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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by voodookitty

  1. voodookitty

    Joining the land of Bands

    I'm wishing for Campbells but as a displaced American living in the UK they don't have it or lots of other good things here. I just did a really lazy online order for my groceries to be delivered and added loads of soups. I got out the food processor and the strainer, so I should be able to get out all the bits. I have some lamb bones and bits in my freezer I didnt know what to do with soI think I'll make a big huge pot of soup, process it all and then freeze it in per day servings. The meat should add some good protein and flavor even without the bits and loads of veg that will cook down.
  2. voodookitty

    ACK!!! This cannot be right!

    Thank you for the suggestions, I think it must be totally off because I weighed myself when I came home from work and I had 'gained' another two pounds. I'll see what it says in the morning in my birthday suit and then leave it the heck alone. I have two more days on this diet and on the last two I'm going to take a bunch of senna to try and cleanse my colon for the surgery and stay on completely liquids. I wish I had a Walmart here but I'm in the UK so choices like they offer just don't exist. Thanks so much for the suggestions though, much appreciated. I am due to go back to the states in October to see my mom so I'm going to bring a couple empty suitcases and stock up on a bunch of stuff I can't get here like crystal light and diff protein/vitamin options.
  3. voodookitty

    ACK!!! This cannot be right!

    From what I understand the gas they use to inflate your gut and the liquids will make you gain a few pouinds. Don't worry, it's not REAL poundage. xo
  4. voodookitty

    ACK!!! This cannot be right!

    Thats a good questions and actually I didnt weigh myself before I started the pre-op diet. Once I had my surgery date I did start porking out pretty major though. Guess I won't truly know til they weigh me before the surgery. I called the consulant at my clinic and she told me that non-medical scales that only measure your weight in pounds and not fat/water etc are often off by a good ten pounds on what is your actual weight. I really hope thats the case. Thanks for the encouragement xo
  5. voodookitty

    What Triggered You?

    The last straw for me was when I realized I was even too fat for my biggest "fat" clothes. Knowing by the end of this year I'd be 300lbs and that I was never ever going to lose it by myself.
  6. Just curious, how many shoe sizes have ya'll lost when you had the surgery and started losing. Wondering if it makes that big a difference. When I was slender I wore a size 9, as I gained weight it seemed to progress up until now I have to wear a 10 wide, sometimes an 11 in some. Big fat boat feet! lol
  7. voodookitty

    Shoe sizes...did you lose?

    Thats soo cool! I love toe rings, ankle bracelets, etc just it's been so many years since I could wear them. You must be just thrilled! A whole shoe size and skinny feet, woohoo!!!
  8. voodookitty

    Shoe sizes...did you lose?

    Wow, thats sooo encouraging. I'm so tired of having pig's trotters. It's been two years since I was able to wear heels comfortably and I do soooooo love shoes! It will be nice to dust off the big box of them I have in the attic. Not to mention all the darn clothes I've hung on to.
  9. voodookitty

    Telemetric Easy Band

    I'm having my surgery done on Aug 25th and originally I was interested in the telemetric band. It was more expensive but I figured it was worth it not to have to deal with needles. Once I had my consult they actually talked me out of the telemetric band because they said it really is only effective for higher bmi patients because the band is quite large. My bmi is 41. They did say they would do it if I really wanted it but advised me that I'd likely have better results with a ap band. Thats what I opted for. I've been told it's (the telemetric band) undergoing more tests to improve it. I was pretty impressed they actually advised me to go with the less expensive option as it showed me that they really do want you to have the best result. So many so-called lap band doct out there could care less about after care.
  10. voodookitty

    Loosing weight before the Operation?:(

    I am scheduled for my surgery through the Healthier Weight Centre in the UK for August 25. I went to one consultation and was approved for the surgery with a BMI of 41. They sent me my pre-op diet food that I have to be on for 10 days before the surgery but they certainly didnt require that I lose weight before a consulation. The weight loss thing is only to shrink the stomach and liver to prepare them for surgery. They told me since my BMI isn't that high that I could follow the pre-op diet quiet loosely, yours is lower than mine. I can't see what the fuss is.
  11. voodookitty

    Anyone used Healthier Weight Centres?

    Hi, congrats on your surgery!! I hope we hear some really great losses soon!!! Where in the states are you from? New Orleans here. I understand what you're saying about choosing to have it done elsewhere. I'm certainly not saying there aren't other great choices out there but I think it is very much a personal comfort thing in alot of ways. One does tend to do better in something if they truly believe in it. Best of luck and wishes to you!!!
  12. voodookitty

    Anyone used Healthier Weight Centres?

