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Ammariehs mommy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ammariehs mommy

  1. Ammariehs mommy


    That's one of my favorite drinks too!
  2. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    Hello everyone my name is Terri and obviously I'm new here. Lol I had my first consultation appointment last Friday July 5th. I was told I need to loose 34 pounds before I could have the surgery. My weight last Friday was 484 and now is 475. So 9 pounds in a week. Mostly Water weight though. I'm on high blood pressure meds that has a water pill in it so I loose that weight fast. I'm am struggling every minute. My brain is telling me to eat and its like a war going on within me. I'm only 34 and I have been over weight my whole life. I was 10 pounds 10 ozs when I was born. I've never had a "normal" weight. But I adopted a baby girl one year ago and is time to get healthy. She's having her first birthday party today and I want to be here to see her grow up. Well this is my story and I'm sticking to it. If anyone has any helpful tips or suggestions please tell me. I'm ready for any information any one has!!
  3. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  4. So those 34 pounds I was required to loose before my second appointment well they are officially gone!! I am down to 450!! I can't believe I actually did it! It's been a rough 8 weeks. I fell down a few times but I always got back up again. I am now waiting on the nurse to call me to see if I can get my second appointment. I don't have high hopes yet I figure the doctor is going to try to throw me another curve ball. But fingers and toes crossed and down on my knees praying that he lets me start the rest of the process. I'm so ready to get my date and start the rest of my new life!! Thank you to everyone here that has said kind words to me!! I really appreciate everything! I also want to thank everyone who posts here. I enjoying reading everyone's stories and advice. It really helps a newbie out on what to expect!
  5. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    I feel you! We are defiantly in the same boat. Being impatient is one of my weaknesses. I wish it was that easy wake up and be on the other side. There are defiantly others on here that have been in our shoes! That's why I love this site! We can come here and vent about a situation that someone has also went through or is going through. I can't do that on Facebook. People would tell me to shut up. Lol and for real people listen to you here.
  6. Ammariehs mommy


    I'm going to buy all of those! Thanks for posting!!
  7. Ammariehs mommy


    Those are sugar free?? I will be buying those lol
  8. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

  9. Ammariehs mommy

    I'm new here!:)

    Hey there!! I hit my goal!! I got my second appointments!! I have one on the 25 with the surgeon and one on the 27th with the NUT! I had a few slips before I went to weigh and I made it just at my goal. I was scared because I weighed in at 450.6 and I was thinking that he wouldn't see me because of the .6. lbvs I think that they made my appointment so far out to see if I can loose more weight. Yesterday and today I really have stuck to the diet. But I am going to get back on track. Its so easy to fall and so hard to get back up! I am going to try to loose at least 6 more pounds before my appt. That will be like 2 pounds a week. Just stay focused on your goal!! You can do it!!
  10. I cant believe that things are actually starting to move now. I thought I would never loose the pre op weight. But now I have my next appointments and hopefully I get my date!! Im so excited!!

  11. I don't have that luxury. Mine will be home but I have someone that's going to come stay with me. So I will still hear her throwing her fits and she will probably try to climb on me so I'm going to have to watch out for that. I'm going to get respite for my fosters. Hopefully they can find somewhere for them to go. I'm not stopping my surgery. That will be the agency's fault. It's hard sending them off since I've had them so long but they will only be gone a week.
  12. I wake up a couple times a night but that's due to my knees and back hurting. I have to reposition my body. If I wasn't on any pain I think I could sleep all night! I'm just so excited to even be at this point! I know it's going to be a struggle after the surgery but I think we can get through it. I just pray I have enough energy to deal with my one year old and my foster daughters. I'm going to request that they leave for a week. Hopefully there isn't any complications so I don't have to stay longer in the hospital.
  13. The doctor said that I didn't have to do the psych evaluation! Thank God! Lol and I know I snore but I don't think I have sleep apnea. I wonder would they cancel the surgery if you have it? We need to find that out. But he didn't have me get a sleep study either. I don't know how backed up the surgery dates are so we might end up with the same dates in December! That would be exciting to have a surgery buddy! That way we could comparing notes .lol
  14. I'm not sure yet but I should know more after my appointments. I see the surgeon on the 25th and then the nutritionist on the 27th. I will probably shoot for November sometime. My lease is up October 31st . So I want to be moved and all settled in before surgery. I know I won't have any energy do move if I do it in October.
  15. Thanks!! I'm going to start drinking two shakes a day for Breakfast and lunch then a dinner. That way I can loose more plus be ready for the liquid stage!
  16. Thank you everyone! I'm so excited for my journey to begin!
  17. Thank you everyone!! I just got the call and I got my second appointment!! September 25th with the surgeon and September 27th with the NUT. I'm so excited!!! I still can't believe I actually did it!! Lol looking back at the day I started I felt like 34pounds was out of the question. Now I see that I can do this!!
  18. I did it!! Weighed in and I lost the 34 pounds required for my second appointment!! Now I'm waiting on the nurse to call me back!!!

  19. Going to weigh in later today. Hopefully the scale is good to me! Fingers crossed I've hit my goal!!

  20. Ammariehs mommy


    Ok thanks I'm going to go look around tomorrow.
  21. Ammariehs mommy


    You look great!

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