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Posts posted by debri85

  1. I'm depressed....got my second fill two weeks ago had some restriction for the first couple of days and now nothing again....back to being hungry all the time and no loss...I'm trying to be patient but it would be much easier if the scales didn't go up and down...shades of days past....

    Am I doomed to be in the percentage that doesn't succeed?

    Apologies for being a downer....

  2. Sorry Angeleyes,

    I know I'm so sporatic about posting and I do apologize...it's the time thing...

    I had a fill four weeks ago, and had less restriction than I had before the fill...I got another one today and I can feel it which I couldn't before...so here's hoping....

    I feel okay...need to exercise more and am trying...

    other than the fill thing and my hair falling out by the handfulls I'm good....

    The upside to all my hair falling out is I could have a lot of fun with wigs!

  3. Come right out and ask him if your weight bothers him make him accountable, mention you overheard him talking about weight and ask him if he was referring to you . Best to be straight up front from the get go..tell him you felt a little awkwardness coming from him the moment the two of you met and you wanted to get things out in the open now before you begin your close working relationship. This is what I would do..no sugarcoating it one bit! Shoot from the hip!

    La Madam is absolutely on the mark!

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I had my first fill on the 15th of this month (about 2 weeks ago) I haven't noticed a difference in restriction--if anything, I am a lot more hungry than I was before!!! Has anyone had this happen, or can you give me any tips? Thanks!

    Bizarre isn't it? I had my second fill this morning...a bit of an ordeal but I won't bore you with the details....I do envy you guys who get it numbed before the fill....

    I waited four weeks before going to the doc and still nothing...I certainly feel it right now...I don't know how much he put in this time but I had 4cc (I think) the first time....I didn't feel any restriction and was more hungry...today I couldn't finish my Soup after the fill so here's hoping.

    I thought it was weird that I felt more restriction before the first fill than after it. I think my doc was a bit sceptical but I lost no weight to speak of....and really lost and gained the same 2-3 pounds....sorta the same as before I got the band....

    Anyway....I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Terri-ific....

  5. I just posted on the fill forum about this. had my first fill three weeks ago and can eat anything, haven't lost anything and am HUNGRY all the time, just like before the surgery. I was more restricted before the fill...

    I will see my doctor in a week, I keep hoping it will kick in...but don't hold much hope out now.....

  6. I too just had a fill (three weeks ago), my first, and actually feel less restricted than I did before the fill. I haven't lost any weight and can eat anything i want. I feel like i did before the surgery, hungry all the time...trying not to overeat, but it's like before....

    I also am experiencing some kind of pain at night...I sleep on my back and about a week ago I started waking up with this sore feeling at my port site...I check it everyday and there isn't any redness, swelling or heat....really strange....

    I have an appt in another week, I keep hoping it will kick in before I go and complain....

  7. Dear Jodie,

    I wish I had some magic words to make you feel better. It could be that they just don't understand what you have been and are going through. They can't identify or empathize with you. I'm guessing they are the same age as you and possibly, they don't want to be different and they don't want you to be different.

    It takes a strong person to take on what you have and you obviously have a strength of spirit and personality unique in someone so young, to make a major change in your life...they may find that intimidating...who knows...whatever it is, the most important thing, and I realize you may not feel it right now, is that you are doing a good thing for yourself. Excess weight is so unhealthy and limiting.

    You didn't list where you live but if you live in a large area, research youth groups, such as through your church (if you attend), the YMCA or YWCA if you are lucky enough to have one in your area. Check with your school counselor. What are your interests, do you sing, check on a choir, the school music teacher could probably help...do you like to read...go to your library and see if there are book groups for young people...if not, maybe you could start one....are you artistic, check on art classes...

    If you live in a really small town, some of these things might apply...

    One thing to remember is that in all things, we usually have to find our own way and we have to do what's best for us....

    I hope this doesn't sound condencending, I don't mean for it too...


  8. Hi There...

    Well, I'm glad to report that the feeling of having something stuck in my throat is gone...it went away the day after i spent the money to see an ENT doc...wouldn't you know...maybe his sticking that mirror down my throat and making me gag knocked it loose...go figure....

    With that, I thinking you might have hit the nail on the head Sassaay...I suppose i could have eaten something that just wouldn't go down....

    I had my first fill yesterday....wasn't too bad a bit of a stick here and there while he was situating the the needle...he didn't numb it but it wasn't bad...

    I was wondering if it's normal to be a bit itchy at the site...he covered it with a bandage and told me to keep it covered for a few days....I worry about infection especially with Delarla's experience.....he swabbed the area with that orange stuff and sprayed alcohol on it before he proceeded....i suppose I worry for nothing.....sure hope I get restriction....

    anyway, thanks for the support....i really appreciate it...you are all so great...


