back they put the sleeping juice into my iv. It stung and so the guy rubbed my hand until i passed out. I woke up a few times in the recovery room. Then i woke up in my room. I slept here and there through the pain. I was very shocked by the pains of the first day. I had read that the gas pains hurt, but i have never had gas in my upper body so i ignored it and just prepared myself for stomach gas, incision pain, and interior stomach pain. I had two c sections so i expected the burn that you feel afterwards. I had absolutely no pain inside of my stomach. I had severe gas pains in my shoulders, chest, breasts, and upper back. (My back still aches and it never did before.) But that may go away with time. The first day was excrutiating and only from gas. Incisions were barely sore second day alone. I was great after first day. Tailbone hurt for the first two weeks no matter how many pillows i sat on. I got nauseous once and threw up one mouthful of blood and was fine. I have four small incisions and a draintube. My tube was stuck behind my ribs so whenever i would breathe in it would cause discomfort and made it difficult to breathe. Having my tube removed hurt because I had to breathe in while it was being pulled out and when i breathe in is when i feel it behind my ribs. Now...let me take a sec to mention that a heating pad will be the best thing you could pack for the gas! That and comfy house shoes and a robe to cover your bottom while roaming the halls are the main things needed. I stayed in hospital for three days/two nights. And then the hotel last night (hotel was amazingly beautiful!) No drinks until the last day at the hospital. Now for the leaks. Dr. Ponce I am told does a quick leak test during surgery before closing you up. On the second day i had to stand between two round xray machines and was given a small cup of clear liquid. I had to take a small swallow then wait thirty seconds and take another one. I ended up getting too big of a mouthful so i just swallowed half and waited a few seconda and swallowed the rest. You get to see the liquid go down your throat and into your sleeve and then it quickly movea into your intestines. It tasted like the stomach acid you throw up in the morning on an empty stomach! Totally nasty, but you don't have to drink much. However, because you can't drink anything to rid your mouth of the taste it does stay for a little while. I had no leak! Yay! Then on the last day at the hospital i did my last leak test (and this is where the drain tube came in) i was given a small cup of a blue Fluid. I had to drink the entire fluid (yuck!) It took me 2.5 hours to drink and, while not as bad as the other drink, it was disgusting. While in my mouth it tasted like Water, but when you swallow it, it turns to this disgusting flavor! Over the next few hours you watch the drain pouch to make sure none of this blue dye goes into it. No leaks! Lots of leak tests were performed by my doc so i was happy. (another side note...bring jammies with pockets so you can put your drain into it. While walking the halls you have to push the poll with fluids and then you have to use the other hand to hold your drain. I just put mine into my pocket and it made it more convenient.) I was also given a video of my surgery taking place on the inside. I watched it and i found it conpletely fascinating! After i had the blue dye i was given nasty tea and apple juice. Then in the hotel i got the best broth ever! I will also admit that the first week after surgery i had these regrets. Every morning i would wake up and remind myself it was done and thinking about how permanent it was and "oh my word what did i do?" I was terrified! But i am now one month and 19 days post op and down 50 pounds! I am very happy i had it done! Staff at INT hospital were great and my coordinator trish was awesome! No rags were provided at hospital but tiny shampoos and conditioner and soap were. Your iv cord is removed from the iv port in your hand so that you can shower and put on your jammies or whatever clothes you choose to bring. I strongly recommend that you check into dr. jaime ponce de leon in Tijuana if you are going to mexico. I did tons of research before hand and was super impressed that i found no negative reviews on him...you get a video of the surgery...the hospital was nice (i saw a youtube video with pics), trish is amazing and comes in to help with anything you need, it was an amazing experience. I would check him out at least. IF you have any questions just ask! I tried to cover everything. You do get to meet with a nutritionist and my pre op diet was just 3 days of yogurt and water. I apologize for the many typos but i am doing this from my cell! LOl good luck! Oh and you do get pain meds in your iv and then at night a shot in your shoulder for pain and to help sleep. I have a phobia of needles. They actually woke me up to give me the shot in my shoulder to help me sleep and help with pain which did annoy me as i was asleep so i had no pain and didnt need help sleeping. Also the shot hurt so badly and it had the opposite affect as i had a hard time falling asleep afterwards so i opted out of it the next night. I also opted out of the pain shots in my iv on the last day because they burned and i was not hurting (or at least not until i got the shot lol). I was also being given nausea meds but i would only feel nauseous after receiving the meds so i decided to not get those either. That was completely on me, though, and i decided to do this after paying attention to my body and how it was reacting to everything. I personally handled things much easier med free.

  16. I didn't have a breathing tube or a feeding tube when I woke up. I had an I.V. in my hand and a drain tube hanging from my stomach and that is it. I had two c-sections as well. The pain for me was very different. With the c-section my stomach burned and it was really painful. With the sleeve I had horrible gas pain in my chest, shoulders, and upper back. And these pains were pretty severe. But the gas pain was horrible the first day/day and a half. After that it was fine. My incisions didn't hurt, my stomach on the inside didn't hurt, and if it wasn't for the gas pain, I would have been relatively pain free. C-Section was much worse in my opinion, but the two pains are completely different, so it is pretty hard to compare the two. You really should be fine unless you have breathing problems to begin with. As Jensnewjourney mentioned...I would just bring it up during the meeting with your nurse/surgeon. You will do great and it will be the best decision you ever made! Lots of scary information out there, but it all ends up being wonderful and life changing! Good luck to you! <3

  17. I have experienced something similar. At first sometimes when I ate my food would spill from my mouth. I wouldn't gag and my stomach wouldn't convulse or any of the stuff you do when you throw up. The food would just simply slowly rise back up my throat and I would open my mouth and it would come out. However, here recently I began experiencing pain in my lower throat/chest area mostly after I eat. It feels almost like I swallowed a rock. And sometimes throwing up accompanies this feeling and other times it doesn't. I noticed that I haven't been spreading my meal out...I still catch myself eating a little quicker than I should and I think that has a lot to do with it for me. I have been eating slower and I notice it is't happening as often (the chest pain included). I would go see a doc as well. I am still going to go see mine Tuesday just to make sure nothing more severe is going on. I also have bad heartburn and another sleever suggested it could be gerd, so I want to make sure that if that is the case I can get some treatment. Good luck to you! :D

  18. I have always had heartburn here and there. I am going to see my doc, but I can't get in until Tuesday for my appointment. May go to E.R., but prefer to see my doc that knows about my surgery and all and don't have to re-explain all. We'll see. My sister is a nurse and she thinks it's probably GERD. Thank y'all for the advice!!! I appreciate it! I definitely need to get this figured out and get it fixed or get meds because it does not feel good!

  19. I am only a month and a half out, but I will say that the first solid month I lost 40 pounds. Just dropped with no work...nothing. Just poof. But now I have noticed that the loss has slowed down unless I workout. I started working out and not only has my weight loss started back up, but I also feel better and have more energy!

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