    I had my consultation earlier this month with Dr Ashton at Healthier Weight Centre. He was really wonderful, well they ALL are really. Amazing amount of info and support given. I booked my surgery for Aug 25 and it will be done by Dr Favaretti. He fitted the second lap band ever done and has done literally thousands and thousands since. He teaches other surgeons worldwide in proper fitting of the bands. Healthier Weight Centre does both the regular ap band as well as the telemetric ones. Yes, they are expensive but unlike the other docs, you aren't just left to your own devices and searching for someone to do fills. You also have all of your pre-op diet meals included as well as meeting with your dietician, support groups to help you deal with the reasons you had weight issues to begin with, and ALL fills are included for an entire year after your op. That alone can save you quite alot of money if you consider that most fills cost between 100. and 150. and many people need up to 7 their first year to reach their perfect 'sweet spot' I'm American living in the UK and I could have taken many different routes. It's not that my dh and I are made of money but when we considered that this is something I have to live with for the rest of my life, and of course one wants to be healthy and get the best treatment.....for my money noone else compared to Healthier Weight Centres. I'll keep everyone updated on things as they come.
  13. voodookitty

    I'm sooooo ready........

    Thanks so much for your support. You know, I'm sure it's a common theme. I made the appointment and deposit for my surgery last week so that was the first step towards...this will never happen again.... Congrats on your loss! It must feel fantastic to have reached the under 200 mark !!!
  14. voodookitty

    I'm sooooo ready........

    To feel alive again. I’m trying to remember the last time I felt truly happy without the thought of how much more perfect the moment would be if I were slim. Just plain happiness coupled with contentment. It scares me that I can’t remember. What promised to be a beautiful weekend was just shattered. My mouth still feels dry and rancid from the taste of absolute horror from yesterday afternoon. As many of you have seen (or experienced) we have been getting absolutely pounded with torrential rain here in the UK. The sun has barely peeked out from behind the clouds in nearly two months. Finally we got a lovely weekend to enjoy. DH and I spent a good bit of Saturday doing the usual weekend errands then came home to work in our garden. We both love gardening. I get so much joy out of seeing things grow from seed to absolute beauty. It was all looking somewhat overgrown and tatty with not being able to weed but a few hours later new life had been breathed into it. In my happiness I suggested to dh that we invite a few friends around Sunday for a BBQ. He’s always surprised these days by my wanting to actually socialize with others so he readily agreed. We made calls that were accepted and started our advance preparations. DH and I dragged the plastic resin garden furniture out, gave it a good clean and set up the umbrella over the table. I spent that evening at home putting meats into marinade, preparing salads, etc. Sunday dawned as beautiful and balmy as the day before. It was all going perfectly and for once I wasn’t thinking about how fat I was and whether dh’s friends would be wondering why a fantastic sexy guy like him married a fat old frump like me. We were ¾ of the way through a really wonderful BBQ and everyone was sat around the table chatting and laughing when IT happened. One minute I was laughing along at a joke and the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground in extreme pain, legs in the air and my dress gathered at my waist. The damned legs of the plastic resin garden chair had just melted and buckled under my weight and the heat. The back legs snapped right off and I had flipped over backwards, narrowly missing a concrete post and smacking my head onto the stone patio. I heard myself try to make a joke and everyone was clustered around me. My dh’s face was ashen as he tried to help me up. I couldn’t joke; I was in too much pain. Luckily I’m not really hurt. My back is bruised and painful, I have a knot on my head from where it hit and I count myself lucky something worse didn’t happen. Still, I hated myself at that moment and pretty much for most of last night. They were all so polite citing dry rot, etc regarding why the chair had broken but I know why it did. I’m too g’dam fat. This surgery can’t come quick enough. I need help.:help:
  15. Well, it's done. I paid the 1000. deposit to secure my surgery date at the Healthier Weight Centre in Manchester (UK). I'm all set for August 25th with Dr Franco Favretti. I am excited and scared to death too. I have researched this for over 3 years and finally decided a year ago I really needed to do something. It's so easy to put things off and wait for the perfect time but the truth is there is NO perfect time. There will always be work and family stresses. Every day that I wake up feeling utterly grim and unable to function normally is a day lost. Even now I spoke to Judith at the centre saying that now that I've committed to this suddenly I want to sit in a trough of food and stuff everything possible down my gullet before I have this surgery. I know I have to diet pre-op for two weeks. You want to know what really did it? My dh and I are due to go back to my home in the states this fall. We talk all the time about what restarants we'll visit while we are there, etc. He loves to eat as much as I do....difference is, he's just one of those naturally slim people. I suddenly thought, gawd, I've gained even more weight since my last plane trip and I BARELY fit the darn seat then. I mean, I was too embarassed to ask for an extender so I put the blanket over my lap and tucked the seatbeat around me, under it so it looked like it was fastened. I had to force the arm guard down and was in agony as it cut into my side and ribs. Thankfully my toddler had the seat next to me so my fat didn't bother him. I was bruised for days afterwards from that armrest. I plain flat out couldn't BEAR another trip when I knew darn well I couldn't fit. That fear alone won out over my hope to have one last vacation pigout before the surgery. I guess it'll be nicer to go home this fall having just lost a few pounds and not listen to my family ask me pointedly when I'm going to do something about myself. (sigh):bored
  16. voodookitty

    Losing friends...

