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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nerms

  1. I'll be banded on the 29th. So close, yet so far.. I start my 3 week preop on the 7th. I'm so excited I've been waiting for so long! I've told my family, my best friend and my boyfriend. They're really the only people that need to know.
  2. Pretty much any vegetable or meat, boiled in water and drained, no milk, creams, flours or anything.. Has to be clear. So for chicken broth, most people use bones, boil it in water with veggies and salt/pepper and then discard all the solids and are left with a clear broth.
  3. nerms

    Former Fatties! July Goals

    We are all fatties or have been fatties lol, I think fatty is a lot kinder than a lot of other things I have been called in my life. Like fat cow, fat pig etc etc
  4. I've just reconnected with my dad and I've seen him twice in the last week and I'm going back on Sunday. His making a special dish on Sunday and I told him that's the last day I'll eat his food because I'm making myself start preop a week early cos of his damn food and force feeding! I put a normal amount of food on my plate, MORE MORE, SECONDS! I put salad as my seconds, NO NO RICE! ... omg seriously!!! I just feel gross and I'm scared to check the scales! I know whatever I put on will come off within my now 3 week preop hahah. Bloody turks! So now, after Sunday, I have the preop as an excuse to not eat his food! @@QueenBeeBee I hope ramadan goes quickly for you! Beware the wrath of bayram/eid!
  5. nerms

    July 2014 :)

    It's going by so quickly!
  6. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    You get to goal, you are fit and healthy, you can do anything in the world.. What is your dream job? Mine would be to travel the world and protect/rehabilitate wildlife. I know that once I have savings and drop all my weight, I will be heading overseas to South Africa to volunteer with the Lions there. So, what would you do? What makes you happy?
  7. I'm just counting down the days, 2 weeks to preop
  8. nerms


    I have one huge boob and one not so huge boob. It's safe to say the big one is easily double the size of the other. I know it's quite common, I'm just wondering if anyone has had them even out a bit more during weight loss? I'm totally up for a boob job when the time comes because they've taken a lot during all the yoyo dieting. Just curious!
  9. nerms

    Share your tattoo pics

    I'm thinking Harley was her dog! I love the tatts!
  10. nerms

    July 2014 :)

    1 week until July and 2 weeks from there until preop my preop is full liquids for 2 weeks. Can't wait!
  11. Yeah the course is good, it's giving me something to look forward to each week and is making the time go past faster which is a plus! I have a class 3 days after surgery, if I don't feel up to it the teacher said I can do a day with the other class to make up for it so all good for me
  12. nerms


    I use my wii board to weigh myself and it shows the weight on the tv screen
  13. My aunty has a cockerpoo hahaha they're so cute! Those little pinschers and French bulldogs are super cute too! And I love cats! I'm just animal crazy in general.
  14. @ there's a special spot in my heart for Kelpies and Rottweilers. I melt when I see them, they're adorable. When I finally move out of this tiny apartment and get a backyard I'll definitely be getting a new hairy family member. I miss having a warm ball of love to cuddle when you're feeling down! I'll be adopting from a shelter that's for sure. I had a rotty growing up and then adopted a kelpie x Rottweiler when I was 16.. She was the perfect mix. She was full of energy so we'd run around at the park everyday and then she was lazy at night and would put her head on my pillow and actually put her arm over me hahaha. I miss her a lot. She was hit by a car in 2010 and my whole world fell apart. I still think of her everyday, she's in my display pic too! What about you? Anyone else got a favourite breed?
  15. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    @@michellew1 wow... So sorry to hear that, the discrimination is crazy. Don't give up though, someone could be normal and actually give you the job because you're qualified. I've been in the same boat, interview after interview and nothing.. I've always had in my head that it was the weight. There's fat haters and there's people who respect other people no matter what they look like. I've seen many overweight women with great jobs, so it's possible! At the same time, if getting the job would motivate you to drop the weight, then use it!
  16. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    @@greensleeve you could always use a pseudonym if you didn't want to put your actual name out there!
  17. Time is flyyyyyyyyyyyying by! I groomed a poodle in class today, feeling inspired.. In 3 months I'll be a qualified groomer and hopefully get a job soon(I see so many adverts for grooming jobs). It's all falling into place finally! Grooming, banding.. yay I've been trying to get into shelter work for ages now but I've just had no luck.. I'm qualified for it but nothing for a year I'm sick of doing shitty jobs that stress me out.. After seeing all the grooming jobs I was like yep, I'm doing it... So I got a shitty job, saved for surgery and course then quit LOL Looking good@@Chez
  18. nerms

    July 2014 :)

    Looking forward to all the success from us in July Keep us updated! The time has gone so fast.. I can't even believe how close July is! I'm so excited for this fat on my body to go away and never return! A new life is starting for us all in July
  19. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    A lot of artistic people! I love it Good luck with everything, don't stop writing, drawing, taking photos etc.. keeps your mind and soul young!
  20. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    I like that one
  21. People try to take hair growth supplements but they end up becoming hairier in other places, if you give it time it'll grow back. Iron and Protein could help with the growing back of the hair.
  22. Yeah it's normal with any weight loss surgery. I've read a lot about it because I love my hair. Pretty much, It's called telogen effluvium. Human hair has a two stage growth cycle. The growth phase is called anagen and 90% of our hair follicles are in this phase at any given time. The resting phase is called telogen, which lasts about 1 to 6 months, with an average of 3 months. About 5-15% of our hair is in the resting phase at any given time. It is also known that telogen effluvium has to do with stress to the body and hormonal changes that can occur. Due to the stress more hair follicles can enter into the resting phase. This is important because the hair in the resting phase at the time of surgery is most likely the hair you will shed. This is why your hair sheds between 1 to 6 months after surgery (usually about3 to 4 months). Found that on a site and it sums up everything I've read about it. Your hair will grow back, my mum lost a lot hair when she had surgery years ago, she already had thin hair so you could tell it was thinning out but she just cut her hair shorter and it eventually all grew back and no one knew a thing. I have hair up to just under my boobs, long thick and luscious! If I have to cut it a bit I will, it'll grow back!
  23. nerms

    What is your dream job?

    That does sound pretty fun!

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