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Posts posted by madfroglady

  1. I started running just over a month ago. I was 256 this spring and about 225 last month. Losing that 30 pounds first made a huge difference for me. And the couch potato to 5k program mentioned here is great. I modified it to suit my needs and this morning "ran" 27 out of my 40 minute workout.

    I put ran in quotes because many people walk faster than I "run". Even jog would be an over statement. But I figure 27 minutes of chugging along is a heck of a lot more than I've ever done before. Slow and steady wins the race, as the turtle said.


  2. I had TWO great exercise NSV's this morning. I have been walking & running (couch potato to 5k program) for nearly a month now, using the bike bath near my house.

    NSV #1: I ran (ha! that is an overstatement of my very slow jog) 22 out of 40 minutes I was working out. All the way from my starting point to the bottom of the big hill (15 minutes) then turned around and walked back up the hill and ran (7 minutes) back to my start. Woo!

    NSV #2: just as I was ending my run, I was very tired and wanted to try to keep running back to the start but wasn't sure I could. I see the same people on the path every day, including one lady with her huge black poodle. This morning, she smiled at me as I was running my last tenth of a mile, and said "I wish I had your energy!" I was so flabergasted I had to ask her to repeat it to make sure I heard her correctly. Then I laughed! Tomrrow I'll have to make sure I tell her how much it meant to me to hear her say that.


    I'm really starting to love this running thing.




  3. are not death in this case, but an amusing ancedote.

    Today I decided to treat myself to a juice and piece of chocolate on my afternoon walk. I was a major chocoholic preband and I've been very good until now. But next to the cash register they had those little round Lindt chocolate truffles, so I thought "I deserve it." and bought it. Not having anywhere to put it, I stuck it in my pocket to enjoy a few minutes later.

    Work has been really hectic and before I got back to my office, I got stopped by half a dozen people with various questions. Then I had to prep for a meeting, facilitate the meeting, drive like a maniac to pick up my kids, make dinner, clean up and get the boys in the tub. I finally sat down and notied this reddish brown stain on my pants. I thought I had somehow opened one of my incisions (I had a c-section and lost sensation in my abodmen so I wouldn't necessarily be able to tell if I had.) what the heck? :faint: I looked my stomach all over before I realized: it was chocolate.



  4. I have not one but two counselors (one for marriage, one for personal) so I know what you're going through. It is important to find a good fit. I started by going to my insurance company and getting a list. There were 5-6 in my area that I could choose from. Then I called in the evening and listened to the answering machine or voicemail. If I liked how that sounded (!) I left a message asking for someone to call me for a preliminary appointment. Some of them never called back. (Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!)

    At the first appointment I made it pretty clear that I was interviewing them. (I always do this. I'm not going to deal with so-called "professionals" that don't meet my standards. I'm paying them so they work for me. IMHO, a counselor should be challenging but not rigid; supportive but not enabling.) It usually takes me a few to find one that I like. Don't be afraid to go to someone else if you don't like someone for any reason. They aren't going to be upset if you go to someone else. They're used to it-- that's their job.

    That's my 2 cents.


  5. No problems here either. Your surgeon and anathesiologist are used to these issues. Talk over your concerns with them or one of the nurses.

    For my previous surgery (not the lapband) I was terrified. One of the residents who was in training to be a surgeon asked me what was wrong and I told her how scared I was. She held my hand (literally) until the anathesia took effect. She was wonderful.

    So even if someone there won't hold your hand, we'll all be here thinking of you and cheering for you!


  6. Way to go Candle and Sheaross! Progress is a wonderful and inspiring thing for all of us. Any more updates out there?

    for my self:

    1. the onederland goal is now only 20 pounds away. :biggrin1: I just got my first fill on Wednesday so we'll see how it goes.


    2. I have 10 of 45 walk/run exercise sessions done. I think this won't be a problem for me, :guess so I might have to kick it up a notch and make a goal about running. Hmmm.


  7. I am a full time worker and a full time parent. I really resent the flack I get from the folks (not here) that insist I am hurting my boys (ages 7 and 3) by having them in Full time day care. Older was in daycare from 12 months and younger was in daycare from 3 months. My older son has special needs and day care/school give him something that I never could: unpredictable challenge of a normal social life with other kids.

    As for the folks who say "I didn't have kids to have someone else raise them." I respond, " neither did I." The daycare and school are not raising my kids; my husband and I are. They provide a warm, loving, intersting, challenging environment during the day. DH and I provide love, family, moral education, character development and discipline. Why can't it be a "both-and" rather than an "either-or"?


  8. Back in january of this year, I decided to start yet another diet & exercise attempt to lose wight. I ate a small bowl of Cereal for Breakfast, a bowl of Soup for lunch and a small dinner. I worked out at the gym for an hour 3-4 times per week. After 3.5 weeks, I weighed my self: I had gained 3 pounds. WHAT?!?!?! That was one of my last straws that made me go for the band.

    Now when I exercise I really see the difference, both in the scale and in my energy level. It is really amazing. Before, even when I lost weight, I didn't have more energy. With exercise, I really do. And it feels great.





  9. You half-marathoners are soooo inspiring!! Maybe one day I'll be there.

    This morning I managed to increase one of my running intervals to 75 seconds instead of 60 (or to be honest, 55!). If felt great! My first thought was that I must have been going downhill or running really slow or something. But then I thought "What the heck. 75 seconds is 75 seconds. I'm claiming it!!"




  10. I actually have 3 gyms to choose from: one at work, one at my kid's school and one at the hospital where I had my surgery done. Work gym I hate because it is all full of steroid pumped guys and 98 pound girls (who stand in the locker room and say to each other "does this thong make me look fat?"). School gym is better because lots of older people use it so it's less stressful, but it is very busy and there are no trainers. Hospital gym is the best because there are lots of patients recovering from various things including bariatric surgery and the trainers are fantastic!!!!!! Everyone there makes me feel like I am welcome and any exercise I do is a triumph. :-) Unfortunately, that one costs additional $$ so for now I am running and walking at home. (I love being able to throw on clothes, workout, and come back to my own shower.) But once I get to onederland, I'm going to start lifting weights and using the machines over there. Ya just can't bet having a cheering squad while you are working out.




  11. As I understand it, the reason for the no drinking while eating rule is that the liquids flush out your pouch so you don't get full as fast and stay full as long.

    My problem is that my doc's rules are no drinking 1 hour before and 2 hours after. That leaves me very little time to remember to drink, especially when I workout in the morning. I'm going to double check with him when I go for my fill tomorrow.




  12. I'm right there with ya. I started out at a size 24 this time, and now my size 20 stuff is comfy. I only have 1-2 size 18 pieces anywhere so it will soon be time to hit the stores. (or at least the second hand shops! I don't want to spend tons of money on clothes that I am going to shrink out of!) Last night, I tried on a jacket that was a 1X (rather than the 2x that I have worn for 10 years) and it fit! woohoo!




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