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Ammariehs mommy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ammariehs mommy

  1. Ammariehs mommy

    Overeating since im gonna have surgery

    I know exactly how you feel. I'm struggling with these 34 pounds. If I see or smell food my brain tells me I'm hungry and I need to eat right now!! We just have to have will power. We can do this !!
  2. 20 pounds down 14 to go!!

  3. Ammariehs mommy


    Single here and checking in!! I can't wait to start to live again. I'm pre op and hopefully will have my surgery in the next few months. I was married in 2003 and divorced in 2005. Now I am single with an adopted baby girl. I'm not sure if I'm ready to date just yet I'm thinking in a year or so after my surgery. I'm ready to be loved again. good luck everyone with finding love!!
  4. Ammariehs mommy

    New to Group!

    Welcome!! And you are lucky! I have to loose 34 pounds before I even start my paper work. Good luck with your surgery I can't wait to get my date!!
  5. Ammariehs mommy

    Overeating since im gonna have surgery

    I'm with you on this one. I feel like its going to be the last super for me as well. I have talked with a few people who had the bypass and they all say you do mourn the food for about a month but then you start to eat different. They also said our taste buds change. So I'm just hoping that I will have the strength to get passed it. I wish you luck!! We are both more important then food!!!
  6. Ammariehs mommy

    Overeating since im gonna have surgery

    I have just started the process of loosing 34 pounds before I start the initial pre-op party. I'm down 17 so far but I feel like I am mourning food as well. I'm scared I'm not going to get the 34 off. I'm drinking a shake for breakfast and then two small meals. I also throw in two snacks if I need them. But every time I leave the house it's a struggle not to stop and get some fast food. How do you coop with these cravings and feelings?
  7. There are so many temptations in the world that I'm finding it hard to stay on track. I haven't had my surgery yet and I'm supposed to loose 34 pounds before they will even start the process. I'm down 17 but it's like a fight to go out side my home. There are so many fast food restaurants around that I find myself stopping at one on the way home. I've even started leaving my money at home so I can't buy anything. How has everyone else delt with this? I'm struggling every time I leave my comfort zone. It's like I can taste the food I want to eat. I feel like I'm a crackhead. Lol Does anyone have any helpful tools on how to get through this? Please!!!lbvs
  8. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  9. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  10. I'm glad to know that change is coming. Because right now I crave any and everything! I'm struggling with these 34 pounds. I think I'm down about 10 pounds so far. I really need this surgery. I feel like if I don't get it I'm going to die.
  11. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  12. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    I feel that this journey is going to be worth it. I can't live for everyone else or food at that. It's been controlling my life for years. It's time for a fresh start for myself and my daughter!!
  13. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    I'm finding that to be true for myself as well. My family eats everytime we get together. It is hard to be around all the foods you love and not eat. So I have been just sticking to myself while I loose the 34 pounds before surgery. I have found it easier to loose the weight that way.
  14. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    The thing with me is I have always taken care of others. I never took time to worry about myself. But in April I dislocated my left knee. So I wasn't walking for two weeks. Then I hurt my back on my birthday May 16th and I wasn't walking again. I couldn't carry my baby or do much around the house. I gained like 20 within that month. I felt helpless. Then I went to the doctor's and I weighed 484 pounds. That's when I decide it was time. I need help. I set my consolation up that day and it took me a month and a half to get my appointment. It was July 5th. I know this is life changing and there could be some things I go through. But if I don't do this I might not be here in the next 5 years. I might not see my baby go to kindergarten. And that hurts to even think that. So I'm here for the long haul!! Thanks for your kind words they defiantly are needed and appreciated! !
  15. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    Thank you!!I definitely need some support. I sure do feel like no one else understands what I'm going through. Especially my family. I know this is going to be a long road and I'm glad I have people to talk to that has been there and done that.
  16. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    That's great!! As soon as I get the 34 pounds off they are going to send the information to my insurance company. I'm praying everything goes right.
  17. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  18. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    I'm divorced. I have been a Foster parent for about 6 years now. I don't want to adopt more children. One is plenty for me. Lol unless I get married again and I'm not a single parent. Then I would consider it. It's hard taking care of a 1 year old at my weight. Maybe when I loose the weight and have more energy I'd also consider it.

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