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Ammariehs mommy

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ammariehs mommy

  1. Ammariehs mommy

    Things I will not miss...

    I think the main thing that I won't miss is being a woman and having to go into the Casual male big and tall to shop for t shirts. It's sucks to have to go in there and pay$30 for a plain white t shirt in a size 7xl. So ready to shop at normal stores!!
  2. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    Thank you everyone!! I have so many goals I want to meet!! And my weight loss bucket list is growing everyday!! I cant stop now. I feel so much better with just the small amount I have lost. I can walk farther, I can actually climb the stairs to my apartment and im not out of breath. These accomplishments are big to me. I'm ready to get this surgery done and over with so I can continue to keep on crossing things off. Its just so great to have a place to come to and vent or tell my story and people actually care to listen to it!! Ive never had that kind of support before. I think that if I had this maybe 3 years ago I would have already had the surgery. Thanks to all who listens and all who is supportive!! I try to do the same in return!! Have a good night everyone!!
  3. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    So I think I'm back to loosing again. It's been two whole weeks since I've moved an ounce. I am officially down two pounds this week. I think I got more frustrated because I am still pre op and this is the hardest thing I have down by far. Changing all my eating habits and not being able to eat for emotions and stress is so hard!! Then I got this stall and I felt hopeless!! But now that I can see I'm loosing again I feel like all hope isn't lost!! I only have 6 measly pounds to go and it feels like its a million. I just want to get the ball rolling. Get my insurance papers in and what ever else needs to be done so I can get a date. I am So jealous of everyone who has had or has their date on here. I read everyone's updates and I'm glad to hear everyone's struggles it gives me an insight to what I will go through. Sometimes I feel like a stalker. Lol but it's so helpful to people who are still pre op. And actually people who are post op as well. I'm so glad I have a place to turn to when I'm feeling down or even when I have a small accomplishment like these 2 little pounds. Coming from a family that is all over weight and could care less about me and my little accomplishments it feels good to be able to get positive feed back from others that are going through or have gone through the same struggle. So thanks for listening to me rant!! I'm praying I can hit my goal by next Friday!!
  4. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    I'm not going to lie I have been watching my scale daily. I think that's just because I was stuck for two weeks and I felt I wasn't doing enough to loose. I was only taking in about 1000 calories a day. I think my body was just fighting to stop the weight loss. Like everyone says it was being stubborn!! Now I will only check the scale every other day . Not three times a day..lol
  5. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    Thank you!! That means a lot! I feel like I am gaining strength from everyone on here. Everyone is so polite, caring and supportive!! Even when people are struggling they find time to post and update about how they are feeling. I don't have much support at home. I am a single parent to my one year old and I have two foster children. It's just me and the kids all the time. I keep on going because of them. They have so many things that they want to do and I want to be able to take them to do them!! I feel so lucky to be given this opertunity to get healthy. Even though I am struggling to get the 34 pounds off I feel that changing my eating habits now will defiantly help me after the surgery!! Thank you again for the encouragement!!
  6. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    Thank you!!
  7. Ammariehs mommy

    Slowly but surely

    Thanks! And I have started to put together a list of things I want to do when I loose weight. It's a pretty long list but I intend to do everything on there at least once! It's my motivation to keep going. Well that list and my daughter!!
  8. Woohoo down another pound!! I can see my 34 pound goal right around the corner. Officially down 28 pounds!!

  9. I'm down about 30 pounds and I am still pre op. my swimming suit that used to be snug is now loose. And to think I hated it in the beginning because of how tight it was. Now it's my favorite one to wear.lol Also people say they can see it in my face but I still don't see that. I'm sure that a few months after surgery we will need to start buying new clothes. I can't wait to shop! I'm tired of having to order my clothes from woman within. That's the only place I can get blue jeans in my size. Which is a size 40. So ready to see that number go down!! Good luck!!
  10. Ammariehs mommy


    I'm pre op and I was just wondering why you guys had to take lovenox? I'm just wondering if I am going to have to take it as well. I don't think I can give myself a shot. Lbvs
  11. Checked the scale this morning. I am down a pound since yesterday!! Hopefully I am back to loosing!! I so ready to be out of this two week rut!!

  12. Prayn I start loosing again..switched up foods and exercise. Hoping that will do the trick!!

  13. Ammariehs mommy

    Question about sf popsicles

    Ok thanks!! I'm glad to know that I can have these. I bought some other ones hat were sf and they were so nasty. No taste or flavor. I let he kids eat them lol.
  14. Ammariehs mommy

    Question about sf popsicles

    Never mind I just looked at your profile. lol Did you have any problems with them after your surgery?
  15. Ammariehs mommy

    Question about sf popsicles

    Are you pre op or post op? I found that these are the most tasteful and I was wondering if I can have them after surgery. I would lave to be able to have these afterwards. I would feel as if I am actually having a sugary snack.lol
  16. I wonder when I will start loosing again.. I have been stuck for two weeks now!!

  17. I feel like I'm never going to get my surgery date.. Uggh go away 8 pounds!!

  18. Ammariehs mommy

    New guy

    Hello! I'm Terri I'm pre op. I still have 8 pounds to loose before I can't get my date. You look great in your pictures!! Keep up the good work!!
  19. 8 more pounds till my second appointment!!

  20. Ammariehs mommy

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Still pre op I have to loose 34pounds to get my second appointment. Today I weighed in and I was down 26 pounds. 8 more to go!!
  21. Ammariehs mommy

    Amusement park rides ugh!

    Aww man you did get lucky. I guess the doctor just wants to see how bad I want the surgery. Well I want it bad. I have been writing down everything I eat so I now a month worth of logs. I also have been writing down a weight loss bucket list. Everything I want to do when I hit my target weight loss goal. I can wait to get started on that list. Lol
  22. Ammariehs mommy

    Amusement park rides ugh!

    I defiantly feel your pain about riding the rides. I took my 2 foster children and my niece and nephew to the county fair a few weeks ago and I felt so out of place. I couldn't ride any of the rides and I couldn't even walk the whole distance. I had to have my Mom bring her scooter and drop it off for me to use. I felt so embarrassed. One of my weight loss goals is to be able to get on the boat. Hopefully I can get approved and have my surgery this year. Maybe with hard work and determination by next fair I will be able to ride it. Just keep the faith. I know I am!!
  23. So I went to weigh in today and just like I thought the doctors scale is wayyyy off from my own scale. I weighed myself at home this morning and I was 456. Which is only 6 pounds from my second appointment. We I went to weigh in at the doctors and I 462. Ugggh it's just so annoying to think I am so close but still so far away. Sorry guys I just needed to vent because no one around me really cares to hear my vents..thanks for listening. On the good side I think I will get to swim in the morning which means that's my third time this week. Usually I only get two days a week to go!! Exercise here I come!!

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