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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nerms

  1. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    Well, you never know! Writing is fun, a creative way to escape.. if you don't get big time with the writing (WHICH YOU SO COULD) it's still a great hobby! Don't stop writing, do what makes you happy
  2. It's up to you whether or not you tell them. Would you be comfortable talking about it with them? Would it benefit them as well as you? You might inspire them to get it themselves, and you might have two other people to talk to about it that are close to you. If you feel guilty about it then maybe you should get it off your chest and just tell them, otherwise if you feel comfortable living your life without them knowing then there's no need to tell them. It's not a nasty horrible secret that you're hiding from them.
  3. @@QueenBeeBee I started at 104 and now I'm 92 so I'm pretty stoked about that. There's just under a month until preop for me, so hopefully a few kgs shed during that time also.. weight loss has slowed because I'm getting a bit lazy, but a loss is a loss so I'm happy! I would be super happy to even get to 90kg by surgery date which I think I can do So annoying that all of a sudden I'm being invited to all these bbqs and dinners out of no where.. I reply that I can't come and everyones shocked cos I'm usually the first one to get to the table and the last one to leave haha. Not anymore! No more fatty woggy feasts for me.
  4. @@Mick Molloy Fantastic! You are doing great! How long left of Optifast for you? @@steveelea great NSV Yous must be feeling pretty good! So happy for you all. Don't stress about the +1, I weighed myself and I was up 3kg but waited til the end of the week and it was gone plus some.. Damn fluctuation! Hate having scales it's always so tempting to jump on.
  5. nerms

    To weigh or not to weigh?

    I've seen that a few people haven't lost weight on preop diets even with only drinking shakes. It's all about liver shrinkage, so any weight loss is a plus! If you're really tempted maybe weigh yourself the day before or the morning of surgery to see the full picture (it's not that far)
  6. I'm just starting the journey, due to undergo surgery next month, and I'm already hearing "please don't get too skinny". And don't get to a certain weight blah blah.. It's my body and I'll stop when I feel comfortable!
  7. nerms

    Eating w/others

    I do the same thing when I'm with people that I'm not that comfortable with. When I don't eat enough during the day I tend to eat more at home. It started from anxiety, I wouldn't eat all day and then I'd binge at home and that's part of how the weight kept piling on. If you still have control at home and you're not overeating then it's a good thing I guess!
  8. Screw everyone that thinks they have a say in our lives. OUR LIFE, OUR CHOICE.. And a damn good one at that.
  9. @@QueenBeeBee 113.2? You must be stoked! As for the NSV, that's great!! I remember that feeling, sooooo good!! The next big event in the family is my 21st at the end of March, I plan on dropping jaws I've been eating so well the last 3 weeks and I had a bad day about 3 days ago and I've felt like crap ever since.. I was so sure I would of gained, got on the scales this morning cos its a week since I did last.. 100g grams gone.. LOL so relieved.. Definitely shocked me back into eating better.. I'm just so happy that I woke up the next morning and started eating properly again. I know a day off every now and then is normal/good but I actually shat myself.. hahahahh
  10. nerms

    July 2014 :)

    @@Aliciafl2014 I'm actually in Australia haha! This forum has been really helpful. I'm counting down the days too, it's so exciting! @@fhawkins12 I have my fingers crossed for you!
  11. I love that I went and GOT want I wanted MYSELF and didn't just wait around saying "good things come to those who wait".. good things come to those who go and get it!! This year has been full of amazing study for me, doing what I love. By the end of the year I plan on having my dream job, and I'm being banded next month.. Can this year get any better?
  12. Hi all, My mums a bit worried because she needs to get a lap band revision, she had one put in about 10 years ago but it wasn't adjustable and basically stretched and stopped doing its job. She's wanting another lap band put in, but can't get it done if they can't remove the old lap band. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this so that I can get back to my mum about it, I know other people have had revisions to other WLS's, but I'm assuming it's the same process as they still have to remove the band? Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks, I didn't realise that it was erosion. I'll let her know!
  14. It was done for free years ago, I've just googled it and it's also called a VGB "vertical gastric band" .. Pretty much no one gets them anymore because obviously the adjustable one is much better. She's worried that the band has sunk into the tissue, apparently it makes it a more dangerous procedure and leaves a hole? I understand everyone is different, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar to her so I could pass on some information.
  15. @@Sharon C. Thought so.. It is sad though, maybe she can't afford it or maybe she is really deep down in the fat acceptance brain washing she's given herself. It's easy to be angry but really it's quite clear that she has a lot of problems. So just leave her where she belongs, in the past. Your health and your life is what's most important and there are hundreds of us right here to support you and be your friend. We won't write nasty blogs about you It's amazing what jealousy does to people!
  16. nerms

