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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nerms

  1. I had another fill and now feel that I have perfect restriction, feeling fuller a lot faster.

    I'm down a total of 49.3lbs including my preop weight loss, bringing me down to 179.8lbs. I'm feeling really good, I feel that the weight loss is a bit slow but it's still a weight loss and I'm happy to see the scales go down.

    Now that I have good restriction hopefully it gives me a bit of a boost.

    Christmas is just around the corner, don't feel bad if you overindulge, as long as you get back on track the next day everything will be ok :) Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy weight loss filled new year to all :D

  2. @@Bellarose100 You'll be in the 80's in no time!!!! :D

    I'm surprised that I've had no hair loss, I'm almost 5 months post op.. wow 5 months that went by super fast.

    I'm feeling bones again, in my chest, my hips.. my back, it's surreal and I'm loving it. My collar bones are back! I'm bruising a lot easier too, so much less padding and I'm feeling things a lot more. I love it though. I'm also noticing that I'm a lot colder, which I'm pinning on less padding too.

    I did get a first "omg you've lost so much weight" from my friends mum, I guess it's because she hardly sees me and everyone else does see me a lot more often so it's not as noticeable.

  3. I got another fill today so I have 5mls in total, I'm feeling some real restriction and am feeling so much better about the band.

    I had lunch with my friend and could definitely feel that there was a lot more restriction, my plate was tiny and I was stuffed.. so I'm pretty happy about that.

    Today I'm 81.6kgs which means that I'm just over the half way mark to reach my goal of 60kg. 22.4kgs lost and 21.6 to go!

    I can't really tell much of a difference in myself and haven't got any comments on my weight loss. After 22kgs I'd expect at least someone that isn't my mum to say something. I won't let it discourage me though, I'm slowly getting there. My 21st is at the end of March and I'll be looking great :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Also, what's with having to keep getting referrals to your surgeon from a GP? I thought it would only be a once off thing but apparently it expires in January and I'll need to get another one.

  4. Anyway, I'm feeling better after letting that out and having a shower.

    Maybe a melbourne catch up is in order? End of the month or start of next month before everyone gets busy for Christmas? (Oh god christmas)

    Or even the start of 2015 if it's more convenient! I'm free Monday's Wednesday's and Sunday's but I finish work at 5 all the other days and I'd be up for a dinner after work or something.

    We should start organising it :)

  5. I have 4mls in, I'm pretty sure, a 10ml band. My surgeon thinks that 5mls will be enough.. maybe it will. Next fill is in 2 weeks, just feel embarrassed about going in and having put on weight.. but I guess they've seen it all before.. hopefully the 2 come back off by then and at least there won't be a gain.

    I've just been feeling down in the last week or so, and spending time with people who are also down and then we turned to shitty food choices for a while.. and 2kgs came on, I'm surpised it wasn't more to be honest.

    Struggling with money so healthy foods are harder to get. I know it sounds like an excuse but when you have 20 bucks for a week you can't really buy chicken breast and veggies. Been so stressed about everything but next week should be easier.

    I lost motivation after seeing the scales go up again.. I hate that, it's not like 2kgs is a big deal. Last night me and my friend were in the common room of our building, talking about weight and all that depressing stuff, and some moron had to come in call us fat bitches. Isn't the first time either, someone that recently moved out would call me a fat bitch on a regular basis. Doesn't really help with the motivation.

  6. Plication is pretty much folding the stomach in half and sewing it that way, completely reversable.

    I have a band WITH plication... I don't want to rain on your parade or anything but I honestly think the plication doesn't do much at all.. I could easily gain weight right now, and I have.. I've gained two kilos and now stepping my game up again.

    The band obviously will be filled more and more until I'm happy with it, but if I only had a plication I don't think I'd have any weight loss with it. Right after surgery I was all swollen and could hardly eat anything, I was over the moon.. I had no fill so no restriction from that.. as soon as the swelling went I could eat anything and everything. Plication didn't stop me.

    chocolate is a pretty dangerous one, no surgery will stop you from eating it, it melts and doesn't take up space at all. It has to be will power with chocolate, overeating bread and Pasta is harder but chocolate.. I ate a whole block the other day and felt so bad.. I have to stop socializing with food crazy people, because I can't say no.

  7. @@sweetcaro yeah a lot of people have problems with the band, luckily none for me. There was a bit of regret, wishing I'd have got the sleeve instead of the band.. but I am where I am and I'm not too fussed anymore because it's working for me!

    It's still early days but I have high hopes, it's worked for others in my family.

    My mums band eroded after about 10-11 years, it wasn't adjustable so was crap, went pretty deep inside her stomach, they cut it out a few months ago and she's looking at getting a bypass in January!

  8. welcome @@sweetcaro and @@Pilbara Girl !

    I thought I would pop in to say that I have officially lost 20kgs, 20.5kgs to be exact :)

    I had a fill last week, 4mls in total, and I've lost half a kilo since then.. I'm still not being 100% and still being pretty naughty, weight loss could be better but to be honest I am still over the moon and am obviously doing something right!

    83.5kg :D so good! It's been a long time. Now I really do believe I'll hit 75 by the end of December! 10.5kgs in 13 weeks since surgery, not bad in my books. I thought I was losing pretty slow but now I'm impressed haha. My next goal is only 8.5kgs away, and my big goal is only 23.5kgs away.. as the weight goes the goals seem so much more reachable and so much more possible.

    At 104kgs a 45kg loss felt impossible, the number felt so big and I never thought I'd get there.. Only 20kgs down and already feeling so much better and now I KNOW that I can do it!

