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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cindy_D

  1. Sister C it occurs to me that you may be feeling hungry early because you are eating foods that are able to slip through the opening to your larger stomach. You really need to be concentrating on getting enough hard Protein (chicken, fish, beef, pork or legumes if you are vegetarian). The softer foods like yogurt, Jello, puddings are not going to stay in the upper stomach long enough for you to feel full. You may want to touch base with your clinic dietician to review your intake - and then get another fill if you are still not reaching satiety. Good luck - it does take time.


  2. Sister C - maybe you should have a look at the consistency of what you are eating. smoothies, yogurt, yellow, cheese are all pretty soft and will easily slip through your pouch opening. If you aren't eating firm Protein like chicken, beef, pork the food will pass through quickly leaving you feeling hungry. I am now at the right level of restriction and have to watch what I eat - chicken is great as is small portions of beef and pork. That is the food that keeps me satiated. In a pinch I will have yogurt and fruit for Breakfast - the fruit seems to help the yogurt stay put and usually gets me through to late afternoon. You will find your right level, but watch the consistency of the Protein and vegetables - the firmer the better..


  3. Heather do you know the name of the bill passed in December? I'd be interested in reviewing it. I have mixed feelings about potential coverage for the band - very few of us who are self-pay are wealthy and it has been a stretch for most. For the gov't to cover it would require an adjustment of available OR times that are currently used for Cancer surgeries and other more imminent life threatening procedures. While obesity will result in decreased longevity, death for most will be a result of illnesses as a result of obesity. I found a way to finance the band surgery and have a resolved committment to ensure this works. Would it be the same if I could have simply had the procedure covered? Not sure - but I would not have wanted to join a two to three year waiting list if that had been an option. Thank God I didn't have to make that decision - the only choice I had was to do it or not - no complications with trying to decide if I could afford it - I could not afford to not have the surgery. Just my thoughts.


  4. Mandi so far the only people who have posted here (to my knowledge) have used either SWLC or TLBC. Why not contact the NS gov't on Monday and see if you can find something about bariatric surgeries in NS and what is covered. Likely he is looking at a long wait if it is indeed publicly funded. If you went the private route, you know what you will be looking at - financing issues, and fill challenges - but you did it, so maybe it is Dan's turn...Good luck with the fact finding.


  5. Betty good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I certainly understand that you don't want to alienate anyone prior to your surgery, but I really have to question the rationale about the increase fees, especially for something you neither want nor need.

    Unfortunately it appears as though it is too late to get a refund and rebook elsewhere - that would be my advice to anyone else who may not feel as comfortable with spending the extra money - I have to wonder why the price difference between the two main clinics as well. The services are, on the surface, similar - options should be discussed and chosen. Regardless, the consensus seems to be that you will be in good hands.


  6. There are very few contraindications for having a lapband inserted. The "hoops" people have to negotiate are related to insurance company regulations for those who are lucky enough to have that sort of coverage - to the best of my knowledge, there are no private insurance companies that are covering this in Canada (extended health benefits). Some provinces are starting to provide some surgical spots, but the wait lists are long and they too are requiring lots of extra testing to "qualify".

    Securing an OR spot is not something that cannot be changed if for some reason you cannot have the band inserted - I'm sure the clinics would refund your money. Having a partiality to the Surgical Weight Loss Clinic in Mississauga, I would say that if that is your choice, you have made a good one. Likewise, I don't think you would have any worries with booking with TLBC - it is preference.

    Good luck and keep in touch - we're all here for support.


  7. Thanks for asking Donna: - Jason was transferred to the Pediatric floor and yesterday was finally allowed up in a wheelchair. This has made all the difference to him and once he was moved to a private room it was even better - still lots of pain, but quite likes the pampering he is getting - when I warned him it would be different at home, his response was "who's going home?" Actually it has been a rough go for him - at 16 they think they are all grown up, but in times like this you sure realize how much of a child they really are. I should be able to have him home on Monday, but no idea when he will be able to get back to school - it will be reduced activity for another 4 - 5 weeks.


