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Ammariehs mommy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ammariehs mommy

  1. Ammariehs mommy

    Pre op questions

    Sometimes I think it's for insurance reasons. Mine was because the doctor wanted to see if I could change my eating habits first. A lot of people go into their appointment thinking I'm just going to get the surgery . They don't realize it's life changing and you have to change everything about how you eat. My mom is an example of this. The doctor told her she needed to loose 40 pounds. She seen this as impossible. So she never did anything. And she's still obese and have health issues. I on the other hand is working on it. I want this surgery. I want to be healthy. I'm not trying to get skinny I'm just trying to get healthy.
  2. Ammariehs mommy

    Pre op questions

    I am pre op as well. I have to loose 34 pound before the doctor will start my process. I am down about 20 now. Well when I weigh myself at home I am down 29 but when I weighed in at the doctors on Tuesday I was only down 17. I am going to wait till next Friday before I go weigh in again. Hopefully I will hit my goal!! How much weight did they say you have to loose??
  3. So I am pre surgery and since my first appointment July 5th I am down 17 pounds. I have to loose 34pounds before my surgeon will start my process. I know I shouldn't complain but I have been working so hard. Yes I have had some good days and some bad days. But I feel like I am at a plateau and I was just wondering how long with this plateau last? I don't want to give up or get discouraged. I need this surgery. I feel like its life or death with me. Does anyone have any advice for getting past this stall?
  4. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    Ikr I was just think about the milk Sanrio. Lol I couldn't believe it either I even shed a tear. All the hard work isn't in vain. I can't wait to actually get the surgery process going!!
  5. Ammariehs mommy

    My 5 minute workout!;)

  6. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    That is so true!! I have come a long way. I weighed myself today on my own Scale and I am back to losing! If the scale is right then I am down 29 pounds!! In one month!! All by myself!! I can't believe how far I have come. The struggles don't even seem as bad when you see results. It's when you are at a plateau is when it seems all your efforts are for nothing. I feel so much more confident today!! That's for the kind words and encouragement!! It's much appreciated!!
  7. Ammariehs mommy

    My 5 minute workout!;)

    Thank you! I was truly blessed with a beautiful baby!!
  8. Ammariehs mommy

    My 5 minute workout!;)

    Thanks!! I'm am going to be trying more each time.
  9. Setting some goals for the first time in my life!!

  10. Ammariehs mommy

    BAD day

    Just hang in there! Your babies need you and your husband will be home before you no it. It may seem difficult and unbearable at times but you can get through this!! And at least you have family that cares. My sister is so involved with her abusive relationship and my mother is extremely over weight herself. She won't do anything about it. If there is food around she's got to eat it. She will sneak and eat like a 2 year old. I don't have any support. I joined this website a couple days weeks ago and feel like I have gotten more support here then anywhere else. On the days you feel the need to vent post on here. It always makes me feel better!!
  11. Ammariehs mommy

    Head hunger

    I feel the same way! Head hunger is what gets me to cheat all the time!! It's a fight daily. But we have to remember that we are stronger then that little voice I our head!!
  12. Ammariehs mommy

    BAD day

    I'm so sorry that you are going through this! Is this a new thing that has happened since surgery? Or was you struggling with issues before? Just remember that your body needs nutrition and take small bites. You will get through this!! You are stronger then any eating disorder!! And it's ok to vent here I do the same thing! People are so supportive I get more support here then I do from family!!
  13. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    Thanks!! And being patient is hard!! Hopefully I will see something in the next few days. Fingers crossed!!
  14. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    Yeah you are right. I did loose the 17 pounds really fast. I think my body is just trying to get used to loosing. I haven't lost weight in so many years. It's probably thinking what the hell is going on? Lol
  15. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    Ok thanks I'm going to try to down load it!
  16. Ammariehs mommy

    New and 8 days from surgery

    You are so lucky you don't have to loose any weight before hand. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. It's mainly hard because I have a daycare and two Foster children plus my own one year old. With all the stress with the kids daily I just want to eat all day long. I have been fighting my self. I went out and bought sugar free Popsicles and sugar free Jello to try to curb those urges. Hopefully I can get through this. Good luck with your revision and congrats on your two little boys!! Eventually I want to have a biological child. My one year old is adopted. But my goal is to loose weight first.
  17. Ammariehs mommy

    New and 8 days from surgery

    I have found that everyone does have an opinion. I have to cut people off because a lot of people want to tell you want bad things they have heard. I only take advice from people who have and the surgery. That way I can form my own opinion. That's why I like this site!! And I was thinking about going on the liquid diet just to loose these last 17 pounds. I think I will start tomorrow.
  18. Ammariehs mommy

    New and 8 days from surgery

    Thanks !! And I am trying to stay positive as well. It's hard because I don't have any support around me. These forums has become my best friend lately. I like reading everyone's stories the good and the bad. They have really helped me decide that I want this surgery. So this 34 pounds is gong to be the first step to my new life. Keep me posted about your surgery and recovery I would love to hear how things are going. Also give me an idea of what to expect when it's my turn.
  19. Ammariehs mommy

    New and 8 days from surgery

    Hello Lisa and welcome! I am also new here I have only been on here about two weeks. I am pre surgery as well. I totally understand about loosing and gaining it all back. I have done that in the past many times. Right now I weigh 467 pounds my highest weight was 491. I have just started this process. I have to loose 34pounds before my doctor will start the process. He wants me at 450. I believe that this surgery is going to be a tool that helps us loose weight and keep it off. I can loose weight all day but with out help I know I will gain it back. This site has been a tremendous help to me. People are so supportive here. If you have any questions someone has been there and done that so they can surely answer your questions. Don't stress yourself out and worry about things. This is a tool and it will defiantly help you loose and keep it off. Good luck on your journey!!
  20. Ammariehs mommy

    No weight loss in a week!

    I'm not weighing my food. I don't have a scale. I drink the Adkins shake for breakfast and then two small meals. I also have two snacks if needed. I got my plan from the dietitian I am seeing. She gave me ideas for meals. I've cut out all the breads and pastas. I stopped drinking pop a few years ago so that's not a problem. I really just think I lost so much so fast that I'm at a plateau. I lost17 pounds in 2weeks. Alot of that was water weight. Hopefully I start to loose again in the next few days.
  21. Feeling stuck and alone

  22. Ammariehs mommy

    Overeating since im gonna have surgery

    Yeah its hard when family doesn't understand what you are going through. I'm glad that there is a place to go so I can't vent. I get more support here then I get from my family. That's mainly because they are all happy being fat. I'm not its painful and I don't like not being able to do things with my daughter. She's young now but she's going to grow up. People are going to make fun of her because her mom is fat. I don't want to put her through that. I have to do this. I'm not giving up!! Thanks for your support!! And I hope your husband understands why you are doing this.
  23. Ammariehs mommy

    Overeating since im gonna have surgery

    Girl I need this surgery too!! I have a 1year old who depends on me. I want to see her grow up. I also want to be able to go out side and do things with her. Right now I can hardly walk and it's not fair to her. I'm praying about it every night!! Good luck!!

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