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Everything posted by OregonHolly

  1. All new October 07 bandsters-to-be come introduce yourselves in the Monthly Support Groups / Oct 07. We have about 33 people in a group called the TENaciousTENS, and we want to grow!
  2. OregonHolly

    Getting banded on Oct. 11

    ParaGirl, come introduce yourself at: Monthly Support Groups / Oct 2007 / "Lets get this party started" or "we are the TENaciousTENS"! We're active group with about 33 people so far having Oct surgery!
  3. OregonHolly

    Ready...Lets talk pre-op diet

    Yesterday I started drinking one protein shake a day as a meal replacement, and was shocked to find that it kept me more satisfied than a regular meal. I had ISOPURE from GNC (which some people call ISOpuke, but I like it!) and I mixed a scoop of powder with 6 oz milk, 1/2 of a cut up nectarine and 1/2 carton of low-everything yogurt, oh a sprinkle of Splenda too. It was YUMMY and filling, so yummy that I made another one for breakfast today. I got myself a mini-blender made by Hamilton Beach for $20 on Amazon.com (couldn't affort a Magic Bullet) and it works GREAT! After you wizz up your drink, you just remove the blending container and drink out of it. I also bought a bunch of "samples" of different protein drinks from a site called: wlssupplies.com. It's owned by a gal that had RNY surgery. It gave me 70 samples of different brands and flavors of protein drinks. The cost was $80, but that's for 70 meals so not that bad. Definitely enough for the pre-op week and post-op weeks. The delivery was slow though, I think maybe 3 weeks to arrive in Oregon from Florida. I guess the site has been slammed with so many orders they can't keep up. All of the samples come in these little plastic "jugs" that hold 8 oz, they're reusable, and have a sticker on them telling you the nutritional content and the brand and flavor of the contents. They are all whey protein isolates. I thought it would be a great way to keep from getting bored with the usual "chocolate and vanilla" that you see for most protein supplements. Some of the flavors are: roadside lemonade, cool chocolate mint, chocolate peanut butter cup, orangesicle, pineapple ectasy, vanilla bean torte, island banana, capuccino, pina colada , etc. They're made by big names in supplements like Syntrax, ISOPURE, Sci-tech, Sci-fit, etc. At first I was mad because the shipment was taking so long, but the website owner (Jennifer) does write you back and update you. When it arrived I was so happy with the variety and convenience of all the "take and run" little jugs. Check it out yourself. It seems to me that the more "jump start" we can achieve by losing weight before surgery, the better. Besides, this weight loss is permanent, so that inspires me, by making it worthwhile.
  4. OregonHolly

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    We are adding more every day, and now up to 33 members for our Oct 07 "party"! If you're new, send an email to the "Roll Call" thread so I can update the list, and then come back to introduce yourself. So far, a pretty great bunch of people here, very supportive - even some currently banded folks have stopped by with words of wisdom. Woo hoo! Buckle up tight everyone, we're in for the ride of our lives
  5. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Everyone go check out the ROLL CALL thread to find your name and your bandster buddies.
  6. OregonHolly

    Well THAT was a wake-up call...

    Oh my gosh BluesByrd that made me smile. Well think of it as a great "before" shot! I took lots of pics of myself with and without clothes (yeah scary) with my digital set on "timer". I looked at the stranger in the photos and said "when I did I turn into her?" and "is that the way I've been going around for years, looking like THAT?" As you said, let's get this party started! Oct 9 baby!
  7. OregonHolly

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    There's a seperate group for the Oct 07 bansters. Go to: monthly support groups>Oct 07>We are the TENaciousTENS! All you up coming Oct bandsters, go on over there and introduce yourselves!
  8. OregonHolly

