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Sleeve Plication Patients
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Everything posted by sue

  1. omg nights are the worst...!!! Do you think it is ok to grab a protein shake during the day if you are in a hurry and can't eat? It seems I heard somewhere that you should no longer have shakes after plicaton....that we need to say away from them??? what do you think?
  2. Thanks Bedrukz...I will try drinking water before I eat. I wish I was loosing a little quicker...It has been a month and a half...only down 30 pounds..which I know is good, but most of it was pre-op and the 2 weeks after op. I am loosing a little patience! Do you find it hard to drink (gulp) water I can only sip a few ...then my stomach feels full...so as a consequence, I do not get nearly enough water in! Any suggestions?
  3. Great Job Kika79!! keep up the good work..you sound like you have a good plan.! Drinking during meals is the hardest thing for me too...It is such a habbit! I find myself watching the clock constantly for that hour to pass. I too have had those pains...not fun! I am afraid that my stomach will stretch...and that is even scarier
  4. I will definately try more protein...I will let you know!
  5. one month out!!!!stuck this past week....almost 30 pounds off since op on april 17th...im getting a little frustrated..but i am going to pump up my exercise..plus it has been impossible to get a lot of water in..Can you count tea, gator ade etc as your liquid, or does it have to be water?
  6. absolutely...we need support and these forums are sooo helpful. I usually wait approx 25-30 minutes...i just cant make myself wait an hour...and ice cubes just dont do the job...so far so good. You really have to concetrate on not chugging....especially if you were a (water) drinker prior to plication! I still have issues with stamina, but I played 18 holes of golf saturday and did just fine ...to my suprise!
  7. Same here, I take just 3 or 4 bites of something, and I have to stop! (Isn't it great?) But I really miss drinking with my meal...it is sooo hard! I literally cannot have any glasses of water etc. in front of my plate, or I will (not thinking) out of habbit grab the water and drink....but that being said, you just need to do it once or twice, and you will not do it again! your stomach hurts sooo bad!!
  8. Wow!!! great job 134 and happy. You give us all incentive to hope for the same!! It is so nice to hear that there are people out there who have been successful! I had my plication April 17 and have almost 30 pounds off....and I cant wait to do some closet cleaning too!! I hope I can do as well as you! Are you going back to Dr. Ortiz for your 6mo - 1 year check up?? I am planning on it because I want to have him check my restriction etc...
  9. surgery date was April 17...not quite a month.....I am now down 28 pounds....I was stuck on 26 pounds for 6 days!! but finally lost 2 pounds yesterday...who knows why?? I love my restriction...but you have to mentally adjust....I am finally making and ordering smaller portions because it always seems i can take only a few bites and i am done! I just pray that this restriction stays around, because it works! I really dislike that I cannot drink anything during a meal!!! Does anyone know exactly why you cannot drink? I am sooooo thirsty while eating (especially while eating protein!
  10. today I weighed myself and I am finally down 25 lbs!! Only 50 more to go...I hope it still comes off...sooner rather than later, but I know that I must have patience!
  11. I had surgery 4/17 and I also had sharp pains once in a while, also couldnt sleep on my side without hugging a pillow for a week after. I was told not to play golf for 3 weeks, so maybe you are rushing it a little...not sure. I do know that every once in a while your stomache likes to remind you that it is there and that it is now smaller!! I have 3 more days on my full liquid diet, and cant wait to try tuna, egg, cottage cheese etc. I have lost 23 pounds, and seem but be stuck the last 3 days?? a little frustrating since i'm really not eating anything but soup ( and only a little of that!)
  12. sue