  8. I have been following this thread off and on for some time, a semi-interested by-standed. I have already been successfully banded (although a work in progress) and have my own bias on the clinic issue. This thread raised some very valid points for people contemplating surgery; first hand experience is very important for people trying to make choices. I fully concur with the majority of the posts in this thread - do your homework and choose the clinic best suited to your individual needs. While I do not have first hand knowledge of the workings of TLBC, I have met several patients from there and from what I can tell, they are as happy with their clinic as I am with mine.

    CIBC on the other hand has not met the criteria of having patients from their clinic post unsolicited comments about their experience. While this may be due to the newness of this clinic, one has to wonder where these people are. One of the first things I did during my research period was look for this type of forum - I can't see that I am any different from most. Where are they?

    I concur with both Jane and Doddie, that using patient support forums as a venue for self-serving advertising is under-handed and unethical. I don't know Niserine, but over the past few months thought I had come to know Andrew - I have lost respect for both individuals. The flags of caution are up - while both individuals may have altruistic intentions, these intensions are suspect - Travel to Mexico for banding if you must, or seek care from CIBO if you choose, but make those choices based on what you know from people who have had the first hand experience and beware of the sales pitches.


  9. Wow Mandi that is wonderful. I can't imagine fitting into a size 6 let alone getting on 4s. I am finally out of my 5Xs, but getting below the next size in pants is going to take time and faith (hard work goes without saying).

    Have fun in your new city.


  10. Thanks for the clarification Janey and Andrew - that was my thought as well; that expenses for the year had to excede 3% of net. I am pulling everything together this week - just waiting for a T2202 form from my husband's former employer and then off to the accountants.


  11. Jane I haven't had a chance to calculate my net income - are you saying that if your net income is $65,000 or higher, the most we can claim on income tax is $1,950.00? I guess that about covers the basic expenses, but if you end up having to fly in as well as get fills etc., your expenses could be a lot more than that....

    Need to get the taxes done.


  12. Sweet I totally agree with you and encourage anyone who is not yet at the proper restriction to hang in there. I was banded August 24th and just had my 5th fill. I have a large AP band, but the principle is the same - we are all different and will get to the "sweet spot" in time. I found a difference within a few short hours and the scale is starting to move again. Life is good!


  13. I totally agree with you Andrew - knowing that in 5 years if something should go wonky with this band, the clinic and either my surgeon, or his associates will be there for me is incredibly important. I also have the comfort level of knowing that I am still dealing with the Canadian medical system - as opposed to the American system. It is the unknown that would sway my decision. Everyone has to make their own decisions, but from listening to the number of people who have gone through this procedure, in Canada, the US, and Mexico - I am awfully glad that I chose to stay in Canada, and am lucky enough to be within driving distance of my clinic.

    I read a lot about decisions being based on length of wait time - as with any elective procedure - if you choose to self-pay, the wait time is minimal. If you are seeking to have it covered, or partially covered, by the provincial plans that currently have this option, you will wait and jump through hoops - I am thrilled that we have the option to self-pay. The bank was also thrilled!


  14. Hey folks we have to remember that a defill doesn't mean the end of the world. We still have our bands and getting the physical issues under control is a priority. Then we can move from there. I guess we're all likely scared of having the weight come back on if the band is loosened, and while some weight increase may happen - once the issues are under control we move on.

    Lori last night was an eye-opener. I broke all the bandster rules, but for one night it was worth it. This was a fund-raiser for the Greek Fires Relief Fund. It was a seven course food and wine matching. Oh my word was it wonderful. We were at dinner from 5:30 to midnight. I brought home 2 of the 7 courses, and couldn't eat a 3rd. The other four were wonderful - drinking the wine helped move the food through, and there was no PBing or anything getting stuck. Luckily the portions were very small, but I sure am no hungry today! (A bit hung over, but not hungry). Back to basics now.


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