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Posts posted by lisalisalisa

  1. Hello everyone,

    I am new to this site, I just found it last night. I'm having gastric bypass surgery on August 7th and am on day 3 of the liver reduction diet.

    I lost weight all on my own and kept it off for 5 years. I have gained a great deal of it back and just don't feel like I have the strength to do it myself again, I'm tired of the constant fight with food. If I'm not eating, I"m thinking about eating. I am also a stress eater and have a lot of stress in my life that I can't get away from so I have to find a better way to deal with it.

    As I sit here tonight, feeling really empty physically, I am kind of feeling that way mentally too. I'm in a strange mood about the whole thing. I'm not really afraid of the surgery right now half as much as I"m afraid of failing again. I busted my butt to lose that weight before! I worked so hard. Yet, here I am. What if I fail again? I am more afraid of that than anything. I know I"ll lose the weight initially, but if I couldn't keep it off before why will this be different? That scares me to death! Talk about the ultimate failure.

    So, at least tonight, that is what is running through my mind and it has me a little down. I'm glad I have this site to read and hopefully get advice.


  2. Thanks Sheri for the sample tip! I just ordered one from bariatric choice and will look around further. I'm having a problem finding something that is pre-mixed and fits my surgeon's criteria that it be whey isolate and less than 3 grams of sugar. I'm supposed to be drinking four of these a day right now but have barely managed to choke down 3.

  3. Nope! I'm eight days away from surgery and starting to panic over little crap. I've been super busy jumping through all these hoops but I'm nervous. I'm nervous that ill regret this although that seems to be rare. I'm nervous that i will do all this and fail like carney Wilson. I'm worried because i can't stand these Protein Shakes. Its frightening going into the unknown. I'm just trying to focus on the end result.....losing this weight! I want to be thin, i want that badly. Focusing on that helps me.

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm on day three of the liver reduction diet and the shakes are killing me. They are horrible!!!! Its getting harder and harder to choke them down. My doc says it must be whey isolate and less than three grams of sugar, preferably one gram. Help:( I'm afraid this is going to be a deal breaker

  5. My surgery is 8/7/13 and I started my pre-op diet yesterday. It's tough and I'm hungry but mostly I really want some diet coke. I know I can't have it after surgery but does anyone know if it's a problem in the pre-op diet? I do know we need to cut caffiene but my head is pounding from the headache. I'd prefer to allow myself just one glass a day so I can kind of wean off it. I haven't eaten anything I shouldn't, I just want a little diet coke. Yes, I know that is whiney but I can't help it lol.

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