    @@steveelea 37kg in 37 weeks, whether its a kilo a week or 2 one week and zero the next, is an amazing achievement :D

  9. @@Bellarose100 Totally get you!

    Book in the surgery, the surgeon almost always wants you to lose weight before surgery anyway (preop diet). Everyone loses different amounts, from 2kg to 10kg with the preop. The surgeon should be happy with it!

    I'm sick of my fat clothes too haha, I've lost 18.5kg and I'm still in the same clothes... they may be a little looser but I think maybe 10 more kilos will be new clothes for me. I feel like shit all the time, I don't want to go out because I can't look nice!

    18.5kg is big now that I type it out.. haha! I'm aiming for 75kg by christmas, that's my surgeons goal.. and I think very doable! I'm just happy the kilos are going down, it may be slow but it's still down!!

    You'll get there! We'll all get there!

  10. I did the same thing (eating to gain) because I was scared that I would be knocked back for not being big enough. Turns out my surgeon like to band people at around 92kg, so he made me lose all the weight gained or he wouldn't band me haha.. Crazy isn't it.

    I got up to 104, so gained 10kg for it.. Regret it now, could have been 75 instead of 85! But i got what I wanted and would of ended up gaining that weight anyway as it wasn't that hard to do it.

  11. Hey guys, slow weight loss for me. Up and down but never going over 89kg so I'm stoked about that. Weighed in at 85.5kg this morning so hopefully it goes down from here, next fill is soon so that should do me good.

    My mum saw a surgeon that tried to get her eroded band out, he said he couldn't. She ended up going to another surgeon and he got it out easily about a week or two ago, she's seeing him again this week and it looks like their going for the bypass. Good news for mum! Hopefully by the end of this year she'll have it done!

    I've been on another forum "banding together", it's Aussie and they have heaps of sleevers there too! Just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware! There's a lot more posts and a lot of info there :)

  12. Good luck to him! Nothing worse than crappy bosses.. I've got my fingers crossed!

    We had a psycho ruin our photos on purpose.. a big plastic tub of them. Sucks, but there are always more photos to take! As long as the memories are in your heart it's all good!

    I did 10kms on the bike today :) only 150 calories burned lol I was like WHAT??? but each day I'm getting better, so exhausted though.. definitely taking advantage of the spa tomorrow after the gym.. I'm not there to impress anyone so I don't give a flying fudge.

    It'll be interesting to see what the exercise will do to my weight after a week :) and better food choices, I ended up eating pretty crappy food.. but I'm back on track now.. no need for the Optifast. It's hard to get out of that mind space, but I'll learn. Head hunger and real hunger.. I know when it's head hunger but I still choose to eat or finish what I'm eating, pisses me off. I'm hoping to get a fill next week, or the week after.. I'm definitely able to eat more than I should.

  13. @@steveelea about 2 more weeks until I see the surgeon and get a fill.

    I got batteries for my scales and weighed myself, only to see that not even 100g has come off .. hahah crazy. It sucks because I'm in a group with all these other people that were banded either the same day as me or a couple days before/after. They've all lost around 10kgs so far.. sucks for me.

    I am happy that I'm not 104 anymore, weight isn't coming on so that's a positive. I wasn't really expecting weight loss until I got a fill, but I thought the plication would somehow help, as the surgeon said it would "boost" my weight loss.

    I'm gonna try shakes again today for a week but with milk not Water and see if that tastes better and kick starts anything... It's just weird because I know my clothes are looser and my ass isn't as big. I haven't been exercising yet so muscle gain can't be a factor.. Using 3 different scales doesn't help either. When I went for sugery I was 88.7 or something then at the hospital they weighed me and I was 90.9 according to them, then I used my normal scales instead of the wii cos my wii is stuffed and it tells me I'm 88.8.

    I'm just gonna stick to these scales from now and they'll tell me if I'm losing or not.

    Overall I'm satisfied with a 15kg loss in only a few months.. better than a gain that's for sure. I'm not comparing myself to others, I know everyone loses at a different rate, but jeez it'd be cool to be in their shoes and drop 10kg in a month!

  14. It's a 6 week course at box hill tafe, and it was $1,600 with concession.

    I was doing a course, level 1 dog grooming, at box hill tafe. It was $1,050 for I think 5 days.. so crazy expensive. Then the teacher told me about the certificate III in dog grooming they do there. It cost me $1,600 and it goes for 6 weeks. So much better than doing the level 1, 2 and 3.. costing like 3 grand.. and you don't even get that much hands on.

    I'm only doing the 6 week practial part of the course too, so if you choose to the whole course it'll cost more but you don't really need it.

  15. I did it :)


    As for dog grooming being hard, not really.. I sit instead of stand at tafe and it's easier on my back. Lack of exercise wouldn't help my back that's for sure!

    I know I have to stand at the new job so hopefully that's ok.

    You pick it up easy, apparently I need more attention to detail.. But I'm still learning. It's fun anyway! I'd rather work with dogs than people any day that's for sure

  16. No need to explain yourself, I hope all is well!

    I have my first shift next Wednesday :) and then I finish my course on that Friday and they'll tell me my days and stuff. I'm pretty sure I'll start full time next month, preparing for busy Christmas!

    My clothes are getting looser so that's telling me something :) and I saw my mum the other day she told my face looks thinner. My face is definitely changing haha not so chubby cheeks anymore. Still there but much less. I'm getting my haircut tomorrow, can't wait to chop it off!

    Yeah everyone has disappeared from the forum haha

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