  9. Doesn't hurt..and it comes and goes sorta like it swells up (inside my throat) and then goes down...VERY weird...

    I was telling a friend about it last night and she seems to think it's probably due to not drinking enough Water. I have chronic post nasal drip and she swears it's clogged snot, lol...she's a ray of sunshine this one...

    I'll talk to my doc...sure hope it isn't reflux..weird thing is, I haven't really been able to find any information regarding the band and reflux....

    My doc has me take 150 mg of Zantac twice a day so I'd think that would keep the acidity down and I don't have heartburn or any pain...just this clog....guess I could try draino!

    Sorry Paula...the correct description would be more like a clog in the pipes....looking at my message I didn't describe is right..it's there when I swallow...intermittently...

    Will keey ya'll posted.

  10. Hello Everyone...

    Been experiencing a lump at the bottom of my throat...general area of where the collar bone meets up...seems to go up and down....started right after we got back from vacation...probably all those appletini's

    I've done some research on the net and found Laryngopharyngeal Reflux...if anyone has seen anything about this....seeing the doc on Monday for my first fill...


  11. Hi Mercedes,

    Perfectly natural to be concerned...

    I am 3 months+ and am doing great...just came off of a 5 week vacation and only gained 6 pounds which I KNOW was from all the Appletini's and wine..and I've lost 4 of those six pounds already.

    Going for my first fill next week.

    After your initial recouperation, you will be able to go out to eat...the way I handled it on vacation was that I ordered a small appetiser and salad and then ate off my husbands plate....sometimes, I would ask for the appetiser to be served with the others Entrees...I started out ordering regular meals but got tired of trying to explain that there wasn't anything wrong with the meal to the staff....

    Personally, I think a large part of the whole process is the mind set...if you can accept that things are going to be different and not mourn for what you might feel you are "giving up" it will help immensely.

    I went in to this wanting and needing things to be different because it was my last hope of ever being a normal weight again...I decided this was an adventure and tried to embrace all the changes I knew would be necessary for me to succeed. Actually, my husband was more worried about going out to dinner the first time after the surgery than I was....of course he hasn't been living a life of denial so he wasn't as comfortable as I was with it....I mean we've all been there...some new diet we're trying and so on....I was always trying something so going out to dinner and not ordering a bunch of food wasn't new to me.

    I've told EVERYONE what I did...and they have all been great. I'm lucky I guess, we are a very supportive non-judgemental bunch here...maybe because we chose to live and work were we do...we all know there's something off about us all....

    Anyway, good luck and chin up, it's not a bad or difficult way at all...pretty easy once you get the hang of it....


  12. Hey Angel,

    Just back from holiday and gained 6 pounds over the 5 weeks...I was banded April 17th and lost 19 pounds as of June 8th...

    I'm back on the program now, I have lost 3 of the six.

    I haven't made the appt for my fill yet...getting caught up at work and sleep...but I will...a little skittish about it to tell the truth...

    I just try to stay focused on the goal....


  13. Hi Parvathi and Paula,

    Sorry for not getting back sooner...been trying to get caught up at work and sleep...jet lag is a pain in the arse.

    I was using the ticker.com sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't....I might try the other one...

    I thought it went pretty well considering....now that i'm getting back into my routine I have managed to lose 3 of the 6 pounds...that was probably swelling..I do that when we fly...always have...

    Anyway, missed all you guys thanks for the encouragement...I know I can always count on ya'll!


  14. Hello Everyone,

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Back from holiday....not one of our more stellar trips but got to see our grandchildren so that makes up for the icky parts.

    Put on 6 pounds in 5 weeks but I'm not upset about it...considering how many appletinies I drank along with the volume of wine...not to mention the great dinners out...99% of the time, I ate off my hubby's plate...worked well. It was much easier than trying to explain to the staff that nothing was wrong with their food when I had a full plate and said I was done.

    Going to wait until I get this gain off before I go see my doc for my first fill...don't want him yelling at me...he wanted to do the fill at 7 weeks since I was going on holiday and I opted not to...it was 4 days before I was due to leave and I didn't want to risk any of the complications I've read about..especially since this band isn't part of the program in the US yet.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and best wishes to all of the new banders and hang in there to the future banders.


  15. GOOD FOR YOU! Isn't it wonderful!

    I can't praise this device enough! It's given me back the control and motivation I desparately needed!

    I getting ready to really test it...I'm leaving on vacation this Tuesday...will be gone for 5 weeks and I opted not to get a fill because it was so close to leaving and my band isn't supported in the US...SO, here comes a test!

    I believe I am going to be fine, I am so committed to this and the initial results have been so positive...

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