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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kjuneau

  1. Want to share an updated pic. My 5 month postop date was March 7th. I took a pic that day So happy for the progress in this amount of time. The loss is steady. It doesn't feel like it's too much in a short amount of time. It seems to be about 3ish lbs weekly with a random week here or there where I lost 5 or 6 (mainly while I had a cold for a month). :)

    Way to go "B2B"! You look fantastic! I am happy and proud of you!

  2. I'm so glad my posts helped. I'm happy to say too I am now nearing the 100lbs lost mark from my highest weight (5lbs to go!!). I remember looking at that weight ticker wanting to cry thinking how long it would take to get to my first goal of 220lbs. Now I'm 18lbs from that goal!! It's absolutely insane! I'm sitting here with my legs crossed which I started doing a couple months ago after not doing it for years. I'm so happy :) Best decision I will probably ever make in my lifetime. I'll be going back to the OCC in May to get an EGD done. Hopefully Dr Ortiz will be there so I can get another photo for comparison.

    Wow! Congratulations B2B! I am very proud and happy for you! Keep up the good work! You must be thrilled!

  3. OK - here are the pics....I am TWO STINKING POUNDS from my personal goal weight of 145....blew past surgeons goal a few months ago. The last pounds are definitely the most difficult to lose! Started at 237.6 lbs, size 18W (tight) pants, 2XL shirts. Today, 147.1 lbs, size 6 jeans, size medium shirts. Dr. Ortiz and OCC staff gave me the small tummy, but I made the diet and exercise choices to get me where I am today. As the pics show, I LITERALLY lost my a$$ in 2013...lol! It's very exciting for me to follow those who have had surgery to see the changes.

    2013 January To December

    2013 January To December Front

    Very inspirational! Congratulations! I want to be you and I will!!! I am 3 months post op. I WILL get there!!!

  4. So ladies I went to the ED yesterday and of course the ED nurse practitioner started telling me oh it's the time of the year when skin gets dry... blah blah and I wanted to tell her "Lady, I'm Black! All we do is put lotion on!" Anyway, she also mentioned itching can come from a low fat diet and I might need to add more fats to my diet. She did labs and X-rays and gave me IV fluids in addition to nausea meds (lifesaver) and itching meds. The itching meds calmed it down a little, but it still didn't stop! I'm so baffled. She sent me home with Zofran (thank you sweet baby Jesus) and told me to call my surgeon. Last night when I got home I was able to keep some chicken Soup down. I'm calling OCC in the morning. I was thinking of buying extra nausea meds while I was there, and should have. If I need to, I can always drive down there tomorrow. HoosierGirl, I hope your right. I look like the poor dogs I used to see with fleas scratching themselves raw. Its embarrassing and I know I'm making people nervous, but I can't stop! I'm all blotchy red. Now that I know it's nothing serious, I will take my Benadryl and wait until it passes.

    Good to hear you're feeling a bit better. My skin is itchy too but I put it off to dry winter skin. Low fat makes sense.

    Here's to your full recovery!!

  5. Hey guys! Just wanted to update you on what's up with me since it's so weird. I started itching on Tuesday night- all over (no rash, no new food, I've done nothing different). It wasn't so bad yesterday, but today- Oh my word. I had to use my break to go get Benadryl cream/spray and spent the rest of my shift spraying and slathering myself. I'm scared something is up because I'm so nauseated and I also started having looser stool when the whole time I've been constipated. I took regular Benadryl and started an IV because I know I haven't had enough fluids- or food for that matter. If I don't feel better in the morning, I'll go to the ED tomorrow :( I'm typing and scratching

    I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Hopefully, the doctors will help you. Did you call the clinic?

