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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by stitchergirl88

  1. Don't know why my previous message posted twice but I can't erase it. I myself feel relatively great. After my last day at the hospital which was so miserable, I thought for sure I would be down and out for a while but everyday is substantially better and I feel optimistic about life. How are you doing as I know you have had some uphill battles the last week. I feel that if you were allowed a full liquid diet then your hair would be doing better, you need protein for strength and healing power. I talk so much on here but I love it! Its been so great to be completely open and honest with everything we are going through, you cannot do that on FB, especially since I don't want to announce to FB I had this done as a lot of my friends I haven't seen in years still think I am thin (as I use to be).
  2. For sure the spoon thing is a way better idea. My first 24 hours were great. I was so out of it and sleepy with my little pain button I pushed every conscious moment. My iv site went bad that night and I was so dehydrated that it took them ten sticks before they found a vein!! I was so sleepy that I literally was falling asleep during these sticks. My worse day was the next 48 hours after they took my pain pump but the day I left the hospital I had this nurse who gave me one dose of pain meds and I left at like 4 pm! I kept pushing my call light and a lady would take my message but then nothing happened. By the second time the nurse finally came in but only to tell me that she was busy! I was so ready to leave and self medicate when I needed it and since I have been home its been great!
  3. For sure the spoon thing is a way better idea. My first 24 hours were great. I was so out of it and sleepy with my little pain button I pushed every conscious moment. My iv site went bad that night and I was so dehydrated that it took them ten sticks before they found a vein!! I was so sleepy that I literally was falling asleep during these sticks. My worse day was the next 48 hours after they took my pain pump but the day I left the hospital I had this nurse who gave me one dose of pain meds and I left at like 4 pm! I kept pushing my call light and a lady would take my message but then nothing happened. By the second time the nurse finally came in but only to tell me that she was busy! I was so ready to leave and self medicate when I needed it and since I have been home its been great!
  4. Deep breaths and think about the mew world thats going to be open to you. Do it right by walking frequently and drinking all your water.
  5. If it helps sure. I would be worried about increased inflammation from the heat but if it doesn't physically hurt then its good. I use ice packs on my incisions but I had a little tape irritation and it helps me not itch plus dulls the incisional pain.
  6. I doubt the dissolvables count but its good to have as the hair loss is suppose to peak several months after the surgery.
  7. I found my sublingual biotin in a vitamin shop. They probably have it in health shops but the store I got it from was literally called vitamin shoppe. I started taking it before the surgery and haven't so far noticed more hair falling out then usual. I also keep my hair in a high knot and try to only brush it once a day and only when its dry.
  8. For the hair, take biotin it comes in a sublingual form.
  9. Well if you slip up and drink a protein shake or pudding, your body should handle it fine as we are all fine and if you talk to your surgeon ask him why you have to be on clear liquids so long. Sucks that our lives can be dictated by a surgeons whim instead of best treatment based on evidence where then we would all have the same diet.
  10. One great thing for ppl to hear who haven't had the surgery yet is that its only a couple days out from the surgery and I feel much better. The best thing though? I don't feel hungry at all. Like I didn't eat the first day home because I wanted to focus on water but I ate yesterday only bc I know I needed to. I have no desire to eat and no hunger pains or feelings. Its awesome to know I eat and survive on less than my five year old niece. Weird but awesome!
  11. If anything is new or worsened like all of a sudden its way more difficult then I would notify a doc asap. I have a lot trouble getting up too but not anything new.
  12. I don't know if thats normal I am a nurse but have no special info on this stiff except what we all know, but I have had that bulge too. Mine seems to be more to the right of it but above a steri stripped site. Makes my stomach look like lopsided. I have been worrying about it and I put lots of cold packs on the area, mainly bc it helps with incisional pain but also thinking the bulge is from swelling. I don't seem to have any plumbing issues as I can eat, drink, and get rid of it. But the drains purpose was to eliminate fluid buildup that happens during the healing process. I think its ok unless you feel its hurting too much or causing you the inability to eat and digest. Although I know you were having nausea so I hoped you asked the doc about getting zofran as its a little chewable and very effective. My concerns for myself is that it feels like I keep swallowing air when I drink water. I don't use a straw but almost every time I have that gas bubble feeling then a burp that like crawls out of my stomach. No puking yet though!
  13. Are you doing a liquid pre-op diet?
  14. If its an option, living with your mom might be an idea. She might be better to take care of you.and it will give you more motivation to getting your body hot as you will be dating soon. This combined with the less stress you'll have dealing with him, it might be overall better for you.
  15. Amanda, you might need to tell your boyfriend to go f himself. Im sorry but that makes me so mad. If my guy or anyone told me that right now, after what we have been through, I would just go off. Amanda I struggle with pain all day and I can't even bend over or take a big drink in one gulp without causing more. I know you are in the same boat and you deserve more! That man should be giving you foot massages and making you tasty shakes. Boohoo he has to work, men think that that alone excludes them from participating in the rest of their life. If he wants to be around for the future sexier you, then he needs to contribute. I go to school and work and when my mom broke her knee and I went to live with her to take care of her, I woke up several times a night to take her to the restroom and get her pain meds. These boys need to learn how to grow up. I am also speaking personally as my grandpa does this to my grandma and ut makes me go insane. Be strong girl and just do what feels right for you, but know that you deserve better support!
  16. I'll have to pick some up bc white grape juice sounds soooo good right now.
  17. Mmm that sounds good but the sugar content doesn't make you dump.
  18. I can't believe how long they want you on clear liquids. I had very little output in my drain before they took it out so I haven't noticed much drainage. What you want to worry about is if the drainage increased or if it smells or looks like pus.
  19. I was taking it every four hours. Still have too. The longest I have been able to wait was about five hours.
  20. Amanda try and get an order for dissolvable zofran. It will help nausea. They had me on roxicet but I was taking it too frequently and getting too much tylenol so I have roxicodone that has no tylenol.
  21. I had a pain pump but not for too long. I miss it! My biggest pain is where the drain was too. I had to convince the staff to take it out and I felt so much better afterward.
  22. I wouldn't say the rumble is right at my incisions but I definitely have the tmmy rumbles.
  23. I thought about taking gas x, let me know how it goes.

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