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Posts posted by lisalisalisa

  1. OMG I am really excited to have found these! I'm sure a lot of you know about them but I just discovered them. For those who haven't tried them, they are Protein Bars that taste good, are extremely low in sugar (2-3 grams), very satisfying and 20 grams of protein! Best of all, the original line has NO sugar alcohols whoo hooo! I really dont want to have two shakes a day forever and, I wanted something I could travel with when necessary. Awesome!

  2. I'm stuck too but I know from previous weight loss experience, it happens. Atkins said a stall wasn't a stall until 4 weeks. My previous pattern was to stall three weeks and drop it all the fourth week. Frustrating but it's a pattern I had in the past. I was hoping this would have me losing weight faster and that I wouldn't stall like this but I guess I am going to!

  3. I thought those days are over but here I am fighting with food again. I really need to up my calories to 1000 a day and my Protein to 60-80 but I'm still barely making 800 calories and 60-80 Protein. I drink two Protein shakes a day so that's what is currently helping me get that high. The problem is, either it tastes bad or the texture is bothering me. Having to chew the hell out of everything is making me notice texture things that I never noticed before and it's grossing me out. The only things that taste ok to me don't have protein and I NEED the protein. The shakes are bugging me because absolutely everything tastes too sweet now. If I could just eat carbs I'd be ok but I can't.

    At first nothing bothered me to eat and now the only thing I enjoy is a refreshing fudgsicle. Everything else is work. I may have to go to nothing but shakes for a while, I dont know. One of my favorites was always shrimp. Wow, when you have to chew things to a pulp shrimp has some really gross texture properties lol. I could barely choke them down. I cant tolerate tacos even though I could before because they stick. Everything sticks except liquids which are fine.

    I'm not regretting having the surgery at all. I haven't regretted it for a minute but I have to figure out how I can eat! I'm scared to try Pasta. Can you guys tolerate it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