    1 Week Out!

    I had plication surgery april 17...with Dr Ortiz.... very happy so far...some cramping,bloating etc, but i have lost 23 pounds so far incl pre-op. today was my first day of really being hungry...but i am increasing some liquids..hopefully that will work! I have one more week to reach my 21 days of liquids (full). then I can go to soft foods, like tuna etc...I know I can do it though it is getting a little harder.
  13. now 14 days post surgery, and I have lost a total of 23 pounds...incl pre-op. Im so happy about that! I am getting a little tired of soup, but I only have one week left of full liquids....then on to soft pureed food. (can't wait) I am feeling a little more hunger, but I will keep the plan on track. Having trouble with the water...i can only sip, and am tired of carrying a bottle everywhere I go.
  14. I had my surgery finally on April 17 th. flight was easy...waited for driver for an hour. One of the other gals in the van had problems with her plication!!!! That freaked me a little seeing that I was on my way to get the surgery the next day!! She had a rupture of sutures I guess...they could not repair it so they removed the stitches...she had her original surgery in January.... She was hoping to just have them fix it...instead she will heal, and then decide if she wants a sleeve(not crazy about doing that!). So my surgery went well...stomached sore and I had some shoulder pain! While there my sister and I had some plasma injections with dr so! Looking forward to seeing those results! I left a few days later to visit with my sister in Cabo. I was very tired...not a lot of strength...I cant get even 24oz of liquids down.....I did not loose any weight for a week!! I was swollen and constipated. Finally I lost 5 pounds so now I have a total (incl pre op) of 16 pounds off! Sensation is weird...you feel only a tinge of hunger and it goes away after only a couple of sips! I feel some cramping. I'm at the airport now in San Diego not looking forward to a grueling red eye...only had a few sips of yogurt drink and ice tea with a quarter cup of tortilla soup! Very full!
  15. sue

    Happy 2Nd Month Anniv To Me!

    Great job...hope I do as well as you.....i know the feeling though!! yeah!!!
  16. thanks Bekrudz!! Your comments are so helpful...I really appreciate your help and information. I have lost 10 pounds, they would like me to lose 12 total...which probably happen since i have 2 days of clear liquids (Sunday and Monday)....I leave Monday for San Diego! How are you doing? Do you have much further to go? I would love to hear someone say "Hey I have lost all the weight I need to"....have you heard anyone say that?
  17. I would stay away from starches totally, remember protein first then veggies
  18. sue

    Liver Shrink Diet

    today is Friday, and after working hard for a week and a half i finally weigh 10 pounds less.. I need to lose 2 more pounds before my op on the 17th of April! Not worried at all, as I am only doing clear liquids for sunday and monday. I am so syked it is redicilous!
  19. I second that !! I have done so much research, that I am so confident on my future plication it is rediculous!! Scheduled for this coming tuesday 4/17...Dr Ortiz @ OCC!!
  20. sue

    April Ibanders Unite!

    I am headed to Tijuana to have plication next week. Dr Ortiz is doing the proceedure on Tuesday the 17th! Very Excited!! 10 pounds off so far on pre-op
  21. good luck to you....Mine is scheduled with Dr Ortiz at the OCC clinic for April 17th!! I've been on my pre-op fast. Lost 10 lbs, need to loose 2 more, but I think I can do it because Sunday and Monday is clear liquids only....definately loose more!! Are you siked?
  22. ok, i am stuck on only loosing 8.5 pounds pre-op for 3 days!! I only have 3 days left on 2 shakes a day plus one meal! Then 2 days of clear liquids only....i hope I can loose the required 11 pounds....it is sooo hard..i'm doing everything right.. This tuesday is my op-day!
  23. ok what is the duodenal switch?? I'm getting plication next tuesday! Is this something I should know?? Everyone here seems to be stuck anywhere from 30 to 50 off!! That would not make me happy!!
  24. My surgery is scheduled to be done the morning of April 17th 2012 with Dr. Ortiz...at the Obesity Control Center...... Well here I am 8 days before surgery, 8 pounds off with 3 more to go to be able to meet my required weight loss! I found that an hour or two after dinner I am hungry again. What I found helps is to take a metamucil pill at 3 pm ish....that staves off hunger. I will have to remember to ask Dr. Ortiz what I should do when hunger strikes (especially in evenings) after surgery. I have a whole list of questions to ask Dr. Ortiz before I have surgery. It seems so many of you are stuck on losing only 50 or so pounds...that would not make me happy as I really need to lose 80 to 100. I am 5'8 1/2 and weighed 230 when I started my preop. Does any one know how soon you can start to exercise/golf after surgery???

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