  6. Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone! I had such a great day. I saw my cousin who I hadn't seen in many years (he happened to be in the area) and I went to my boyfriends moms house as well. Her home at Thanksgiving is a gluttons paradise- literally 40-50+ family members, extended family and friends with buffet style catering dishes with TONS of food. Desserts galore and the liquor flowing. Two men commented on how small my plate was- I told one who's known me for a long time about my surgery. I had even put more on my plate that I knew I wasn't going to eat! I ended up eating turkey with gravy, mac n cheese, dressing, and green Beans and drank Water. Once my boyfriend settled into a game of Madden (?) with his BFF (men), I took the opportunity to go see a friend from that I recently reconnected with who also was nearby (my cousin and an old friend- what luck!). I would never have gone to see her or my cousin at my heaviest. She and I were obsessed with our weight and the gym in college and I would not want her to see me that way and my cousin is SUPER FIT. I was so happy to see her because she's so much fun, and we've also made plans for a Caribbean cruise April 2015! So excited! I'm going to do every excursion/adventure I can and people will probably wonder what kind of drugs I'm on for the whole 12 days I'm going to be running around that ship so much 8) A few people at my boyfriends moms said I looked good and it made me happy but also kind of sad knowing how much I had let myself go. I'm not going to dwell on the past though, and I know no matter what I will never let myself go there EVER AGAIN. I had a great holiday, didn't have alcohol, and even LOST a pound when I weighed myself today! She wins!!! :)

    Happy thanksgiving my friend. Every pound is a victory and a step in the right direction! I'm proud of you.

  7. I also was sleeved on 10/23/13. I am healing up well and going back to work this week. I am so grateful to be on the pureed phase! I started out at 311 and now I am 282. I only weigh myself on Wednesday mornings. I think to much scale hopping can be detrimental to your mind set. I try to follow the 10 Commandments of Bariatric Surgery and remember I am doing this to be healthier not a super model,,,lol.

    What are the 10 commandments of Bariatric Surgery?

  8. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site so I'm very excited to read what you all have to share! Surgery date 08oct13 STarting weight 266 Today's weight 229 Goal... 10 pounds at a time It's bloody cold here in northern Alberta so walking outside is harder now than before. I'm going to get my son to help me set up the wii so I can get back on the exercise that I'm supposed to be doing. Protein intake is good about 80g and my struggle is getting enough Water. Other than that, no complaints and NO REGRETS!

    Hey you!!!! Yay you're here now :)

    took me a while toFigure it out...as you can see by my many entries... Lol

  9. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site so I'm very excited to read what you all have to share! Surgery date 08oct13 STarting weight 266 Today's weight 229 Goal... 10 pounds at a time It's bloody cold here in northern Alberta so walking outside is harder now than before. I'm going to get my son to help me set up the wii so I can get back on the exercise that I'm supposed to be doing. Protein intake is good about 80g and my struggle is getting enough Water. Other than that, no complaints and NO REGRETS!

    Hey you!!!! Yay you're here now :)

    took me a while toFigure it out...as you can see by my many entries... Lol

  10. Lets stay in touch guys, if there is a forum for us already please point me to it, otherwise, I'll start:

    Surgery date: 10/23/13

    Highest weight: 283

    Surgery weight: 277

    Current weight: 271 (1week post op)

    Pre op meds vs post op meds:

    type 2 diabetes pre op-2 insulins 2 pills/

    post op-1 pill only 1/2 the pre surgery dose- still on high cholesterol meds but I suspect that will change after my pcp follow up.

    I am struggling to not get on the scale until my 2 wk post op, 3 days to go I'll keep you guys posted. Gas/constipation is my biggest complaint. Getting down all of my liquids and Protein is my biggest struggle. Staying positive is my biggest accomplishment....

    VSG ON 3....1 2 3 VSG!!!! Let's get it!!!!

    Hi I'm new to this site!

    Surgery date 08 Oct

    SW 266

    Today... 229

    I'm on my way!

  11. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site so I'm very excited to read what you all have to share!

    Surgery date 08oct13

    STarting weight 266

    Today's weight 229

    Goal... 10 pounds at a time

    It's bloody cold here in northern Alberta so walking outside is harder now than before. I'm going to get my son to help me set up the wii so I can get back on the exercise that I'm supposed to be doing. Protein intake is good about 80g and my struggle is getting enough Water. Other than that, no complaints and NO REGRETS!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
