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Everything posted by lisalisalisa

  1. lisalisalisa

    Does Bcbs Pays For Cosmetic Sx?

    I had lost the weight myself and had a tummy tuck. Unfortunately I gained most the weight back Anyway, BCBS will pay for a tummy tuck automatically if you lose over 100 pounds. That was true for me, BCBS Western NY.
  2. lisalisalisa

    Diet coke & pre op diet

    What I love about it is the crispness. You just dont get that in crystal light. Oh well, bye bye crispness!
  3. lisalisalisa

    Diet coke & pre op diet

    of all the things I"m losing I will miss my diet coke the most! I love you diet coke lol.
  4. lisalisalisa

    I'm approved!

    Congrats! I just joined two days ago myself so I"m a newbie too. My surgery is 8/7.
  5. That's what I was counting on but I actually feel by far the worse today, day 4. Tired, no energy, sick to my stomach and light headed. I just want to get to surgery and move all past this. Thank you guys for listening to me!
  6. I want to get back to walking and then eventually riding my bike. That was so good for me with stress but I'm too big to handle that now. I have a bunch of projects I've started here to work on also to keep my mind off food. So, I think I'm ready! I'm just freaking hungry. This liquid diet sucks. Today I have felt nauseous all day and kind of light headed. I know this shrinks the liver but by body misses fuel lol.
  7. Thanks! I had to quit smoking as well so i lost both my big bad habits the past two months. I'm just not happy about it tonight.
  8. I pigged out lol. But lets be honest, no one goes to rehab sober lol. Im certain its normal.
  9. lisalisalisa

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good luck! Mine is the 7th so I'll look forward to your updates!
  10. lisalisalisa

    protein shakes

    It's not something I"d pick on purpose but it's something I can drink so for now, it's a winner! I certainly wouldn't want it 4 times a day but it was not bad at all for dinner.
  11. lisalisalisa

    protein shakes

    I ordered the chicken soup flavor from unjury and just had it for dinner. It wasn't bad at all!!! I wouldn't eat it if I had other choices but it's not bad at all and it doesn't stink! Thank you unjury!
  12. There are horror stories for everything but luckily, they are the exception not the rule. Hang in there!
  13. lisalisalisa

    No pre-op liquid diet?

    I'm envious of you guys that didn't have to do this. Its all drink and pee. I'd rob an old lady for a cheeseburger right now lol
  14. lisalisalisa

    anyone having surgery August 7th?

    That sounds great Stephen thanks! I will im you my number. The day before yours I'll be tied up but I'll check in with you if i can
  15. lisalisalisa

    No pre-op liquid diet?

    The NUT would hate me then cuz I'm down 12.5 pounds and this is day four of ten.
  16. lisalisalisa

    protein shakes

    I'm on the broke train right there with you!
  17. lisalisalisa

    No pre-op liquid diet?

    I was put on the liquid diet because it reduces the size of your liver making surgery easier. Its not to prove anything else. No foods for me but horrible shakes, sugar free popsicles and jello and broth. The only food food is 1/ cup of non starchy veggies. I'm on day four and I'm hungry!
  18. I'm sorry you are so scared and that you have been thru so much. That just sucks That being said, this is your last weight loss surgery so you need to go for it. You've been thru too much to throw it all away now! My surgery is the 7th and I'm scared too. I think we all are. I just keep thinking about the payoff at the end of this. Hang in there and vent here for the release!
  19. lisalisalisa

    New and 8 days from surgery

    You bet! I haven't told anyone that I am having the surgery except for my ex. So, I have limited the support. I really didn't want everyone's opinion. This is really something you need to decide for yourself. Keep in touch and I'll do the same! I'll tell you, this pre op liquid diet will do it for you. I've lost 9.5 pounds in 2 days! It's hideous though lol. Personally, I preferred Atkins. I lost fast and could eat steak
  20. lisalisalisa

    Gross.. But need help!

    I hope so too and wish you all the best! Please let us know how you are doing.
  21. lisalisalisa

    Gross.. But need help!

    I'm no doctor but at least they claim to have an answer and that is a good thing. If it's a compressed nerve can they do anything for it? If they can't, is it keeping you from walking? The weight loss from the surgery should help you get to the goal of running around with your two year old I would think so you have to hang on to that. It's hard when we hit these bumps in the road to remain positive. Venting and pushing through it will hopefully help some. I'll be glad to listen!
  22. lisalisalisa

    New and 8 days from surgery

    Thank you so much! The work you have to do to get to surgery is pretty involved so at least for me, time went very fast. You'll get that 34 pounds off because knowing you will get the surgery as a reward will motivate you. I hope it will help me keep it off but as I said, I'm afraid. I have been reading through some posts and people say things like I ate too much fruit and am gaining again and that makes me panic. Fruit is not my problem lol. Good luck to you as well, maybe we can help each other get through it all!
  23. lisalisalisa

    protein shakes

    I wish I liked coffee but instead, I'm a diet coke addict going through withdrawal lol.

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