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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sfeiner

  1. sfeiner

    Plastic Surgery

    Maybe a tt if I get rashes and medicare pays.....Otherwise no, I don't think so. No guy in my life and I don't want one so why bother? My bikini days are over.
  2. sfeiner

    Banded this morning

    I think it's from the anesthesia. Sleep it off. Don't over-do
  3. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Well aren't you lucky to be sixty so you can join us. LOL We are very happy to have you. Don't be scared about the surgery. It's not that bad. A few days to recover and a few more to get your strength back and you'll be off and running. Are you on your pre surg diet now? Tell us all about yourself.
  4. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi everyone. Where are you all. I need to complain and no one is here to listen! Here's my problem. I was too tight. Couldn't get my meds down and living on liquids. So yesterday I went in and she took 1/2 of my previous fill out....That leaves me with 3.25 in my 4cc band. Went home and had a great meal from the grill last eve....conplete with 2 cookies. Today I'm starving. Just can't get satisfied. NO restriction at all. I just had 2 pieces of raison bread. No problem at all. I guess I was testing the band. So what happened to my saline? Do you think it got pulled into the tubing. I notice every fill I got it took about 3 days to kick in and the only reason I can think of is that it sits in the tubing for awhile. So maybe it's there now and will work it's way to the band. It better! I can't remember when I've been so hungry.
  5. sfeiner

    Full feeling

    My full feeling feels sorta like I need to burp.. Sometimes I actually do and then eat another bite or 2 and then I just know NO MORE FOR ME!
  6. sfeiner

    2nd thoughts

    Well Luu, Part of the wonder of the band is that it helps us keep it off. We still have to eat healthy and take in fewer calories but we do it without being hungry. I think it's normal to have 2nd thoughts. It's hard to know you won't be able to eat to cover feelings anymore. It's like loosing a good friend. But think out it as a friend who is overstaying her welcome and spoiling your life. You will be able to keep your friend but in moderation.
  7. sfeiner

    Mid Ap-ril Banding

    Hi Mary Jo, Sounds like you'll be in band land before you know it. Don't listen to that Dr. Lots of people over 60 have fantastic results. It might take longer for some but we can all get there eventually if we really work the band. Of course you can cheat with ice cream.....if you have it all the time. Yesterday I was at the clinic and this very large woman was there with a McD milk shake, probably about a quart huge. I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking. Later when I was finished getting a small unfill I realized it was almost 3, I hadn't had anything since 8 and I was starving. Guess what I stopped and got? Yeah a McD shake. (But it was the small size. ) Anyway maybe that was all she could to find and had a long trip....or maybe she is just non-compliant. We all have a choice and I think the amt we lose depends on our choices.
  8. sfeiner

    Cant make a decision

    You have to realize that ppl post when they are having problems or are new with questions. There are thousands of ppl who don't post much, if at all because they are doing fine and just going about their life without ever posting. So when you read the boards you will read a lot more about the problems. But read anyway and be sure to look at all the before and after pictures.
  9. sfeiner

    Is the band right for me?

    In my opinion, the band is for people with a lot of patience and a willingness to really work at following the lapband rules. It's not a quick fix but more of a lifetime change. You will still have to watch what you eat very carefully but you won't be feeling hungry so it will be easy (after you have the proper amt of restriction which might take months) If you need to lose a lot fast and don't have much self control, then I wouldn't suggest the band. The by-pass might be better. Hope that helps.
  10. sfeiner

    over sixty seven

    Karen, This is bugging me....what is the S you said you are doing? I looked back a ways and still can't figure it out . Not that it matters, but it's bugging me that I can't figure it out. :shades_smile:
  11. sfeiner

    over sixty seven

    Oh and Fuzzy, you can hang out here too . We will all be happy to talk to you.
  12. sfeiner

    over sixty seven

    Her she is! 01-21-2008, 04:00 PM #1 ekgray Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007 Age: 70 Posts: 26 Seventy or more???? I am a healthy, active 70 and had the lapband on 12 Oct 2007. Not losing any weight, had my first fill Dec 10th. Anybody out there? Need someone to talk to. ekgray __________________ KATHY
  13. sfeiner

