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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Lafalot

  1. I cheated- bad cheated! Day 5 of my 14 day diet.....oh heavens I was so hungry I could have chewed on my purse :|

    Pfft. Thats not a good way to start.


    Don't whip yourself. We are in this position of needing help becuase we have had a hard time moderating our food, and you have been put on really limited caloric intake without the benefit of the surgery yet. I would be frank with your surgeon so he/she can determine if this will impose any saftey issues with the surgery. You must protect your health. Think about ways you will cope the next time you get really hungry and have those measures ready (like lots of broth)

  2. I was sitting in my surgeons office yesterday doing the usual preop stuff and just couldn't believe what I am in the process of doing....I got scared to death! I am a lapband revision scheduled for the 15th. I feel as if I failed the first time so why not this time! The self doubt is messing with me. I know that I can't do this without a tool but the fear still is there of failure...please send me positive thoughts as my surgery date draws closer!

    I feel your anxiety. I'll share what I am doing, mabye some will be useful. I have had the same doublts. I'm getting my revision on the 16th. I had the Band placed in 2008, released in 2010 (due to reflux), and then took until 2012 to get up the guts to explore a revision because I felt like such a failure. I decided to read as much as I could from success stories of others who have kept it off to learn what they did to succeed, and use them as my map. Then I reflected on my own life successes. the only thing I have consistently failed as is keeping off my wieght. Everything else in personal and professional life I feel I have been a moderate sucessess (I keep relationships, I love my job, etc.) So, I decided that I would use the skills that I have used to succeed in my other parts of life and transfer that capacity to my Bypass success. So, I am taking the best advice from others, and my own patterns from other life accomplishments - and with those two I believe I can succeed this time.

    I am taking what I learned from what went wrong with the Band (in my case, when the Band didn't work I got pissy and petulant and slowly ate my way back to my heighest wieght, I will not not not let that happen again) and prepare myself for the bumps in the road that may come my way.

    I know lot's of people who have been through AA (I am addicated to the pleasurable sensations of eating, sugar highs, the distraction of eating) and it took more than one attempt to remain sober. The real failure would not be in the falling down, but in staying down. They used the support system of the group and the one day at a time approach to cope. I look at at their wonderful history of successes and plan to apply that philosophy. I am being transparent (I figure I can't stay well if I lie) with those near to me so I can't BS myself if I slip. I am trying to prepare myself mentally for the permanence/ long termness of this surgery and choice, but also keep myself focused on doing the correct thing each day. I'll deal with tomorrow's challenge tomorrow and just deal with making the right choices today.

    I don't know that I will succeed, but I do know I'm trying with all that I know at this point, and that is giving me some peace of mind.

  3. I am set to have my surgery October 7 . I have so excited to began this new journey of my life. I have always been a big girl but after the surgery I can Finley unzip my fat sute once and for all lol. I have been reading posts that are very incourgeing and hopeful that I have made the right choice for me. I would like a surgery buddy lol....

    DebbieDenise, am I right that you had your surgery yesterday? Hope it went well and that you are recovering easily. Thanks for starting this October chain. Sally

  4. I'm sitting here waiting for the vet to come and put my dog to sleep. Her kidneys are failing and she has a host of other health issues, too. It's time to do the right thing (but so hard!).

    We adopted Tally, our Dachshund, 14 years ago at the age of one. She's a beautiful, funny girl and we had all those good years with her. She's terrified of her vet's office so I have a mobile vet coming to the house in a half hour. She can die as peacefully as possible while I am holding her. Poor sweet little Tallybelle. :-(

    My condolences. I had a wonderful Dachshund for 13 yrs, Schnapps. He hiked up Mt. Washington in New Hampshire with us, and slept under my covers as a kid. A great combination of sporty and lap dog, and so wonderfully naughty, loving to disobey. Glad you had her.

  5. I got my surgery date!! October 15th!! Can't wait...I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life. I am a revision from a lap band which I had on October 13, 2009....just over 4 years to the day. I will have the lap band removed and the bypass done on the same day.

    It is amazing to me how many revisions are being done from Band to RYN Bypass. My Band has been loosened for 2 yrs (because of the acid reflux), but I also will have it removed at same time as Bypass. And, mine is within the month of 5 yrs of having the band. I feel like those 5 yrs could have been a little different if the Band had work as promised (just a little ticked about that). But, looking forward to all the focus needed to support this effort. Good luck to you on the 15th.

  6. Jumping in. Congrats to all of you. I am scheduled for band removal to RNY on 2/25/13 (quite the wait) so am checking to see how everyone is doing and trying to find some tricks for success.

    I am 60 and have 108# to lose. They actually want me to lose 118# but I am 5'5" and weighed 130 in high school and was not considered overweight. I am "well-endowed" and I think that 120# would be too thin for me. I would be perfectly happy wearing a size 10/12. All of my excess weight is in the middle which is extremely unhealthy.

    Hi Thynnlynn, my revison from band to bypass is in 3 weeks. I'm 56, 5'6", similar story. How has it been going for you? I hear those that have a revision loose the weight more slowly. What has been your experience?

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