    My date: July 24th

    I'm being banded 5 days after you This website/app is amazing, take full advantage!
  17. nerms

    sick of movies representing fat women as stupid!

    Because people that have never been overweight find "fat" people funny. "Ohhh hahaha it's funny cos he's fat".. I've heard it from many mouths. It's all about money.. Like rebel Wilson she's in the same boat. Makes me sick but it's what gets them money? Blonde girls are always dumb and it's hilarious when fat people fall over and can't get back up... Wonderful world we live in
  18. Wtf??????????? Omg my blood is boiling, it makes no sense to me? She wants to be around people that positive about their bodies but dumps you when you make the decision that you want to love yourself? It's not healthy to be fat FOR MIND BODY AND SOUL? Why should you have to "accept" it and suffer in order for her "mental health" to be stable? It's your fucking life!! YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL HEALTH IS THE MAIN PRIORITY, forget her. She mustn't have been a great friend to begin with. It sounds to be that she's maybe jealous because she knows you're going to succeed? One if the first lines was "us fatties" so I'm assuming she's overweight and in denial with the "fat acceptance" bullshit.
  19. nerms

    Very disappointed!

    How is it lazy? A lot more effort goes into losing weight than it does to sit on the couch and eat all day, weightloss surgery or not.
  20. nerms

    Share your tattoo pics

    A tattoo should be fine, it's piercings they worry about. You'd want the tattoo to be healed before surgery though, so you're not itchy and uncomfortable!
  21. I slept in my car for two months so I'm sure I can cope with a few weeks on the inflatable bed hahah! I live in a tiny tiny tiny studio apartment and carrying a recliner or new couch up the stairs would be pretty hard. I found a futon, that would be easy enough to carry up, on gumtree (thanks Leanne, totally forgot about gumtree) Futon is probably better! Thanks for the gumtree suggestion
  22. I chose it because 4 people in my family have had success with it, they all got the band about 10 years ago and lost AND KEPT OFF the weight. Whenever they gain a little bit, they go right back and get a fill. I chose it because I know I can lose weight, but I know that it always creeps back. With the lapband, I can always get adjusted and will never be morbidly obese again. I understand that it doesn't work for everyone, but I truly believe that it will work for me.
  23. I got a bed frame from ikea a while ago and it's been giving me grief(slats falling through all the time) so I decided to toss it a few weeks ago and just have my mattress on the floor. Do you think this will be an issue after surgery? Should I buy a blow up mattress to put on top of my mattress so that there's a bit more height? I'd buy a new bed frame but can't really afford it(so not buying another $100 bodgo frame). A $30 blow up mattress from big w wouldn't hurt the wallet too much.
  24. I got a bed frame from ikea a while ago and it's been giving me grief(slats falling through all the time) so I decided to toss it a few weeks ago and just have my mattress on the floor. Do you think this will be an issue after surgery? Should I buy a blow up mattress to put on top of my mattress so that there's a bit more height? I'd buy a new bed frame but can't really afford it(so not buying another $100 bodgo frame). A $30 blow up mattress from big w wouldn't hurt the wallet too much.
  25. nerms

    #2 help!

    It has to come out eventually hahah you'll probs drop 5lbs once it comes out.

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