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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sfeiner

  1. sfeiner

    I Was Just Thinking.....

    I think ANY amt of icecream would just slide down.
  2. sfeiner

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    I haven't posted here for awhile because I'm ashamed of my weight loss compared to everyone else. Well I'm happy to say, I finally have restiction and I'm losing. NOW I'm starting to love my band.
  3. Welcome Archer. You've come to the right place. Lots of people here have had simulay experiences. Read as many threads as you can. You'll find them.
  4. Drinking water, tea, coffee or any non cal liquid. Sometines I chew ice chips.
  5. sfeiner

    Freezing Hands/feet?

    I was skinny until I was 30 and I was cold all the time. Never left the house without a sweater. I'd be awake half the night because my feet were so miserably cold. I'm not lookinf forward to that again!
  6. sfeiner

    How does it feel when out with frieds

    Ha Ha I try to avoids those frieds! Seriously, I usually tell them I had a late lunch or some such thing...or you can say you are really trying to lose weight. They probably don't notice as much as you think they do.
  7. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Well I finally after almost 5 mos have restriction!!!! Yeah!!!!! Maybe a bit too much. I got a pill stuck last night and later like a dummy, I thought I could push it down with some yogurt. NOT a good plan. NOT a pretty site. Hope everyone is well.
  8. sfeiner

    Banded March 13th

    Thanks for the update. Get plenty of rest and concentrate on healing...and walk walk sip sip
  9. I think it depends on your life style and age. If you're my age I would say just get the tt. If you are young and want to wear a bikini, get it all.
  10. sfeiner

    Aspects of Blindness

    OK, I have lots of questions and I hope I don't sound too stupid. When you dream do you visulize things or just hear things? If you see in your dreams are they colored? Speaking of color, Do you see any color? If someone says that butter is yellow does that have any meaning to you.? How do you know what clothes go together? How do you know when your food is done, if your didshes are clean, if it's raining or snowing before you go outside? Do you ever wear mismatched socks? I told you I have millions of questions about blindness. Mostly because I'm a nurse for a child that is blind and deaf and severly brain damaged. There is no way to communicate with her and I wonder how she feels in her dark silent world. I'm glad you can hear!
  11. sfeiner

    Help almost out of soup

    Progresso has very low cal soups. I don't know how much protien they have. Why don't you write down the cal, fat, carbs and protien in your optifast soup and try to find something at the supermarket that is as close as possible.
  12. On Biggest loser the other night, Jilian told the group to avoid eating the same thing every day as the body adjusts to a routine and doesn't lose. She said they should eat one high cal meal a week. (I'm sure she didn't mean to pig out) I think I'm going to have ice cream every sunday.
  13. sfeiner

    Bad fat girl....no doughnut.

    How about some of the low cal hot chocalate mix? It doesn't have near as many cals as a protien shake. I think there is a real low cal swiss Miss one.
  14. I always used my flonase. No one ever said not to. I just can't imagine why it would hurt anything. I fact I was told to bring all my inhalers to the hosp. to use there.
  15. Now aren't you proud of yourself? Think how ashamed you would feel if you had given in.
  16. sfeiner

    Onederland Question?

    Like Angie said.
  17. sfeiner

    self sabatoge?

    Well you can always tell yourself that if you get to goal and don't like it , you can just put the weight back on.
  18. sfeiner

    How much restriction from 1st fill?

    I didn't feel any with the first fill and very little with the 2nd. Now with the 4th, I have finally got restriction. But no 2 ppl are alike. No 2 bands are alike! We all have some of the same issues but we can't compare our bands. Can't even compare our own band from one day to the next!
  19. I'm confused about the naners and pears. I thought it was bananas and pears but where does the salt and chocalate come in? I wish some one would invent a reeses cup with 5 calories. I love them!
  20. sfeiner

    Can't give up COFFEE!

    I was told it's a gastric stimulant....would speed up digestion and make you hungrey sooner. I drink it anyway. I need it to support my quaility of life! But I have been slowly cutting down the ratio of caffeinated to decaf. I'm mostly decaf now but still have the real stuff a couple times a week.
  21. I notice quite a few people hate to cook and ask what to eat. I'm included in that bunch. Can we get some ideas of good food that doesn't need much preparation. My favoritea are: low fat string cheese fat free cottage cheese individual fruit cups with no added sugar tuna and salmon mixed with a little light mayo I would love deviled eggs but they need making :thumbdown:
  22. sfeiner

    Biggest Loser

    I'm so happy to learn there was no elimanation. I thought maybe alzheimers was setting in because I couldn't remember who got elimanated last night. I didn't have my mind on it 100% but I thought I should've remembered that!
  23. They should just cut the nerves than carry the hunger pains in the first place. Then none of us would get hungrey...Oh that's right, there's head hunger. Well there must be some nerves up there somewhere too:biggrin:
  24. sfeiner

    First Fill Disaster!!!

    My last fill took several days to kick in. I have no idea why. Asked my Dr yesterday and she said that happens to ppl a lot but no idea why. I got another fill yesterday and felt it imediately. I hope it doesn't get tighten during the next few days. Snowbird, I really admire the way you apoligized. You are a nice person! I wrote a nasty response to someone one day (so afraid of needles they didn't want surgery) and when I hit submit it dissapeared into cyber space. I'm so glad! I would have needed to write an apology!
  25. sfeiner

    That lady at the top.

    I think she is Eve offering the apple to Adam and of course the boob along with the apple..................

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
