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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by StartingOver

  1. Hi Leanne, welcome! I just found this site and am looking at having a revision to RNY. I had lapband surgery in March 2004 and after 7 successful months of weight loss I got pregnant with my second child and stopped exercising and eating the foods that I should have. Here I am now 7 years and two children later maintaining my weight, but still with a BMI close to 40. I too have an insurance time crunch since my plan will exclude bariatric surgery as of April 1st and I must be on a medically supervised for 3 months before submitting to insurance for approval. Oh yea, and I still need to have my band removed! I'm heading in to the surgeon's office this morning to start my medically managed diet and to talk about band removal.

    Please let us know once you have a surgery date. I hope all goes well for you, and I look forward to getting to know you better.


  2. Welcome to our little forum here. Can't tell you much about the actual surgery (going in in 15 days). I am hoping for you that the surgeon is able to get this done for you in time. I was actually suprised at the number of people revising from a band. Good you found out about the change in your insurance, and are able to be (hopefully) proactive and get this done.

    Looking forward to getting to know you (and everyone else) better..

    Best of luck for an uneventful surgery and a quick recovery. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Please keep us posted.

  3. Thanks for the support you guys. I am going to start the medically managed weight loss plan this Wednesday and I'll need to be on that for 3 months before the surgeon's office can apply for authorization to have the surgery. I'm hoping that we can make it under the wire. I'm nervous having to cram so much into such a short amount of time, especially if I end up having my band removed and am not able to get approval for the rny surgery.

  4. I had lapband surgery in March of 2004 and now am exploring the idea of a revision to gastric bypass surgery. I have been very fortunate not to have any complications from the band, I just haven't used it the way it was meant and since I'm so far into the game the chances of me losing more weight are very slim. I just discovered that my health insurance plan will exclude bariatric surgery beginning April 1, 2012. so, on a whim I decided to attend a surgical weight loss seminar sponsored by the healthcare system that I work for. The surgeon seems optimistic that he can remove the band, get my 3 month medically supervised diet complete, and get an authorization from my insurance for the gastric bypass surgery.

    I'm interested in hearing about everyone's experience with RNY surgery, whether you started off banded, or not. I'm also looking for a community of support and ideas. I haven't been an active participant of a weight loss forum for quite a while, so I'm excited to be back and to make some new friends.

  5. I'm hoping that someone here can help me out. I have a logo for my husband's business that was designed in photoshop. I don't use photoshop, nor do I know how to use it. I want to know if it's possible to change the file type to a jpg or tiff so that I can use the logo in Microsoft Publisher.

    Is it possible? How can I do it?

    Thanks for the help.

  6. Wow, everyone is doing so awesome, it's very motivating!

    Yesterday I did not make it to the gym, but I did about 1 1/2 hours housework including re-arranging some furniture.

    This morning I was at the gym bright and early. Actually it was so early that it was still dark! Anyway here's my activities at the gym: 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes treadmill

    Breakfast was 1 cup Kashi Cereal with 1/2 cup low fat milk. I had a hard time getting it down, but now that it's been a while I feel like I could use a snack. I have a low carb yogurt sitting on my desk that is looking mighty tastey right now.

  7. I had surgery with Dr. Arturo Rodriguez in Monterrey, MX and I financed it. I made my application with MediCredit and was accepted. My credit score was decent, but it is hard to prove my income because I am self employed as a Realtor, and they were willing to accept my commission check stubs in place of paychecks or tax records. I received my approval in less than 24hrs. I liked medicredit because it was 1 year same as cash, or 12% interest if I paid over 3 years.

    Here's the link to their site: www.medicredit.com

  8. Way to go Teresita!!!:clap2: I got your back, too.

    Yesteraday's checkin:

    Got all of my Water in

    Took vitamin

    Got all of my Protein in

    I didn't make it to the gym yesterday, but I've already been once today and did 80 minutes on the treadmill. DH and I have an appt with a personal trainer at the gym tonight, so I'll get my second workout then. It's two a day for me!

    I'm down 6lbs since Saturday. From now on I'm going to weigh only Monday mornings otherwise the scale will have total control over my attitude.

  9. Welcome Ginny. I'm glad you found this site. You'll find a ton of information, answers, and support.

    Don't worry, it's normal to struggle a bit with food until your band is adjusted well. It took me several months to get there. Try to stay positive and remember that it took a while to gain this weight and it will take some time to get it off.