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    Hi all, it doesn't matter which thread we're on, I think we all read them both! Most people introduce themselves here, then go to the other thread for updates. I think I'll make a list of our group, our names and surgery dates. Then I'll post it here. Be sure everyone tells us their "real" name, if you like - seems more personal. Bonnie can you help with that? The list I mean? I may not get to it until next weekend, with work looming ahead tomorrow already (yuck).
  9. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Bonnie (nicnaknut) you're cracking me up over this Thanksgiving thing! Just cook a turkey dinner NOW! Make the whole thing (can you do that in a motor home?) with ALL the fixins! (And can you drive that home to Oregon so I can come over for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, green bean casserole, hot rolls, buttered corn, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and pecans sprinkled on top and..... OH sorry - I got carried away :hungry:
  10. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Oooh sorry Twyla, I was over in "introductions" and inviting you here, when you'd already been here! Glad to have you in our group:-)
  11. Oooooh Twyla and Beth, our "October 07" monthly support group is excited to hear that we have 2 more to add to our group! Please go introduce yourselves at: Monthly Support Groups>Oct 2007>We are the TENaciousTENS! There's a whole bunch of us scheduled for October and we're becoming a really supportive team! Karen, you've posted there right?
  12. Hi Andrea, and welcome to a really supporting, encouraging and informative group of pre and post lapbanders. It's scary to have surgery when you have a child - you have the "what if's", right? But lapband surgery is very minor compared to the complex surgeries most of these docs to in their everyday practice. Think of what a wonderful gift you are giving to your son. A mommy who will have a long and healthy life, good eating habits to pass on, one who will be able to run and play with him, and of course CHASE that busy little guy all around, once the pounds start to drop. Please keep writing, and reading here. We're all so glad to meet you!
  13. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    I'm staying overnight, although I'm "self pay" and it cost's alot, but I'm an RN and from my experience as a nurse, I believe it's probably safer to be observed overnight in the hospital. But laparoscopic surgery is pretty minor, however the anesthesia is the thing that makes it so you should be observed. Does your insurance pay or are you self pay? It's probably fine to go home and same day if you have someone to care for you at home. Oh, we're just a day apart - you're Oct 10th! I have surgery Tues Oct 9 and return to work the following Monday. I also hear it will be okay with a desk job. I had laparoscopic surgery to have a hysterectomy 10 years ago (much more involved) and I felt pretty darned OK after 3 days - tender at the "puncture sites" and a bit bloated, but generally Ok. Expect to feel tired from the liquid diet though. We can stay in touch and support one another!
  14. Love2Live: Hello, have I seen you yet on Lapbandtalk.com's "Monthly Support Group" thread for Oct 07 2007 bandsters? If not, come on over and introduce yourself, there are a whole group of us getting to know one another! We call ourselves "TheTENaciousTENS". Welcome aboard! ALFIE, do you have a date for surgery yet? Holly
  15. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    My "back on the wagon" report for today: yesterday I was at an all day seminar where they provided food. Instead of paying attention to the seminar, I was thinking about the food: analyzing it, fantasizing about it, hating it, wanting it, etc. I hate the power that food has over me. So how did I do at lunch? I started off OK - 1/2 sandwich with lean roast beef on wheat bread, and nice plump nectarine, and about 2 Tbsp of potato salad. Good choices I thought, showing restraint all things considered. Then they said "does anyone want any more, they're going to be removing the lunch table in a minute........" OH LORD, bad bad bad. There went my feet, walking to the table, "oh another 1/2 sandwich won't hurt, but maybe a bit more mayo on this one, and mmmmm when did they put out those cookies, gee they look freshed baked and made of peanut butter (isn't that a protein?)." Yes gang, I winded up with BAD CHOICES, which went downhill until bedtime. But I'm NOT a BAD person. I just had a day of bad choices. Today is a NEW day, and I will make good choices all day. Each opportunity to eat food involves a new choice to make. As a human being sometimes I make bad choices, (just ask my ex-husband, hahaha, oh wait he thought he was a great choice.......) but I am no longer a prisoner of bad choices. AND neither are all of you! We look forward, not back. Today is a day to make a new choice all over again, and to let those good choices built upon one another. I forgive myself.
  16. OregonHolly

    Lets get this PARTY started! Oct 07!

