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Posts posted by 1Day1Life4Now

  1. I also had the revision from sleeve to RNY. you won't lose weight like you did after your first surgery. i was told i'd lose some but not a lot like i did before and that has been the case. At first it felt like i had no restriction but as time went by the restriction came back. Give yourself some time, you are still recovering from surgery. Keep doing the diet and the weifht will come out.

  2. @MBird, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and your family during this difficult time. Try to stay positive and have faith in the medical community that God will give them the knowledge and skill they need to bring your dad to complete recovery. Your surgery will be awesome and you will do wonderfully. Have a little faith.

  3. Hi Katriena, welcome. This is as good a place to introduce yourself as any. I'm from Mississippi, married and still working. I had my RNY in November and I'm doing well but still struggling with what to eat. This is a great site and have found a lot of help and support here. I hope you will have the same positive experiences, Drop in on any discussion and you will meet folks.


  4. i'm a little over 5 months post surgery. I'm still struggling with what to eat. For Breakfast I eat a hard boiled egg and a yogurt or a scrambled egg. Sometimes I'll eat a little fruit. For lunch its usually a Protein Drink, a salad with broiled chicken, chili from Wendys or sliced turkey wrapped with cheese . For Supper its usually shrimp or talapia or tuna . I don't have a lot of variation simply because its so hard to swallow certain things and I don't want to waste my money, I often fall back to the Protein Drinks simply to get in my Protein and it just makes everything simple. I haven't tried the Peanut Butter powder but may do some very soon.

  5. Regardless of where you go for surgery, I highly encourage that you go for it. I was borderline diabetic, had sleep apnea, arthritis pain, severe reflux and miserable with my weight but had the surgery and I've become a new woman. Everything now is under control and I take no medications other than the protonix for acid. The restriction makes you rethink your eating chioces and the weight loss just makes you feel so darn good. Go for it but do your research first.

    Color me satisfied.

  6. Hi, I had my Sleeve in February of 2014 but then had my revision to bypass this past November. The surgery was a little bit more difficult to get over but I was several years older too. Unfortunately, it did not cure my reflux. It's not as bad but I still have it and I'm still having to take protonix. I've lost a little more weight but not a lot. I still have 30 pounds to go so hoping this will come off soon. With the Sleeve I never got sick, i just had restrictive ability to eat. With the bypass I will get sick if I eat anything I'm not supposed to eat like bread, chicken skin and any kind of beef. It's much harder to get my Protein in because eating meat is so difficult now. I miss my sleeve.

  7. Congratulations on your weight loss. You have lost a tremendous amount of weight and you look so much younger. Great job. Keep up the hard work and you will be at goal before you know it. Your clothes are really cute too so I know you are enjoying the shopping aspect more.

  8. I am a very private person so I didn't choose to share with anybody except my husband and daughter and I asked them not to share with anybody. Unfortunately they have overshared with multiple people against my wishes. My husband was against the surgery and I'd been researching it for a number of years. I let him talk me out of it several times. I finally got fed up and decided I was having the surgery, regardless of his feelings. Its been wonderful and just wish I had done it sooner. When people notice you have lost weight they want to ask you questions about how you did it and what you eat etc.... The continuous comments about my weight really bother me because my life is so much more that my weight loss. Anyway, it's always your choice and your business about how you go about your weight loss. Share if you want to but if you dont want to....then keep it your little secret. I just didn't want to be judged or have people make comments if I cheat or if I'm not eating something. Life and weight loss is already difficult enough, I don't need them "weighing in" on my business.

  9. 2 hours ago, Sandy Johnson said:

    Is there a reason all posts that are about just about anything are being posted in the post about a death at ALM? This question is posed to you Alex. You're obviously wanting to keep this garbage alive for your own profit. Everyone knows it. I've received TONS of emails directing me to this topic.

    Unless you verify your information and/or name your sources you are acting recklessly and I'm not going to stand by and do nothing! (Even though I'm pretty sure who you got this from by the way the story is being told)

    Again if anyone wants the REAL story, go to our Facebook page or give me a call.

    I went to the ALM facebook page to get the other side of the story and there was nothing posted there about the story at all. I have to believe what Alex is telling us to be true, unless you can provide us with some other information. Those of us that have already had surgery are fine but there is no way I'd support a friend going there unless there is some transparency and information sharing.

  10. This just breaks my heart. I know the desperation she must have felt to go out of country for the surgery but sometimes it just isn't worth it. After care is so important for recovery and you don't get that if surgery is out of country. Of course there are always risks regardless of where its done. I just pray that this child has not been too terribly traumatized by all of this. I will keep this child and her family in my prayers.