    over sixty seven

    Welcome to the site Fuzzywuzzy. You aren't the only one over 70. I will find the other gal and let you know how to contact her.
  14. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Good morning everyone. Lonestar, I think we are all so different as far as feeling back to normal. Usually about a week to get back in the swing of things. The tiredness will probably dramatically decrease as some weight drops off. I noticed right away when I had only lost 10-15 pounds that I felt lighter and got around easier. Nutrition probably plays a big part. Be sure you get lots of protien. Lots of people swear by vit B12. I got some sub lingual tabs otc at walgreens and I think they did perk me up a bit. Keep us posted so we know if you get your groove back:Dancing_biggrin:
  15. sfeiner

    I like this!

    Welcome Dawnie, Don't feel bad about the weather. Our snow is melting but we still have lots of it. I don't know where it's all going to go. I'm too tight right now and debating over to have some removed or try to baby it along and see if it will loosen up with a little time. Such a fickle little gadget we have in us!
  16. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Hey Sunshine! About esophogeal dilation...it's a procdure the Dr does to stretch the esophogus for someone who had trouble swallowing because theirs is too tight. I don't think you could do it to yourself. But then 'm not a Dr... just an old nurse who isn't up on everything.
  17. First, take your pain meds please. Why suffer needlessly. Then do the walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip. Thing. Sip slower and almost constantly when you are awake. 30 min might be too fast for you now. Slow down..tiny sips. As soon as you start to feel any discomfort, stop for awhile and walk. Don't rush anything. I hope you feel better soon. Don't forget to take that pain med.
  18. For me it's protien bullets. I have some with 42 gm of protien. They are fruit flavored. If I'm in the mood I make sugar free jello and use a bullet for 1/2 of the cold water. If I don't feel like jello I just drink 1/2 of the bullet straight up. You can save the other half for later. I don't drink it all because I have heard that the body can only use about 25 gms of protien at a time. I still try to get at least 50 gms from food/day.
  19. Don't worry Tlynn. You are just starting bandster hell. Something we almost all have to go through..The time between starting to feel nowmal and our fills. The hungrey demons come around in full force!
  20. I'm not even sure how much is in my 4cc band but right now it is too much, I had 4 fills, the last on the 11th and every day since then I've been getting tighter. I'm having a terrible time with my meds and got stuch on junior baby food this noon. I hope I don't get any tighter or I will need an unfill. By the way .25 of a cc is about as much as can me measured. There are 5cc in a teaspoon so a cc is not much.
  21. sfeiner

    H. Pylori + Prevpac = SICK!!

    I don't know what that stuff is but I think if it's something your Dr gave you should let him know how sick you are getting. No body should have to go through that.
  22. sfeiner

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Don, Good to hear from you. I hope you don't have to wait much longer for that Center of Excellence to happen. Do you have all your pre surgery tests done? We are thawing here in Wi. Hope we don't get any rain untill it's all melted or we will have a lot of flooding. My grand daughter, her husband and baby are here from Myrtle beach SC and he has never seen snow so he's out playing in it like a kid. Too bad they didn't come a couple weeks ago before it started to melt.
  23. Hi Archer, I'm thrilled to find someone else from this area. I actually live in Baraboo. I haven't been going to Madison for support group since winter started. I will start going when it warms upand the weather gets nicer. I just went and got a fill Tue and have good restriction now. Maybe TOOO good. I'm really tight. I really like the UW clinic. All the staff are nice and very helpful. My only complaint is that it's hard to get a human voice on the phone sometimes. The hospital staff were very nice too and I was very happy with the care. I knew it would be good because I had back surgery there last May. Feel free to ask any questions. You can pm me if you want.
  24. Sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work.
  25. I would have it done but put off the fills until you get back. But you will have to be extremely careful what you eat on the cruise or you will gain back all the weight and maybe more.

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