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Posts posted by angiep3880

  1. Has anyone else experienced dumping yet? I dumped yesterday for the first time. Wow, not something I want to experience again! At least I now know that it can/will happen if I eat too much sugar/fat. Until yesterday I thought that I might be someone who doesn't dump. Molly

    I have dumped a few times but not on sweets. It's weird I can't really pinpoint what it is. For instance I have it now. Been on the pot for over an hour. Not sure if it was a new hummus I tried or some crabmeat from Aldi. Won't be eating either ever again!! I have only tried very little of sweets and haven't dumped. But I don't crave sweets. I crave the fast food!!!

    I am almost to my 6 months and have lost 82 pounds. Was a size 26 and am now a size 14. I have a lot of extra skin on my belly, arms and inner thighs. I workout at least 5 times a week but have a feeling I will still need surgery for this skin. :( my boobs are still pretty big too. And droopy lol!!

    I can't believe it's been 6 months already October buddies!!! You are all doing fantastic and you all look amazing!!! I'm being brave and adding some photos lol




  2. Wow, I'm amazed at how much some of you have lost post-op! Great job, everyone! I've had to clean my hairbrush daily. Luckily, I've got a lot of hair (albeit fine hair), so it isn't noticeable, yet. I've finally broken through a long stall and started losing again. I added more exercise which I think helps. I have more energy finally, too. This winter in Wisconsin hasn't helped the energy one bit. The weather makes me want to sit by the fireplace most of the time. I had a teaching gig yesterday, so I decided to wear makeup and take some selfies. Here's a side-by-side. Left is July 2013, right is yesterday:

    Wow u look amazing!!! Keep up the great work and glad u added exercise!! That does help! My boyfriend and I joined a gym and have been going at least 5 nights a week. Been working my butt off!! Literally HA! I guess I have lost a lot but for as hard as I've been working I guess it just seems like it should be more. I've even started running!! Using the C25K app on my phone. Sorry your weight loss is slower. What does your surgeon say about that?? Hey it's better than nothing!!!! Keep on truckin cuz u look amazing!!!! :)

  3. Oh I need to vent and confess. I am down 63 pounds since surgery on Oct 16th. I'm pretty happy with that!! Finally under 200 pounds!! But I have found myself snacking/grazing lately!!!! Ugh bad bad bad. I'm going to stretch my pouch!!! I have to stop. It's healthy stuff but still. Tonight I got home from work and snacked on a few bites of different stuff and then found myself snacking on stuff while cooking dinner. Then I couldn't finish my dinner!! So I need you guys to yell at me and stuff so I'll get back into the swing of things!! I have also found myself not weighing my food like I should. I still keep a journal but I've gotten away from doing what I should. I feel so stupid and guilty!!!! Anyone else having these issues? I'm only 4 months out and doing this already. It scares me!!!

  4. I know what you mean! I've only lost 20 lbs since the end of November. I must be doing something wrong. I am eating about 800 calories a day, get at least 60 grams of protein(most days more), I have had so many stalls I can't count them. I feel like I must be doing something wrong, just don't know what it is.

    Have u been exercising at all too?

  5. How much are you guys eating? Just curious about your numbers. Also are you exercising? Keep up the great work october!!

    I'm still eating 600-800 calories per day. Three 2 ounce meals. Although I do occasionally snack on something healthy. But just a couple bites. If my stomach is growling!! Exercising a TON!! Joined a new gym. Go at least 5 times per week.

  6. I've been craving pizza!!! BAD!!! But it's also the week before my period. Damn hormones!! I haven't had cravings like this since right after my surgery. I want to eat fast food and junk!! But I haven't given in. It's getting tough though!! I'm hoping it will all pass after my monthly visitor leaves! Lol hope u are all doing well!!

  7. Yikes that scares me!! I'm done with my Omezrapole this week!! I hope I don't have problems because I've been really lucky and have only puked once!! I can eat pretty much anything. Healthy I mean. I haven't tried any sweets but don't want to! My weight loss has slowed down and I don't have my 3 month appt until the 30th. I don't like these plateaus!!!! Frustrating. But the good news is I haven't gained. It feels so good to be able to workout and not get winded when taking the stairs and walking a short distance!! Hope you are all doing well!! Thanks for the info about the omezrapole! I'll remember that after this week if I start having problems! :)

  8. I had my surgery oct. 21st and have had a pretty easy go of it except for the learning curve of what my pouch will and won't like. I've learned that frozen vegetables are definitely not my friend, and I should avoid all forms of string Beans. I haven't tried things on the naughty list like sweets or fried anything, I'm to stinking scared to, lol. I haven't really missed any of it though, so it's been pretty easy. The picture attached is me at my highest, in May at 285 and two weeks ago at 210. Both pics are in the same sweater. I'm currently at 205 and am happy with my loss so far, just not the Hair loss.< /p>