    Amy, you will have lots of friends here. Maybe there is even someone local to you. I know how you feel. I moved to the UK almost a year ago to marry my hubby. It gets very lonely. DH is my best friend but as far as a gf, I just don't really have any here. I've found that my being American can automatically seperate me from the women here for some reason. It can be hard when you're both speaking English and yet you can't understand one another. lol I think the closest I have to a gf here are the ladies at my office and that's more of polite exchange. Not the heart to heart discussions and lets go shopping kinda gf. Big ((((hugs)))) to you, sweetie.
  17. voodookitty

    Food, I love you!

    Oh, that does give me hope. I don't mind giving up the loaded baked potato that goes so well with the steak, or the onion rings but oh I hope my band will allow me to get Protein through steak. (eyes, fingers, toes, mind crossed!) Ruths Chris, yum! Enjoy it, honey...just in case.
  18. voodookitty

    Losing friends...

    That's an interesting thought really. True, they aren't true friends if they don't love the new you BUT we've all made friends at times out of a common interest/goal. I still have gf's that I've known since my early teens but the biggest diff I notice now is that we have NOTHING but the past in common any more. It's like we're friends out of habit. I was amazed when I got married in Dec just how many of my very long term guy friends dropped off the radar. It wasn't like I'd been romantic with any of them at any time but suddenly they just disappear. I guess in the male mind alot of times they either think your dh won't be cool with it, or they think some twisted thing like...'oh, yet another woman off the market I'll never get to bang. Better write this one off'. As per my gf's, I can think of one that has gotten downright bitchy and nasty about the prospect of no longer being the only 'hot' one in the group. oh well.
  19. voodookitty

    I've done it now!

    I'd forgotten that I made a butcher order before I decided to schedule this surgery on the 25th of next month. We came home last night and it'd been delivered. just tons of these huge steaks, ribs, etc. Here's my totally messed up thought process..... "Oh, damn, how am I going to eat all this in the next month?" lol My intestines will be hating me but doggone it, steak on the grill cometh! The kitty name cracks me up, I get your jist.
  20. Sheeez, what a day it was yesterday. I made the down payment for my surgery via credit card. About an hour later the lady at the doc's office calls me back at my office to tell it'd been declined. I was stunned because I knew darn well the balance was way below the limit. Sooooo, I get off the phone with her and about 10 mins later mh dh (who is also my boss) comes upstairs to my office to tell that Morgan Stanley just called him to get his PERMISSION to put the charge through. The f*****s informed on me!!! Then they proceeded to clear the charges I'd made this week with him too. Like it's just some big freakin secret when I spend £6.00 on amazon. So I had to call the office back and tell them to run it again. How humiliating to have some darn company think that the woman on a joint account needs her husband's permission before she can spend money. I can see them calling ME to see if I made the charge but sheez. My dh said to the guy, you know it really isnt necessary. It's not like I'm going to go beat her brains out for spending money. It's funny but not funny, ya know??? I'd go burn my bra in protest if it didnt mean my boobs would be in my lap the rest of the day like two racoons fighting under a blanket. lol:faint:
  21. voodookitty

    How humiliating!

    Thanks so much. I really am glad it makes ya'll have a giggle. We all need more of those and I can laugh now def.
  22. voodookitty

    How humiliating!

    Booboo, I was THAT tempted yesterday. I really was. I mean, the idea of them doing that. I told my dh, what if I were taking clients out for lunch trying to land a new account and it gets turned down until they clear it with him. What if it was for a surprise gift or something. At any rate, I did decide after I pay off the balance with them next month I'm going to just cancel the account. We've had probs with them in the past freezing our cards when we tried to use them abraod even after we'd called them to let them know we were going on holiday. Sheez, I have enough cards in my wallet that I won't miss that one. lol
  23. voodookitty

    How humiliating!

    Thanks for the cheer up.I know it will be totally worth it and I can certainly laugh about what happened yesterday. Yes, I was fuming at the time because it was quite embarassing. In retrospect I did feel somewhat like a chastised child really. I think part of me is still getting used to actually having joint anything. I was only just married this past December after many years of singledom. I wish you well with your loss. Wow, you've really done well!!! I had a tummy tuck and breast lift done in 1999 after I lost tons of weight on Atkins. We see how well THAT stayed off considering I'm now 30lbs higher than I was at my max back then. lol Hopefully I wont need another tummy tuck but the boob lift just couldnt last out the fluctuating weight and another baby. That will def need re-doing. I wish I had just spent the plastic surgery money on getting a band. oh well.:eek:
  24. voodookitty

    I've done it now!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. As per the nickname, I am originally from New Orleans. I have a thing for black cats and have always named them "Voodoo". Cracks me up when I get to stand on my doorstep and call for the cat....scares the neighbors. hehe Glad to know I'm not the only one who took this long to make the decision to do this. You'd think it'd be a no-brainer , huh. It really is hard to make that decision to change your ways , the money was secondary. It's a HUGE amount of scratch all at once and I told dh losing weight will cost him even more later on when he gets my CC bills. lol:whoo:
  25. voodookitty

    Today is the day!

    Good luck to you, I see that this was posted a few days ago so here's hoping all went well for you. Best of luck and please let us know how you are. Brittany:whoo:

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