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starfish n coffee

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by starfish n coffee

  1. I had the great idea that I was going to have my surgery on Friday and go back to work on Monday. I have a desk job so I figured I would be good to go. Well I ended up taking off the next week. I slept alot the first 3 days and wearing clothes around my incision areas was difficult. When I went back to work the next week I was ok. I did have alot of gas pains in my shoulder and that took about a week to go away. I also had a tubaligation and it was only one incision. The lap band was 5 incisions, so it is a bit different. Good luck and hopefully going back on Monday will work for you!

    I suppose everyone tolerates pain differently. My tubal didn't take me down like I thought. And I wasn't my incision that hurt. It was actual manipulation of the tubes. But to each his/her own. Glad you got better soon thereafter.

  2. I'm on the floor over here!!! SweetGeorgiaT, Kimk1999. & Kandy12!!! Ratchetsville!! I'm done!! Lmbo!!!

    As far as my immediate friends and family I've only told my husband and 2 BFF's. Everyone at Work thinks I'm having Hernia surgery. I didn't want to have to explain my need or resonation on why I'm having WLS. I'm still taken aback that even in the doctors office people would be so critical of the choice you made. This isn't a competition.

    Example, I have not told my mom because she's super critical. But she tells me to lose weight all the time. Now that I'm on my Pre-op diet, she's all like "That's all you're eating!? " my only reply cuz its my mom is "Yes ma'am. " deep down I want to say "But you called me fat!! ".

    So I decided to let everyone see the transformation overtime. Don't need any shade throwing.

    Starfish n coffee

  3. Well, if you are gon be hungry, it's better to be at work where you can't eat!

    My Memorable Pre-Op moment was the idiot guy pushing my gurney down to the OR. "What surgery are you getting?" he asked me. "The Lapband," I replied. "What a mistake. You'll fail. Shoulda got a bypass. Bypass is the only one that works." he says.

    Of course I reported him both to the surgeon and the hospital, not that they'd do anything with this information.

    OMG!!! Another laying of the hands!! I pray no else says something stupid to me between now and my surgery date. Whoosah!! Lol!

  4. My surgey date is 2/19/14. I couldn't be more excited about the procedure for this tool. The biggest factor in this is ME making the decision to take control.

    I too am 5'10". I weigh 289. I used to weigh 266. 156.etc.. You back out of this you'll be 289! This isn't about OTHER people and what they think. They aren't you!

    Do YOU and get to happy!

    God Bless!

    Starfish n coffee

  5. that is funny.. yes being hungry is part of the post op but I certainly don't think you would have to take off from work..I had a experience with a nurse while getting ready for my surgery. She came to take me to the Operating Room holding area, she looked me up and down and said wow they must have loosened the rules for lapband surgery.. I said what? thinking I didn't hear her right.. she said you don't look like you need surgery. I said I am 5' tall and weigh 200 lbs. what is your criteria? Do I need to weigh 300 lbs? She didn't say anything else.

    See Sharpie.....that's that bull right there!! There might have been some "laying of the hands" with that comment! Some people!

  6. Did you ever consider becoming a comedeian ?? You're hilarious !! I was cracking up the whole time I was reading your story, twice !! Im still laughing ! Why on earth you would need extra time off because you're hungry is beyond me ! Im on my feet all day and only took a week off and did fine . Good luck to you, thanks for the laughs !

    Lol! I just couldn't believe my ears. I really wanted to ask her your question about time off and hunger? But the Good Lord had that nurse call my name. Don't know where the rest of THAT conversation was going. Lol!!

  7. So I'm at my Pre-op this morning, sitting in the resulting room reading over the 1000 pieces of paper I need to initial. There's 2 women and myself .

    One woman asked which surgery was I getting. (bold question) anyway I told her lap band. She asked why? I gave her my explanation of that I wanted none of my organs removed, cut, rearranged, etc. Then I added less recovery time. The other woman (we'll call her Drama) just starts in with me.

    Drama: "Well when do you plan on going back to work?

    Me:" okay..... Uh... surgey is on a Wednesday, going to work on Monday. I have a desk job."

    Drama: " Naw Honey! You Gon need two weeks!"

    Me: "To each his/her own. Thanks but I'll be fine. By the way, what surgery are YOU having? "

    Drama: "Oh I got the band 2yrs ago. "

    By this time the other lady bucks her eyes and say "well how much did you weigh!? "

    Drama: "345"

    Lady : "How much do you weigh now? "

    Drama: "266"

    (drama back to me)

    Drama: "You really need to rethink taking more time off. "

    Me: "why? Is the pain that bad? "

    (wait for it)

    Drama: "Naw!! Cuz you Gon be hungry! "

    Me: long blank stare..... "Are you kidding me?....... "

    Thank Goodness the nurse called my name because I was getting ready to drop the mic and exit the stage!

    I just had to share. Are people really that bold?


    Starfish n coffee

  8. LOL!! I know, right? I was jealous when I read that other people could have broth in their pre-op diets! I can have 3 pretty gross tasting shakes, and 250 calories of certain veggies like celery, broccoli and cauliflower. They also said I could chew sugar free gum. I have lost around 16 pounds.

    Well I won't make you jealous with the diet my doc has me on. Lol! But guess what? Shakes, broth or whatever....YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK!!!! :-))

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