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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by CalmSpirit

  1. I have not lost anything in three days. I had been losing a crazy 1 pound a day with pre-op and post op diet. But when I started adding my 2 ounces of non Protein liquid three times a day I stopped losing. I know its nothing to be worried about and the weight will come off. Its just that seeing that weight falling off was helping me to accept that I can't eat.

    Today I didn't exercise for the first time in 19 days and I started getting a little frustrated that I can't eat whatever the heck I want to eat. So this slow down in the weight loss has affected my mood and attitude a bit. lol

    I know its only temporary so thats what i'm telling myself for now.

  2. Today was the first day I have been away from home for most of the day. I didn't think I would be gone so long, but I just got home after 6 hours. I haven't eaten since 9 am and I'm starved. My question, what do you all take for food when you don't have access to broth or yogurt or cottage cheese?

    I use a lunch tote that keeps things cold with blue ice bar. It keeps my shake cold for hours. I carry it with me wherever I go so that I don't miss getting in my Protein Shake or Water. I'm not on any solid food yet but when I am I'm sure I can just throw the in too. We went to the botanical gardens the weekend after my surgery and I just carried my tote with me.

  3. sweetnell, if you would like information on post op diet plan I can give you information on what I have. My program included a six monthly nutrition class and at the last one we were given detail information on post op diet plan to insure a good success after surgery. We also have two in-person support groups a month that is facilitated by a nutritionist and psychologist - very helpful.

    Sorry to hear you got sick last night. I have heard these stories and am not looking forward to experiencing. But I hear there is a lot of trial and error on what our new stomach will accept.

    Take care,

  4. Hope the post op appointment goes well. I have been weighing myself daily too. I know some don't agree with doing that but for me it is part of my motivation. That and the fact that I feel better and feel like moving more. I'm 19 days post op and feeling good except that I get exhausted quickly. I was losing a pound a day but have slowed the last few days to 1/2 a pound a day. At first it was disappointing but then I think like you said we need to relax and slow down our expectations. It will come off! :o)

  5. I'm 19 days post op and doing really good. Since I started adding 2 ounces of liquid calories (V8, strained cream Soup ...) its been a little harder getting in my Protein shakes. The type of Protein shake I'm using - Premier Protein from costco - means I have to get at least 2 and a 1/3 in to reach my required 70 to 90 grams of Protein a day. I'm getting tired of the shakes but I just keep telling myself that it's part of the program to be healthy.

    At support group last night they talked about it taking up to an hour to eat 3 ounces of solid protein in early stages. Since that would not be possible for lunch on work days I'm preparing myself for staying on Protein Shakes well into the future for work days at least.

    Got my walk in this morning and it felt a little easier.

  6. Amy, why are you only getting 200 calories a day? Are you not able to get all your Protein shakes in? I'm getting around 500 calories a day. I do get tired throughout the day and run out of energy on my walks but I'm pushing the exercise as best I can. With the weight loss (30 pounds since starting pre-op diet) my body feels like Moving! I hope you can get more calories in soon.

  7. I'm taking the flinstone complete with Iron chewable, the sublingual B-12, and Calcium +D chewable.

    I am also having to take a stool softener due to know Fiber in the diet and the Iron supplement.

    I had gotten the Viactiv calcium chews but later read that it is not the best for gastric bypass patients. So I researched and decided on the Bariatric Advantage calcium chews that has the better source of Calcium for us to absorb.

    Taste is better on the Viactiv, but need to go with the one that works best I guess.

    I don't know anything about liquid Vitamins.

    I was told we could not take pills after surgery but the surgeon prescribed two different capsule medications and I am able to take them fine. I also am able to take my Allegra pill fine. I just space them all out throughout the day.

  8. Are you all getting in your exercise? i have been walking around 20 minutes or so each day. Surgeon wants me to to get my heart rate up to 120 so he suggested I use a machine instead of walking. But I'm able to get my rate up to 120 by fast walking still. I get exhausted quickly ... anyone having that problem. Probably from the low calories and the fact that I just had major surgery. lol

  9. Love Trader Joes, i'm going to check out those soups!

    I am missing chewing mostly, but other flavors in general. Amazing to say this but anything that isn't chocolate is a treasure right now! lol

    When I smell people grilling steaks and chicken outside my brain just has a fit. But luckily it doesn't last long. I just laugh and remind myself that some day I will be able to have most of what I want - in small portions - and will be satisfied. And I will feel awesome.

  10. I've been more moody too. I'm 18 days post op. I had to stop my hormone patch for surgery though so part of it could be lack of estrogen. But I heard from others it is normal. The changes not only to our body but to out thought process is going to take a toll for awhile I'm sure.

    I like being curvy too! Planning to replace fat curvy with muscle curvy. lol

  11. My nutritionist said no fruity yogurts. I used Yoplait Greek 100 vanilla. It had more carbs than I wanted but I did fine with it. I was on serious antibiotics during week 2 so I had to have yogurt to attempt to prevent a yeast infection. I started very slowly and worked my way up to 2 TBSP at a time.<br><br> I'm day 20 and struggling with getting in enough fluids. I was never a big drinker. In fact I really only drank diet coke. So it's a struggle. Things must be very cold or I just can't stand it.

    Diet cokes were my drug of choice and I couldn't imagine living without it. But so far I have not missed them as much as real food. What - if anything - are you missing from our former lives?

  12. Hello! I had my gastric bypass on April 17. Everything has gone well for me so far. The only problem I had - Constipation - the stool softener has fixed.

    I'm grateful that I have done so well but I also follow the rules very strictly. I have my phone timer going off every 15 minutes while awake and drink my ounce of Protein shake or Water. Yesterday I started 2 ounces of yogurt, low sodium v8... 3 times a day.

    I returned to work after a week but didn't do a full schedule. I have a system set up to keep my shake and Water nice a cold throughout the day in a insulated bag.

    I never get hungry and would rather go without the Protein Shake most of the time but I do as told. I do miss eating "real" food. Hardest times have been when out and about and smelling people or restaurants grilling.

    I have a good supportive spouse who will be having surgery on June 19.

    Good luck to all of you!

  13. Had my gastric bypass on April 17, 2014 at Huntington hospital in Pasadena. This hospital is awesome! Like a four star hotel. Private rooms with everything you need including wifi. The staff was great and everything worked! Unlike the last hospital I was at for previous surgery.

    My surgeon was Dr. Doraiswamy from the California Bariatric and General Surgery Associates. He did an awesome job. He is very carrying and invested.

  14. Hi, I'm 50, about to turn 51. Just had bypass on April 17. Everything is going well so far! I am missing eating though. lol

    My wife will be having her surgery on June 19. So our eating schedule is off right now but once we finish the diet phases then we will be together on everything. I think that will make things easier.

    I'm looking forward to being more active. 50 doesn't feel old!

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