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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nerms

  1. It's in Blackburn so it's about an hour with public transport, which is exactly how long it takes me to get to tafe.

    2 and a half weeks out I'm on soft foods at the moment, I'm feeling better today and eating better too! Can't believe it's been 2 and a half weeks haha, crazy!

    I'm getting a haircut on Wednesday, new band, new hair, new life! :D

    How are you going? @@steveelea And how's everyone else?

  2. Feeling pretty crap due to no restriction.. Probably eaten too much and now I'm scared I've gained some weight.. My scales won't work so that just adds to the paranoia. 1 or 2kg wouldn't really be HORRIBLE but it still won't be nice.. and to think I have to wait 4 more weeks until I can get a fill.. So annoying.

    No one's fault but my own. Stop eating when you're full.. but I never feel full. Luckily there's nothing left in the house and I don't get paid until tomorrow. I guess I'm just gonna have to buy what I need daily, cos if it's there in front of me, whether I'm hungry or not.. I'll eat it. Really inconvenient but I don't want to eat what I don't need and that's what I'm going to have to do :/

  3. Oh wow snow :) I saw it on the news too!

    I think our diets are pretty much the same, I'm struggling getting anything down though. I'm supposed to have 6x 300ml but I'm getting maybe 600mls and some water.. My stomach is still hard as a rock bloated so yeah.. I feel a lot better today though, managed to roll on my side this morning so was much more comfortable :)

    It was Clear liquids and now I'm on more full liquids, so up and gos and yoghurts. It's just all sweet and I'm over it. Thinking of going to woolies and buying some Soup.

  4. Hey Jess,

    Definitely only weigh in once a week. You're only a week post op so chances are you're still healing and weight loss at this stage isn't expected. So that 2lb is a good thing. Just relax, give your body some time and you will see results :)

    I'm fine, no shoulder pain anymore just pain at the incisions. I have to take my bandages off today so that will be fun. I haven't weighed myself and I don't plan on doing it any time soon!

  5. "Band plication begins by placing a Lap Band as is normally done. After placing the band, the stomach below the band is rolled in on itself, or plicated, and sewn in place. This significantly decreases the volume of the stomach, and creates a “sleeve”. The plication “sleeve” works very much like a sleeve gastrectomy in that it significantly limits the volume of the stomach and thus how much food can be eaten."

  6. As soon as I got home I slept like a baby and was able to sleep on my side, later that night I couldn't sleep on my side anymore as it was way too sore. Took some endone and got some sleep just after midnight.

    Today is the second day home, so day 3 all up. I feel much less pain and the shoulder pain has also gone away.. Hopefully for good!

    When I stand I feel like my insides are falling out, all the pressure kills! Laughing hurts, hiccups and coughs oh god! Everything is much better though. My throat and neck hurt the most really, from the tube in there during surgery.

    I'm too scared to feel around for where the port is but I'm guessing it's where the most pain is coming from.

    My bandages are a bit bloody with pus and I'm supposed to take them off tomorrow.. Bit scared to do that too.

    Definitely not getting enough fluids in!

  7. I'm home sleeping on my side :)

    Taxi ride home was a whole other experience.. Never again!

    I've got 4 incisions and someone else on the same day got 5 so I felt special.

    The surgeon never once mentioned plication to me until 5 mins before theatre. He was happy with my weight loss and said he would do a plication I was like yes please! Their scales said I was 90.. Still happy!

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