    Wow u look amazing!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!! Are you getting in all your Protein? When you say hair loss how can you tell you are losing it? I pick off a lot of hair off my shirts and have noticed a lot of hair left on the bathroom sink after I do my hair in the morning. So I wasn't sure if I'm starting to lose mine or what. I have baby fine hair anyway so I can't lose it!!! Wasn't sure if it comes out in clumps or just a little at a time. Congrats on your progress so far! :)

  9. That is a great idea! I never even thought of Protein bars!! Protein Shakes are harder, I am ok with Unjury, but cannot stomach them each day. I hate drinking protein, SO I will have to get a bit more creative. My new years resolution! I am so grateful to everyone here, ddc96 (that is a heart in case it come up weird) Also to add to the other great photos, I am 2 months out tomorrow (halloween surgery) I am down a total of 88lbs. 50 prior to surgery, and 38 in 2 months. I cannot complain at that!

    Holy moly!!! U look amazing girl!!!!! WOW!!!! Congrats!!! Keep up whatever u r doing!!!!!!! :)

  10. Ok here's my pics. 45 pounds down from October 16th surgery date. A friend of mine is having the sleeve done in January and her counselor told her to do a lot of side by side pics instead of relying on the mirror. It's very strange when looking in the mirror I don't see 45 pounds gone!! I have heard many people in my support groups say that and I thought they were crazy but I know exactly what they mean now!!!



  11. I will be 3 months out next week. Holidays have been hard...hit a stall but overall happy with results so far...52 pounds. Planning to start going to gym so hopefully that will help start loss back up.

    Wow u look great!!! I too hit a big stall at 42/43 pounds but then I cheated a little on Christmas Day and I think maybe that helped a little. Down 45 pounds today! I need my boy toy to take a pic of me today then I'll post my pics :). Love seeing all the photos everyone!!!!

  12. We're almost 3 months post-op. Let's share our progress! Here are my photos of before and now. The side by side is July 2013 and a week ago. The other was my 50th b-day present (necklace) from my dear husband last Thursday. Molly

    Wow Molly u look awesome!! Keep up the great work!!! Happy New Year! I'll do my photos later when I get a chance :)

  13. I found some Protein bars at SAMS CLUB that have 20 grams of protein and less than 2 g of sugar. I have one every morning for breakfast. They have a pretty good flavor and are even better frozen. Before surgery I was drinking the Whey protein powder with skim milk, but I can NOT tolerate it after surgery. It makes me feel sick every time. Tried it with Soy milk, and still felt sick.

    Do those protein bars have nuts in them??

  14. I was wondering. I seem to be having some complications post op, and was wondering if others are experiencing the same? I have had a UTI for 2 months now, and two rounds of antibiotics. I also now have a bad yeast infection in my mouth and you know where due to antibiotics. I have a kidney infect due to the UTI, and am now having gall bladder attacks. I am so tired of this, I am regretting my choice, however I feel the surgery only helped to get these comlkications, and not necessarily caused them directly . I mean my weight loss of 50 lbs before surgery could have led to gall bladder problems...... or I guess I needed to vent on that stuff, and after babbling I realized WHAT I really wanted to say hehehe. What are different ways you get your Protein in. I cannot stomach shakes and I need to get in 90g of protein per day. I try to get shakes in, but my stomach feels ill afterwards. Wow I am being whiney today lol. I think my answer is to buck up and quit whining lol. I do after all want to be successful lol Thanks for the rant . You are all awesome! I tried ranting on a race book page and there was no support only judgemental people. I don't need that right now hehe.

    Awwww I'm so sorry u r having all these issues!! I haven't had any if these. What does your doc say about it all?? Is this normal?? Don't be tired of venting! U have to vent especially with everything u r goin through! I can barely get the shakes down too but I don't know of any other way to get protein in. Can u drink skim milk? 8 ounces is an easy 8g. I also found these cute Protein Shots at Walmart that are awful but they are only 3 ounces and they have 26g of protein. Have u tried any protein powders? Idk if u can snack or not but there r Protein Bars but watch the sugars. I can't snack so I can't have any of those unless I include it in my 2 ounce meal but I would rather have meat or a veggie!! Hang in there girl!!

  15. Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you are surviving the holidays!! It was hard yesterday not being able to eat all of the goodies on the table but I did it!! BUT I drank wine instead of eating hahaha!! Prob worse than eating the Cookies and candy lol! Oh well. Now I have a nasty cold and will probably stay home today. Merry Freakin Christmas to me!!!! :( I'm glad I have you guys to vent to and to talk to!! Hope you all have a great day!!! Xoxoxo

  16. I don't also miss the sweets, but I agree, I miss bread. Yesterday I made some toast, of which I am allowed, but I know my tummy will not tolerate it. So I made toast as I was saying, chewed it up and spat it out. Ok gross, I know, but I wanted the crunch so bad and I am so sick of all foods. At least it was satisfactory as I didn't have to vomit.