    Again, welcome and keep your head up.

  10. Here's my update for today.....

    - Drank all my Water (it's 10:36pm and I'm finishing up now)

    - Exercise 1 hr elliptical machine 20 mins lower body weights 10 min abs

    I went to Target and forgot to buy a new Walk Away the Pounds DVD

    I forgot my Vitamin (until now-so I'm taking it :P )

    I had not such a great day with food.

    Breakfast: 3 pieces turkey bacon

    Lunch: a few bites of a very very dry burger

    some fries dipped in ranch and consumed one at a time in small bites chewed very well as to not get stuck

    and a Dr. Pepper to top it off

    No dinner. I was busy. Fed the family first then wanted to rush off to the gym. Not a healthy choice. I'm drinking some Protein now because I know I need something in my system. Tomorrow I will try to eat a healthier, more balanced diet. I know that it's not healthy to skip meals-it really was an oversight cuz I was so busy (and not very hungry).

  11. Thanks everyone. And welcome Becky, Tracey, Silry, Gigi and Kelsy.

    Esmerelda- Thanks for the kudos and congrats on your band baby.

    Kelsy- yes my doctor recommends not getting pregnant until 2 years out. What can I say, I have a beautiful baby girl. My pregnancy did not hurt my band physically, just reduced the chances that I'll get to goal weight. So, I'm here to work twice as hard to make up for the time that I lost and the weight that I didn't :-) I would not trade my beautiful baby for anything in the world. Having said that...I did not plan to get pregnant so soon after getting banded. I would have loved to be 2 years out, or at least under 200lbs. What's done is done. I'd like to have one more child, but if I'm not well under 200lbs before my daughter is 3 years old (2 1/2 yrs from now), then I'm calling it good at two kids.

    It's great to be back.

  12. The Discovery Health Channel is doing their National Body Challenge again this year. This is an 8 week challenge to exercise, eat healthier, lose weight, feel younger, have more energy, or whatever your goal is. It is free to register and you'll get all kinds of online support (menu planning, fitness planner, weight tracker, etc.) To go along with this, Bally Total Fitness is offering an 8 week free pass (totally no obligation-except listening to their 10-15minute sales pitch).

    Today is the last day that you can print these passes. To get one, go to http://health.discovery.com/BodyChallenge/ and click on the REGISTER NOW link. Once you've registered you'll see the link to the Bally pass on the bottom of the "my Body Challenge" page-that's the page that shows up when you log in.

    My husband and I redeemed our pass and have been hitting the gym together and are having a blast!

    Happy workouts everyone!

  13. Hi everyone. I've been gone from LBT for nearly a year and with so many new members I thought I'd re-introduce myself. I was banded in March 2005 by Dr. Arturo Rodriguez in Monterrey, MX. I had good success with my band, losing 70lbs in the first 7 months post op. During my 7th month post op I found out that I was pregnant with my second child. I was quite nervous that I wouldn't be getting enough nutrition for my baby with the level of restriction that I had, so I chose to have all of the Fluid removed. Well, that was the beginning of my pregnancy. As my pregnancy progressed, I found myself eating things that I hadn't even attempted in the months prior (ice cream, fast food, grilled cheese sandwiches). It's not surprising that I gained 50lbs during the pregnancy. I also did not exercise.

    This was very devistating time for me. I went from being on a very disciplined high Protein diet, to being able to eat whatever and how much that I wanted. I started to forget that I had a lap-band.

    Even though I gained so much, I was able to wear maternity clothes in my current clothes size, so I really didn't notice the weight all that much. Now, 6 months after having my daughter I am still nearly 50lbs heavier than my all time low. The shape of my body has really changed and none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit correctly and I had thrown out all of my larger clothes, so I'm constantly feeling self-conscious in ill fitting clothes.

    I've had a band adjustment and I do have decent restriction, but I find myself needing to retrain my brain to follow the lap-band rules. I've been back on track for a few days now-eating lots of protein, drinking Water, and working out at the gym.

    I've come to realize how much I need LBT for the great advice and support that everyone offers. So-with my head hanging low in shame for the choices I've made that put me back 50lbs, here I am. I'm committed to checking in here with my LBT friends for support and advice through thick and thin. I plan on being thin :confused:

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