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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Susysleever

  1. I live in Phoenix. So I'm gonna hit Cancun after some if this fat melts. It's really nice there.
  2. I am planning in using Dr. E. Ortiz at Mi Hospital. Do several surgeons share this hospital?
  3. Realizing that Jenny Craig cant keep the weight off...and costs as much as a Mexican sleeve.
  4. Susysleever

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    Good use of gently used clothing
  5. Susysleever

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    Lol. Boobs in another zip code.
  6. I dont want to wait six months. Wouldn't six month worth of results be better. I'm bipolar. Stable but still. Not 40 bmi. Makes no sense to gain to lose. Psych eval..really? Two sleep studies as if I sleep differently? And after all that fight insurance and maybe approved? I want to Git er Done.
  7. Susysleever

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    the best way to start is start with some good underwear and bras that fit and maybe some Spanx. go ahead and watch TLC's What Not to Wear. no grandma jeans. no white briefs. we want sexy stuff now. Checkout the Christmas ads. Goid luck
  8. You tipped Dr. Ortiz? Wow. Not American
  9. You tipped Dr. Ortiz? Wow. Not American
  10. Susysleever

    Why I'm Going To Mexico

    Trying not to pay now. They would rather pay for a heart attack and stroke both silent killers
  11. My daughters shrink suggests fish oil. He told us that if you freeze the capsules it helps to get rid of the fish burps.
  12. Susysleever

    Why I'm Going To Mexico

    So glad it went well for you. I dont understand why they wont treat obesity as aggresively as a stroke or heart disease. They can all kill you.
  13. Susysleever

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Worked in a Bariatric Unit!!!!!
  14. Susysleever

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    Hi. Ive been a bsn since 1980. I worked Picu for 10 years. Some registry. Then school nurse x 18 years. Nicer schedule with kids. I bailed out for early retirement as finally diagnosed bpd emerged. Having poor cognitive skills and even poorer memory. Waiting on ssdi approval. Five hosp in last year. Ugh. now i want to take care of me and lose it and make it stay away.
  15. Susysleever

    Any Az sleevers?

    Hi. Has anyone heard of mercycares approval rate or if it takes six months of physician supervised wls consults. I have been waiting two years for my ssdi. Still havent been approve. So I'm so frustrated waiting that I just want to go to mexico and be done.
  16. Susysleever

    Just received a verbal beating...

    I'm planning a trip to TJ. I'm going with my bff who is also a RN. It will be a girls trip. Mom, daughter and husband will not know the plan. I don't want drama.
  17. Susysleever

    Why I'm Going To Mexico

    I have started the process through A Lighter Me. Good to hear that things went well for you. What were your thoughts on Dr. Ortiz? It seems to me that the doctors transfer around a lot.
  18. Susysleever

    Clonazepam & wellbutrin

    Depressed in a size 8. I'll pop a lithium and suck it up
  19. Susysleever

    You work all your life & get screw

    I got a ssa only lawyer cuz I can't afford to lose. We are down to foid stamps and living with my mom. It is two years this month. Medicaid just gave me insurance so its hopeful that ssdi will be granted ( yes MY money will be given back to me. Old FICA)
  20. Susysleever

    losing myself

    The cognitive behavioral guru is Dr. Burns. I got his book and found that most of the way I'm thinking is wrong...specifically black and white thinking. You can probably read excerpts
  21. It seems that there are lots if people debanding to sleeving. I would like to know why the band is out.
  22. Susysleever


    Water aerobics ?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