    Have I said HI to all the October TENaciousTENS lately? I'm so proud of the size of our group already! Hi PVChickie, Carrot06, BigK, GoSwicks, WantSoBad, Babs, Cheri42, LSzeliga (a fellow Italian?), and Kim! If I left anyone new out, it's because our "TEAM " is getting so large, so I apologize! And we are a TEAM folks, racing to good health and a life of BETTER choices.
  17. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hey "want so bad", I was like you recently : on the "last supper" phase of my journey, eating whatever I wanted, mourning all the white bread/donuts/pastries I'd have to give up. Then I had a weight-check-in at the surgeon's office, and had gained weight - oops. They said "hmmmm......when's your surgery date? OK we need to see some weight LOSS by next week or we may have to reschedule you." YIKES! That scared me, and I pulled myself together. I feel better now that I did. I know you want it so bad, so pull yourself together too - look forward, don't look back. We're together in this!
  18. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hey all - Nicnaknut thought I fell off the planet and got after me! I'm okay everyone, just been off the computer lately -- because.......DRUM ROLL please: I'VE BEEN EXERCISING! Woo hoo! Standing ovation! It's time consuming, I had to choose between exercise and computer, LOL! I'm finally in the groove of the "countdown" - Oct 9th is my date. I'm counting calories and protein grams and working out at the gym. I was pretty discouraged a couple of weeks ago because I was feeling like eating lots of junk and then feeling sluggish and achy. Now I'm on track, and it's amazing how much BETTER you feel when you eat right and get your body moving. It convinces me that this road to bansterville is the right path! Welcome to all the newbies. I'm another nurse, but not working "the floors", I have a desk job (bummer as far as calorie expenditure goes!), so I'm wearing a pedometer and trying to increase my steps each day. Thanks Nic (Bonnie) for checking in on me - she's my accountability sister in this journey :-) I'm excited and hope everyone is getting excited too. Is anyone Oct 9th?
  19. Welcome to all pre-bandsters who have surgery scheduled for the month of October 2007. We're getting to know one another on the "monthly support group" section, see the thread entitled "We are the TENaciousTENS" and introduce yourself! :huggie:
  20. Hi Bobbie! Yeah, I noticed the other thread is more active too. That's okay, once the party is officially "started" (in October!) then all the threads will fill up nicely! So my visit with the dietitian was OK, but I didn't learn anything that I hadn't already learned HERE on the boards! I see the exercise people in another week, to get set up for a 4-week pre-op exercise plan at the gym. My private pay plan includes 16 weeks paid at a gym across the street from the hospital where I'll have surgery (and I'm also a nurse there.) I feel too fat and tired to exercise, so I need the accountability and the "cheerleading" too! The gym reports to my doctor about how often I go, and I have to log in so many hours there or surgery is postponed! Are you just "coasting" and waiting for things to start happening, or what -- what's going on in your journey?
  21. Brandy -- you "do" technically have a choice - that would be to exercise very early or NOT to exercise at all and make excuses instead! Your strength is that you make excellent healthy choices. You inspire me :-)
  22. OregonHolly

    research done....date set!

    Welcome signgirl! There are a whole bunch of us scheduled for October. Come and meet us on the "Monthly Support Groups" >> October 07 >> "We are the TENaciousTENS" thread!
  23. OregonHolly

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    WELCOME to all Oct 07 bandsters! I sent over an invitation to the "Introductions" section for all Oct 07 bandsters to hop on over here to introduce themselves. Lets give everyone a warm bandster welcome!
  24. Hey Lafs, don't forget to join us on the monthly thread "October 07" - We are the TENaciousTENS! By the way, I'm a nurse too - 25 years. I'm picky too, but your doc sounds like a favorite on these boards. Go over to the monthly group and intro yourself!
  25. OregonHolly

    Surgery Scheduled in KS!!!

    Ally, join our "October 2007 " group "The TENaciousTENS" on the monthly support group section. Introduce yourself there - we're all getting to know one another! Welcome aboard!

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