    That's a good idea! U got the taste but then didn't have to deal with the bad part lol. I was told I could have whole grain bread and they said to toast it. Well that made it too dry and it got stuck so I haven't had bread since. When I could start eating regular foods I did have it on a ham and cheese sandwich, one ounce of course, and I was fine. So I can't eat toast!! Which is why I haven't tried a bagel. But man I'm craving one lol. And the fast food. Dang it!!! And I HATE the good commercials!!!!

  17. I am almost 7 weeks out and I have lost a total of 46 pounds since I started my pre op diet. I don't have any real food problems except artificial sweeteners turn my stomach. Super sweet things make me feel sick to my stomach too but I am fine with that since I am trying to avoid all those things. I try and get at least 30 minutes of walking in a day and it is so nice to not sweat to death doing so lol. I was talking to a friend and I felt like 46 pounds wasn't enough and he told me I lost a 5th grader haha that really made me feel better. Pre preop diet weight 376 SW 356 CW 330 Total inches lost 9.75

    Omg I don't miss sweating at all!!!!! I'm actually cold all the time now as have to wear long sleeves under my scrubs lol! I like how your friend put that...congrats on losing a 5th grader lmao!!! :)

  18. I hope you feel better soon, Angie. A few weeks ago, I had a similar experience with seared tuna. It was awful! I actually moaned for hours until I puked twice. I had seared tuna before with no problem. It was the first time I regretted surgery since day 2. I almost feel guilty that I have had a fairly smooth recovery. I've settled into routines that seem to be working. There was a scheduling mixup and I had my 3 month follow- up at 2 months. The PA and Nut said it was no big deal, so I've already had my 3 month labs. As expected, Iron was low so I've stared taking Iron at night. Protein was also low, so even though I was getting at least 60g per day, I was told to add more. I was also told to start adding more variety and more quantity 1/2-3/4 c per meal. The best news is So far 60lbs (30 pre-op, 30 post-op) are gone forever! I hope we get some more Oct updates. How are you handling the holiday parties and food festivities? Molly

    Dang 60?? Great job Molly!!! It's so hard to get the Protein and fluids in don't u think?!!! And I agree with the other gal who said it's hard to do when u r so busy at work! I'm constantly busy so I forget to drink sometimes! Holidays aren't too bad. I prob had more cheese than I should have at thanksgiving and I had a few glasses of wine so I did cheat. But I didn't eat dinner that night. We will see how Christmas goes! On Christmas at my boyfriends family we do appetizers and it's my fav so I might struggle with that. :( I don't miss soda but I miss fast food, potatoes, Bagels, rice. It's gonna be a long life lol!!

    But I have had a lot of NSV's so I know this will all be worth it. So how are u gonna increase your protein?? They want us to have lots of fruits and veggies but they have no protein! So today I had veggies for lunch and dinner but then I only got 59 grams of protein in. And I even had a shake. Ugh

  19. This is how i get anytime i eat chicken or turkey in anyform.. sausage,canned,in Soup with a spoonful of broth, chili.. so far its only chicken turkey shrimp and muchrooms that do that to me. I try every week or 2 again with some sort of poultry. the funny thing is, someone told me to try soy "chicken" it did the same thing. Been like that since pureed stage at 2 weeks out.. Today is 11 weeks out. I can eat just about everything else.

    Wow I'm so sorry u r having so much trouble!! So how do u get all your Protein in??

  20. I'm two months post-op today and 42 pounds down!! But last night I had my first food stuck/puking experience. WOW!!! That shit hurts!!!! I've been pretty lucky that I haven't had that or the dumping yet. But I don't ever want to go through that again!!!! We had steak last week and I was fine but last night I must not have chewed it well enough. It took me 3.5 hours to get it all up!! I still feel like crap today. Chest hurts. I'm afraid to eat so I have been doing the liquid/puréed diet all day. I feel so bad for any of you that go through that all the time!! Anyway, hope you are all doing well. Can't believe how quiet this blog got lol

  21. We're the opposite! I'm hungry all the time…. I can only eat a little bit and I get full really fast, but I definitely have hunger.. I also have trouble drinking enough and getting enough protein.. I'm up to 5 cups of Fluid a day and I can get anywhere from 55-75 grams of Protein a day.. Its hard...

    I'm with you in this!! I am almost 2 months post-op and I am ALWAYS hungry!!! My stomach is always growling. I'm so frustrated and wondering what the hell I have done to myself. I went back to work last Monday full time and by yesterday I was so drained I could barely function. I've been walking every day and doin arm exercises and sit ups at home. I'm just so tired and sluggish. I'm so tired of starving all the time and am very jealous of all of you that have to force yourself to eat!!!!!

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