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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by finallythin

  1. Beginning cardio. Off to the gym 4 times so far! One month out and down 27 or so lbs. Feeling like I should've lost more...but honestly couldn't have lost this much weight without pre-op diet & surgery. I know I could be making better food choices. Plan to exercise 3-5 days a week.

  2. I'm over a month post-sleeve, and I get a distinct pain when I take a deep breath after I've eaten to the point of feeling full. I'm trying to learn not to push it to that point....but having just started eating some normal foods again, I am learning all over again how to read my own fullness signs. Frustrating. I think it's gas....because after a few burps (they are hard to get out!), I'm feeling MUCH better. An hour later, a million bucks. Two hours later, could eat all over again. Test driving this new tiny tummy....loving it; just confused about the pain when I breathe after a full (little) belly. Fills up so dang fast!!! I just get started eating and I'm already done. Lol

    has anyone else experienced this type of feeling after eating until you are full?

  3. Nmjg I couldn't agree with you more! I chose to tell my husband, his mom and my very best friend. No one else knows not even my 4 kids. I just said I was having hernia repair surgery (still have to get that after I reach my goal weight) and doc told me most of his patients who choose to keep it private just say they're eating less these days. Lol I like losing weight without drama from others!

  4. Hi all. I read most of the above comments and wanted to jump on the bandwagon of Jan sleevers! I had my sleeve surgery on Jan 23rd and all is really well! Best of luck to everyone and hope we can all stay in touch throughout our first year journey post-op. Ready to kick ass and get into shape!!

  5. Hello Lynn2win, hope all is well. Things for me are night and day from my last post. I've dropped 8 lbs since surgery last week. No more pain. It was only in the very beginning after the surgery. The staff at UC were awesome and kept me pain-free until my discharge the next day. I met with Dr. Angela Fitch. No you won't see Dr. Watkins yet. At least I didn't. Prepare to get an EKG. I wasn't sure what Dr. Fitch's role was. Seemed a little interrogating...but maybe that's her job?? To make sure we're ready? ?? Well I'll be praying for you to have a smooth journey ahead. I saw Dr. Fitch in Oct, Dr. Watkins in Nov, and by Dec 15th, my insurance approved me and lastly got my surgery date in Jan. Should be moving pretty quickly for you now!! Excited for you.

  6. My jorney update: Day 6 post-op. I can identify with feelings of swollen belly, doing things around house I probably shouldn't, and size 20's. I have only weighed once since surgery and have lost 5 lbs. Used to take me a month to lose that on Weight Watchers. Kudos to great minds who think alike on our decision to get healthy and feel/look better!! Getting in 2 shakes a day. Lots of other clear fluids. My nurse yesterday said just stay hydrated. Hang in there, fellow friends & sleevers. Spring will be here before we know it! :) hugs!

  7. Hi michelev97,

    Yes I agree! Thanks for advice...needed desperately right now. Guess I had some "head hunger" today. I found myself standing in front of my wide-open refrigerator.... eyeballing the contents. Wish I could get rid of the feeling of needing to eat anytime I feel like it.

    I did try some hot cocoa and some cream of chicken Protein Drinks. They are tolerable. ;) thanks again.

  8. Hi Suko67,

    You made a huge transition! You look awesome. Beautiful, both before & after surgery. ;) Thanks for your testimony. I need a little support. I can't drink liquids without experiencing pain in my sleeve. I'm still freshly out of surgery, at just 4 days post-op, but worried. I passed the bariatric swallow test and also suffered some nausea. Water even hurts! Feeling sad... but still no buyer's remorse on the surgery. Please keep me in your prayers for easier digestion/no pain.

    It's early days and I found the first couple of weeks were the worst. It will get easier drinking, your stomach is numb, raw and swollen and I promise it will ease off as it settles down.

    Persevere with getting Water in, Protein second - and try to keep moving.

    Congratulations on the surgery, hope it goes well for you :-)

  9. Water even hurts! Feeling sad... but still no buyer's remorse on the surgery. Please keep me in your prayers for easier digestion/no pain.

    This too shall pass!

    It was 4 months before I could drink Water without feeling like someone tossed a rock in a pond to create waves in the water.

    I kept trying each day with a few sips and finally it just happened. Now I can pretty much drink as before surgery. Was not sure it was going to be that way again since it took so long.

    I had no problem drinking hot Decaf coffee or tea but could not do room temp (my usual) or iced beverages.

    Weird but didn't want you too think it was permanent!

    Good luck with your journey!

  10. Hello. I'm hoping that this pain will subside once I begin healing better. I'm experiencing pain in my sleeve as water/protein shake sips come into contact with the new tiny tummy. It frightens me, but I passed the bariatric swallow test the day after surgery, so I feel weird contacting my doctor. I'm still sore and freshly sleeved/swollen. Maybe I'll give it a few more days. I was surprised this morning to be 5 lbs down from my pre-surgery weight. But it's a serious challenge to get Water and/or Protein Shakes down without pain. Any helpful advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

  11. Hi Suko67,

    You made a huge transition! You look awesome. Beautiful, both before & after surgery. ;) Thanks for your testimony. I need a little support. I can't drink liquids without experiencing pain in my sleeve. I'm still freshly out of surgery, at just 4 days post-op, but worried. I passed the bariatric swallow test and also suffered some nausea. Water even hurts! Feeling sad... but still no buyer's remorse on the surgery. Please keep me in your prayers for easier digestion/no pain.

  12. Hi. I was sleeved on Wed 1/22. I am still very sore inside and got 6 little incisions on my torso. I can barely drink anything and it hurts inside my sleeve once liquid comes into contact. I just keep trying to sleep. Yesterday I slept 9 hrs straight. Wow. With a family of 6, that's a rarity. Anybody else suffering from pain when liquid enters sleeve? Realize I'm only 4 days post-op. Just sad.

  13. I'm back to days from surgery. Things are a little worse than I would have expected. Everytime i drink liquids it settles in my sleeve and it hurts. I know I just had surgery so some of this is probably still fresh ones, but I hope the pain subsides cause I can't stand it. They only gave me liquid ibuprofen which is nasty, because I get sick with vicodin, percocet or any other high-strength codeine painkiller. It's all hopefully temporary. I haven't weighed myself but I'd lost 18 lbs on the 2-week pre-op diet. I'm still very happy I had the surgery...no buyer's remorse here. Anyone else experience pain in their sleeve after drinking liquids?

  14. I had my surgery a couple of days ago. I am suffering from sleeve pain...only when I drink shakes/liquids. I can feel the liquid in my sleeve (weirdest feeling). It hurts when it first comes into contact with the bottom of my sleeve. Even drinking Water hurts! I hope this pain subsides when I drink anything. My hubby reminded me that I am just out of surgery, & that I'll need time to heal. Anybody else have this feeling after surgery?

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