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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by stitchergirl88

  1. I don't think I have any post op classes.
  2. Ya thats most health care facility protocols. On day three I drink miralax in my water which usually does the trick. So far all mine have been liquid. Are your guys formed? Im still on a liquid diet.
  3. Im glad you are doing well. The poop thing is not tmi bc for us its very important. I write my BMs on a calender so I don't get constipated as I sm still taking some pain meds (surg. 9/16). I have lost 30 lbs and only 12 was before my surgery. I am happy for those that are doing well. I feel almost 100% normal.
  4. Wow thats deep. I have never had tape allergies but the tegaderm they put on my drain did the same thing. To keep from itching I use ice packs and hydrocortisone cream on the exposed skin. You could get a bigger bandage so the tape is on the good skin instead of back on the red skin.
  5. Ok. So as Amanda said are your incisions showing signs of infection like a drainage, redness, heat, and swelling. Check your temp. My incisions burn from time to time and I put a ice pack on them and it goes away. Headache could have been from anesthesia but you are probably too far out so most likely you aren't drinking enough water or you are going through caffeine withdrawal.
  6. Lol. You have to be able to eat but not protein shakes. The hospital I went to had one yummy one and one yucky one. I didn't like being in the hospital bc one nurse was late at giving me pain meds and in 12 hours gave me one dose when I could of gad it three times. I kept calling and calling. Maybe this experience with your wound will help bring it home for your guy and bring you together. I am glad that you are home and posting again. We can do this!!
  7. Ya I think its a BS answer she gave me in attempts to placate me. If I am just a regular person I would have to take her word but I am a nurse with personal experience and that is not logical on what she is trying to sell me. Unfortunately the medical profession wants to give fake answers before they admit that they don't know. But I told her we should try a muscle relaxant and it went in one ear and out the other. I may call my primary tomorrow and be like "yo, give me relaxers" and she will be like ok.
  8. Ya the stupid and rude PA thinks its gas pain from the CO2. She was like "theres nothing I can do but tell you what it is."
  9. Ya, very scary but she had a bulging hard spot above her drain. Back pain alone shouldn't signify a clot. If you have shortness of breath, cough, or any skin changes like swelling, redness, or stiffness.
  10. Amanda I have been so worried about you as I haven't heard from you. I am so sorry you had this happen to you. I am glad you sought help and I hope your over this hill and on your way to good things only. Please keep us posted Amanda and please make your boyfriend start taking care of you and your baby.
  11. Ok. So yesterday my back started getting sore. I went back to work and it was annoying and worse on inspiration but not bad. Came home 7 am and took some pain meds and went to bed. Woke up two hours later in extreme pain thats sharp in my back. I call my surgeons office with this rude PA who tells me its gas pain. Really? Gas pain that shows up a whole week later?? How is that since the gas should be completely out if my body three days post surgery.
  12. Ok so get this. Estrogen is stored in fat so as we lose the weight the estrogen is released into are system. Ohh science rocks! I did get the sweats when I was on the hcg diet and I lost weight this quickly too.
  13. It doesn't seem to be around eating at all but the hormone idea sounds exactly right. My surgeon told me that this surgery messes with your hormones! I totally forgot. I am only 25 so I was wondering why I was having hot flashes. Well now I know what I am in for in 25 years.
  14. One weird thing thats going on with my body is that I go from being mildly cold to sweating all over. I keep checking and i don't have a fever.
  15. With Biotin you can take as much as you want. I am taking 5,000mcg, I believe.
  16. Thats strange. Sometimes after my walk I get so thirsty I forget about my surgery and begin to gulp and I get a massive sharp pain. Haven't puked yet as I am almost always careful but so far I don't ever feel hungry. I only eat bc I know I need to but I am one week post op. I am sorry you guys are having trouble but you are still probably eating less and weight loss will still happen. Just don't push to see how much you can eat and stretch out your new stomach.
  17. They let me take Tylenol and gave me a prescription for ativan for the night before and day of surgery.
  18. You can take some Tylenol.
  19. Probably bc the bean and pureed chicken are so liquid it moves quickly into your intestines. Maybe when you start eating solid food with bulk it will do it. If not then you will have to psych yourself into thinking that you will get full and you have to stop.
  20. Keep strong Amanda. It sucks right now but I promise this won't be the rest of your life. It will get better. Just remember that you are a fresh surgery and once you see the surgeon they will figure it out and fix it. As for your boyfriend, he is an ass and if you can't leave him yet bc of housing then emotionally write him off if he won't support and respect you. Just focus on the future, in a year you will be so much smaller and maybe a new job with a new guy. During my recovering, I have been watching wedding shows as I told myself I wouldn't get married fat. So a wedding in my future is now finally what feels like a possibility and I focus on that goal. Make a goal for your new body and focus on that. You can do this!
  21. Call the surgeons office bc it shouldn't be hard.

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