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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Esmeralda

  1. Esmeralda

    SERIOUS ONLY: Giving up junk food.

    How can you drink a coke, the carbination will just give me a terrible stomach ache!
  2. Esmeralda

    SERIOUS ONLY: Giving up junk food.

    I am in, no more chips for me, last week I had 3 bags in a week that's bad!!! Oh and the cookies, I really need help!
  3. I everyone I have a great need for some support today, first of all I ended the relationship with my boyfriend of 2 years. He was getting to possesive and I could not handle it any more. He didnt want me to get the surgery from the very beggining and when I started lossing weight he was getting worse, very insecure and always acussing me of cheating or always causing a scene when we went out (we went dancing every weekend). It is so hard but I just can't get my self to show any emotions over all this, my 2 children (not from him) were attached to him and that makes it even harder. To top it all off I came in to work this morning and find out that a co-worker passed away yesterday of a massive heart attack (he smoked way to much), what a way to start the week hugh!! Thank you for letting me vent, I needed to tell someone.
  4. I need everyone’s opinion, I have had two fill already from Dr. Kuri, one in February and one in April, I was scheduled to get my third fill on June 18 because for the last two weeks I notice I can eat a lot more than what I had been eating following my second fill. I had a problem eating in the mornings for the first 3 weeks after my second fill. Okay the problem is that I am due to start my period around the 13th and yesterday in the morning I was eating a Soup and I had to stop half way because it got stuck, when I coughed a little bit of saliva came out, okay during lunch I had 2 taquitos (crispy usually goes down with no problem for me) it took me about 30 minutes to eat them because I had to chew, chew and chew so it wouldn’t get stuck, then for dinner I had 1 taco with soft beef, cilantro, onions and mild salsa (I can usually eat a taco really slow) well after my second bit I ran to the bathroom had a major bp attack, I was throwing up for the next 2 hours and I felt terrible. My question is can I be tighter because I am going to start my period or what’s going on. Should I not get a fill??? Should I get a fill??? I need everyone’s advice.
  5. Esmeralda

    To fill or not to fill????? HELP

    Does anyone have any suggestions???
  6. I posted on Dr. Kuri's board that I was going for a fill to see if anyone wanted to go and I had a few resposes, but I have been tight since yesterday (getting closer to that time of the month) and I don't know if I want a fill now!!! I am scared!
  7. Sarah you are not that far from me!! I was going to go get a fill next Saturday but I am not sure if am after all because since yesterday I been feeling tight when I eat, almost everything comes back up!!! Do you ever go to the monthy meetings help in Orange County?? You should it really helps to get motivated!!!
  8. Where are you guys located, I also had my surgery with Dr. Kuri??
  9. Esmeralda

    OT- Are your children obese?

    I have two boys one is 9 (85 pounds) and the other is 5 (46 pounds) and since I got my band I always tell them they should eat healthy so they don't have a problem with their weight like I did. I also control the amount of junk food, like they can't drink soda anymore unless we eat out and thats either diet or sprite, a few chip here and there but not a grab bag size like they use to do everytime we went to the store, I also buy them sugar free cookies. I will monitor the amount of food and if they over do it I will tell them to stop. Kids are smart and I think if you explain to them why you worry about them they will understand and listen. I think your right to worry, after all you are the step mom and she is a part of your family now!
  10. I am driving down to TJ for a fill (with Dr. Kuri) on Saturday 06/18/05, if anyone is interested in sharing gas expenses, I live in Lakewood and I would like to leave about 8:00 am (to get in about 10:30 and sign in) please e-mail me.
  11. Esmeralda

    Need some support today!!!

    This guy was 5 years younger then me and yet he was still very issecure, he loved me way to much that it was hurting me. My ex-husband was 10 years older than me and he still wasnt mature enough to put his family first. My two boys (5 & 10) are okay because they said they don't want me to be with someone that always makes me get mad!!! Anyways I am strong but sometimes I get where I remember the few good time and it makes me cry!!! Thank you guys for the support it really helps!!
  12. Esmeralda

    Hangover from hell!!

    The hang over pills are called "Chasers", I tried them but they are so big you have to cut them in 3 or 4 and because you have to take them with your first drink they really grossed me out, I still had a small hang over the next day.
  13. I just wanted to say that I had a great time and the meeting yesterday; it really inspired me and gave me allot of motivation to keep on doing what I am doing and that no matter how hard it is or will be there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I really would like to invite everyone to join in these meetings once a month because it makes a great difference to see the results at the end. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Wow, these women look great, and I would love to look like them!! <o:p></o:p> Thank you Joanne Narayan for inviting me you really motivated me, I can't wait to see you guys again in future meetings!!
  14. Esmeralda

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am an Engineering Secretary for a company that Manufacturers Aerospace Components.
  15. Esmeralda


    The few times that I drank when I ate just gave me a terrible PB attack so now I am afraid of drinking when eating. Also I notice that lemonade makes me PB even when I don't eat, does anyone notice that certain drinks makes them PB more than others?
  16. Esmeralda

    MX for Plasic?

    How much is a tummy tuck in Mexico??? I want one really bad and my boobs oh my I went from a 44D to a 40C but they are sagging big time. Would I need a left or a new boob job?
  17. Esmeralda

    Hair Loss

    Thank you Betty! I had surgery in January and I am losing alot of hair right now!! I hate it!!
  18. For the past month I noticed that I am really losing alot of hair!! What can't I do to stop this??? I am getting scared!! Any advice anyone??
  19. Esmeralda

    Help, I am losing my hair!!!!

    I don't ask Sandy questions all the time, I was just saying that when I did have questions she had good answers for me. I appreciate everyones suggestions I will keep them all in mind. I will be going to GNC today to buy some Protein vitamines and supplements!!
  20. I have to disagree, when I first got my band I had so many questions and she always gave me great advice. I took it because she has already passed this stage and she knew from personal experience what I was going through!! I did see alot of people always trying to knock her down but to me she was always good!
  21. Esmeralda

    Help, I am losing my hair!!!!

    What kind of protein supplements can I take?? (Like drinks) I love getting my hair done and I always have some kind of style to it but if I keep on losing it I wont have any hair to fix up!! I am really worried!
  22. Esmeralda

    I can't wait to....

    I would love to see your new style!!!
  23. Esmeralda

    I can't wait to....

    alatina You started at 214 and your already down 15 pounds, good for you!! How could you be a size 20 I am 216 and I am a size 18!!
  24. Esmeralda

    Me again I need your advice!!!

    I was so worried about not lossing in the beggining of my fill because I could'nt eat but I am doing really good and I also have restriction. I am afraid to get another fill though because the first week was so hard!
  25. I haven’t been doing to good since my fill on Saturday 04/16. I have had a lot of PB and throwing up this week the only times I don’t is when I eat Soup. I can drink with no problem (when I drink a slim fast because it’s thicker I could here it gurgle when it goes down), its just when I try solids that I PB really bad (lasting an hour at times) and I want to make sure that my stoma is not just swollen and that I am actually tight so I am going to try my best not to get an un-fill. I will be going on liquids for 3-4 days or until I can see if I really need a un-fill. Can anyone recommend and good Protein Drink and also tell me where you bought them!! I am going to do a Protein Drink for Breakfast and one for lunch and a small meal.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