  11. @2-Liter, It will all be worth it in the end. When you are able to walk 3 or 4 miles without stopping to rest, when you buy clothes in a normal store with lots of selections, when you don't have to struggle out of a soft squishy chair, you can bend over and tie your shoe laces, when you can bend over and pick stuff off the floor without having a crane pick you up....... well, you get the picture.... it will be so worth it. Being healthy feels so much better than what anything on Isle 9 might taste like. You have will power and determination and you will make it. Good luck and I'll see you on the losers bench after surgery.

  12. Hi MelodySG,

    I think it is normal to be undecided because this is a very serious and life changing procedure. If you have struggled with your weight and losing does not come easy for you then surgery may be the way to go but you must be fully committed to it if you do decide to go this route. I have had the sleeve and the bypass so I am familiar with both. (long story) The Sleeve is definitely a lot easier so since you don't really have that much to lose you might seriously consider that route. The surgery is affective and you will lose weight but there are lots of rules to follow and if you are not a rule follower you might not want to do this. Good luck to you.

    I am sooo happy I had my surgery... I wouldn't change it for the world. Happy and still losing.

  13. I started writing my response to your post and I had to erase it all. I could never have stated my thoughts as eloquently or as thoroughly as @James Marusek did. Everything he said is absolutely the gospel truth and you should all follow his advice to the T. Be patient with yourself and concentrate on those liquids. I absolutely hate Water but I do drink it. I have to buy the Spring Water as it just has a better taste and I use Crystal Light, sugar free Kool Aid Drops, and Grape and Orange Crush packets. It makes the water taste wonderful and I don't feel deprived. You can even add some powdered Protein into the flavored water. I have to have mine very cold to drink it but I hear others like it room temperature. There is no one size fits all when it comes to the meal plan. We all progress at our own speed. I still love the Premier Protein shakes. 30 grams of Protein per shake and they come in so many flavors. I love all of them. Good luck to you and don't be so hard on yourself.

  14. I started sciatica about 2 weeks before my surgery. The pain got increasingly worse after surgery and I'm still in pain. Its been almost 3 1/2 months. I gone to the chiropractor, I've had accupuncture, massage, steroids and shots in my back. It is horrible and nothing seems to help. The Orthopedic says I have a bulging disk that is pressing on the nerve and that I will have to have surgery to repair it to make the pain go away. The nerve pain in my buttocks and left leg are excruciating and though I don't want to have surgery... I may just do it . I need some relief. I hope you can get yours to a manageable level or maybe have surgery. I wish all of you ladies that are having pain to get help and get better.

  15. @curlysue86, I understand exactly what you are talking about. I'm having some difficulties with taking my

    Vitamins and getting in my Water and Protein. It is definitely hard. I am 3 months post op with my GB and I am struggling. I had the sleeve 3 years ago but because of severe reflux I had to have a revision to GB. I did great with the sleeve and never had any problems so I thought I could breeze right through the GB. Well, not so. The GB is 10 times more difficult. I still can't eat meat and there are only a few vegetables that I can keep down. If it weren't for the Protein shakes and Soup I'd be in trouble. I hate swallowing pills so I have been terrible at taking my Vitamins and I can tell a difference in how I feel, and its not good. My skin is so dry... even moisturizer doesn't help that much. I need to drink more Water. I've bought some more vitamins and I plan on getting back on a plan so I'll be healthy. The weight is coming off but it's so difficult to eat and there are so many times the meals just don't agree with me and I end up throwing everything up. I never ever did that with the sleeve. Hang in there and we will all get through this . We must remember that this is not a diet... it's a life style.

  16. Everyone is nervous so don't worry about that aspect. If you have faith in your doctor, then be confident that all will go as planned and you will be just fine, They will take care of you in the hospital and show you what you need to do. Keep reading the info they gave you and follow the rules and all will be well. Good luck and see you on the "loser's bench"

  17. I had the sleeve in Feb 2014, I lost from 267 to 198. I had horrible reflux and I gained to 215. On Nov 14, 2016 I had a conversion to the RNY. in the 9 weeks I've lost down to 190 with is about 25 pounds. It has gotten rid of the reflux for the most part and I feel better in that regard. Its more difficult to eat than it was with the sleeve but then it's a more difficult surgery and I'm 3 years older than I was with the sleeve. I'm having good results but I find it more difficult to come up with foods I can eat. I know further out it will get easier but its difficult going through the process.

  18. Different parts of your body heal at different rates. Are you sure you haven't pulled something? That left side takes awhile to heal because that is where they did the most tugging and pulling . If you are not able to get around because of the pain you should either call or go see your surgeon to make sure something else isn't wrong. Sometimes it could be your gallbladder .... if you haven't had it out already. Have you been nauseous too? If it were me I'd get it checked out. Increasing pain doesn't sound normal.

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