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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by WorkItWorkIt

  1. WorkItWorkIt

    throwing up

    I can't handle a chicken breast either unless I grind it up first in the food processor. I take the chicken and shred it, add a can of mushroom Soup and rotel tomatoes. Cook together on top of the stove add pepper to taste. Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  2. WorkItWorkIt

    Surgery date set! 11/11/13 Yeah!

    Yeah for you! My husband was really nervous as well. I am amazed at how supportive he is. He says to me it has been an hour since we ate, what can I get you to drink? He asks how did dinner set with you, and did you have a good pouch day? Get ready for your life to change, and it is very exciting! Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  3. WorkItWorkIt

    Two days and no dumping

    FoR two days now, no dumping yeah for me! Anything with more than a gram of sugar makes me sick to the point of dumping. So when I went grocery shopping I spent two hours looking at every single label. I bought egg whites and turkey sausage. Two tablespoons of egg whites and one Jimmy Dean turkey sausage, microwave it for 45 seconds and you have a yummy Breakfast. lunch was weight watchers taco Soup and dinner was a meatball with sugar free artichoke tomato sauce. I made the meatballs prior to surgery and have them in the freezer. I guess I am a slow learner it has taken me five weeks to read all the labels prior to consuming anything! Sent from my iPad using RNYTalk
  4. WorkItWorkIt

    Which artificial sweetener do you prefer?

    Steevia natural sweetener it is the green packet on restaurant tables, well some restaurants. Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  5. WorkItWorkIt

    Dr Krahn Parkview Community hospital

    I feel really good and I am so glad I had the surgery! Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  6. WorkItWorkIt

    Okay how bad am I?

    I keep buying Halloween candy for my office. I do not eat it but another person in my office eats it like it is her last meal. She is overweight, does not try to diet and her trash can is full of wrappers everyday. I think I buy the candy and I am eating it vicariously through her. I keep losing weight and she keeps gaining weight and I think I am enjoying that fact. Now if she were dieting I would not be placing candy in front of her, I would be supporting her. My habit prior to surgery was to bring in donuts or bagels a couple of times a month. I know my department is missing my old habits. So am I a sick puppy? Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  7. WorkItWorkIt

    Okay how bad am I?

    You have a point - I am not trying to buy friendship or approval - but her gain in weight makes mine look even better - which is false self esteem...
  8. WorkItWorkIt

    Bowel issues

    Bowel issues are near and dear to my heart. I now take three Colace a day and this week I am not having any problems. I am also eating 1/2 container a day of no sugar added applesauce. I was told not to eat the applesauce by my nut ironist but it appears that this combination is working. When I have a movement I want to tell everyone! Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 203
  9. WorkItWorkIt

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I received the shoes I ordered last week in a one wide verses a double wide - stylish I have to say - yes my older shoes are too wide!
  10. WorkItWorkIt

    what pre op diet helped you most?

    Information regarding the elastic ring - All gastric bypass patients are encouraged to consider the placement of a silastic ring. The procedure is the same as is performed for Gastric Roux-en-Y with one modification: a silastic ring is placed around the pouch just above the connection between the gastric pouch and the bypassed intestine. This creates additional restriction for patients, and many surgeons believe that the ring helps patients avoid weight regain in the long term.
  11. WorkItWorkIt

    what pre op diet helped you most?

    Not plastic - elastric ring that sits on top of the stomach - it was an extra $375 not covered by insurance to have it placed during surgery. Helps with not being able to stretch your pouch - 3 oz is it for me and maybe the reason I have such issues with sugar - anything more than 2 grams of sugar and I dump. I will see what information I have on the ring and will post later today.
  12. WorkItWorkIt

    what pre op diet helped you most?

    I had an elastic ring that I paid for that keeps me from streching my pouch - I measure just about everything - because my eyes are always bigger than my pouch - once I eat more than 3 oz, I do not feel good and sometimes dump. My understand of the elastic ring is that they can cut it off without surgery but they can not put it back without surgery.
  13. WorkItWorkIt

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I was able to wrap a standard towel around me - not a beach towel I was amazed!
  14. WorkItWorkIt

    what pre op diet helped you most?

    I did two protein drinks a day and a small salad and a 4 oz piece of meat. Before surgery it is difficult to stay on a low carb, low calorie diet, I remember seeing a skittles candy on the ground and thinking my that looks good! After surgery, for me, I am not hungry - so you need to find something that works for you and your body. Listen to your doctor - the weight will come off with surgery.
  15. WorkItWorkIt

    Daily calorie intake

    I guess I did not understand that MFP = My Fitness Pal - I use it almost daily that is how I know how much water, protein and calories I take in. I am very happy with the decision I made to have Gastric Bypass, I love that my clothes continue to hang off of me instead of being too tight. I love that my joints no longer hurt - I was a sugar and fast food addict. I appreciate this group - I am not sure if I would understand near as much without this on-line group - thank you for all the information!
  16. WorkItWorkIt

    Daily calorie intake

    Okay maybe I do not understand MFP. My surgery was September 4th and I have an elastic ring at the top of my stomach - will help with not eating more than 3 oz at a time. Even if I drink two protein drinks a day 320 calories and sausage & eggs 70 calories - that is 390 calories - pretty typical for me.
  17. WorkItWorkIt

    Daily calorie intake

    How do you get 1,000 cal a day in? I am lucky if I get 400 a day in.
  18. WorkItWorkIt

    Daily calorie intake

    Why are you concerned about how many calories - be concerned about making healthy choices, drinking your fluids and taking your Vitamins. I try to get three meals a day in and do everything I can to take all my vitamins. If I do not carry my pill container with me - I will miss some vitamins. I also try to treat myself each evening with a sugarfree popscile.
  19. WorkItWorkIt

    Bowel issues

    Doctor said to take one Colace three times a day, if after the third day no movement, drink 1/2 bottle of that wonderful stuff we drank before surgery. And of course, increase liquids - I usually drink between 55 and 60 ounces a day. Anything to prevent a repeat of Sunday...
  20. WorkItWorkIt

    Sept 2013 post ops

    I had mine September 4th and I am 2 1/2 pounds from onederland! So from my highest weight I am down at least 65 lbs. I too have to work on water and exercise other than walking.
  21. WorkItWorkIt

    Bowel issues

    Another Sunday of being so constipated that I want to scream, cry, and stomp my feet. I will try almost anything. I have been drinking my liquids, taking two Fiber pills a day and two collace. To be very honest my butt hurts! I finally got relief, I will try the miralax. Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 209
  22. WorkItWorkIt

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had canned chicken with dill pickles and some buffalo ranch lite salad dressing very yummy! Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 209
  23. WorkItWorkIt

    going to the washroom

    I had my surgery sept 4 and still only go twice a week even though I take two collace a day abd two fiber pills.
  24. WorkItWorkIt

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I bought size 14 pants they are a little tight but within two weeks they will be perfect.
  25. WorkItWorkIt

    What ya eating tonight?

    I bake chicken, take two forks and shred the chicken. In a pot add the shredded chicken, can of Rotel tomatoes spicy or mild whichever you like and a can of mushroom soup. Simmer for about a half hour and enjoy. I generally use 3 chicken breasts, one can rotel, one can mushroom soup. I freeze the mixture into meals for me, then I have lunch or dinner in a matter of minutes. Surgery date 9/4/2013 HW 269 RYN 238, this week 209

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
