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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Frangipani

  1. you WOULD think - but no; got booty for days. in the reverse of cori's comment, i think my gut got replaced to the backside. so i just run to keep it from needing it's own zip code.

    i'll be thinking of ya tuesday!!:smile::smile:

    I never thought I would congratulate someone on having a big booty, however!

    Lucky you Lulu! Hang on to that booty for dear life -- you don't want to end up like me. It still annoys me to no end that I'm actually needing a seperate surgical procedure to put junk back into my trunk!

    Thanks for the well-wishes :smile::smile::smile:!

    Why am I posting this morning, when I should be sitting on a plane right now???? Take one guess!

    My flight is delayed by 4 hours :angry::sad::thumbup::tt1::tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2:

    I got up at 3:00 AM so I could be ready and set to go and did not learn of the delay until I got to the airport. This really fouls up my well-planned day Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. Hi Ladies,

    Busy day today trying to get everything wrapped up before leaving home 2.5 weeks -- you know how it is I'm sure.......

    I'll make this quick and short because I fly out very early in the AM tomorrow and still have some things left to do.

    Frangi - you always make my day when I need it most!:angry::biggrin:

    That store happens to be right in the mall by me. I went and bought the most beautiful clothes too. They are a bit tight so I MUST work to get the proper fit. That is great incentive!!

    Hey Jody,

    Glad you like that store!!! Their items are so classic and timeless you'll have them for years. I have things in my closet that I've had for a long time and now I'm finally able to wear them again -- Woo Hoo!!!

    I plan on calling you sometime on Tuesday, but if I'm out of it, I will touch base with you on Wednesday. I'll be overnighting at the same hospital I stayed at the last time. Do you still have that info? If not I'll resend.

    Thanks for the support and letting me share this thread! I really do need the support. Great ideas. I like the written communication idea too! Yesterday, I went and picked up my disc for my cat scan and the radiologist's report. Who do I end up riding in the elevator with? The other doctor that assisted in my surgery. He started out the conversation with, "I just looked at your cat scan with Dr. Richard's yesterday." How are you feeling? We had a 15 minute conversation. He was nice. Said mine was a difficult case and that the surgery had been very hard. I have a lot of scar tissue and adhesions. He said it's not the same to put a new band in someone who has already had a band. He said that he and Dr. Richards want me to do a barium series to see how the band is sitting in 3-D, because the cat scan makes it look flat and they aren't use to seeing the band that way. He wants to be there when they do the upper GI so that he can see it in real time. I'm scheduled for next Wednesday at 8 AM with Dr. Cottam. He told me that it might be time to take my band out, if they can't see any reason for the nausea. Also said that he thinks my band might have slipped again. My DH is livid about that, because he said that if it slipped it slipped in surgery and was never right, since I haven't done anything to make it slip. I really appreciated the kindness of this doc and I really like him, but I'm not going down without a fight. I don't want to lose my band! I've paid a lot of money for it, experienced a lot of pain and I know that the statistics for me gaining weight back are not good. I tried to call my internist and discuss options, because he really looks out for me, but he is in Europe for the next 2 weeks (very inconsiderate of him, don't you think?! LOL). If my band has slipped, I'm not sure that consulting with another band doc will do any good. I don't know that I would be a canidate for a bypass or the sleeve at this point. I know I shouldn't worry about it until I get more information, but it's hard not too. If it wasn't for the nausea, I would just let the non functioning band sit in there. Oh well, time will tell!

    Frangi: Good luck with your trip, I hope it all goes smoothly and no flights are cancelled, etc. My thoughts and prayers will be with you next Tuesday! Can't wait to see your results!

    Thanks for the well wishes Karey -- and I'm sending them right back to you.

    I hope this ordeal comes to an end soon, and that it has a happy ending!!!! I'm glad you had a good conversation with the other surgeon :thumbup:.

    Frangi, Its time to go again! Woo Hoo! I'm really excited for you and hope that everything goes as wonderfully as it did the first time. I know Jody is going to post for you again after surgery, but please let us hear from you as soon as you are able. We'll all be anxious to know that you are recovering comfortably at the hotel, or better yet, at Stein Mart!

    Thanks Becky!!! Oh you know me, I'll be up and about (and shopping :sad:) in no time at all I'm sure.

    I definitely plan on catching the Labor Day Weekend Sales -- so that really only gives me a few days to waste time lying about!

    Stein Mart is having a big sale starting Thurday 80% off all of their "Red Dot" sale merchandise -- so make sure you get over there sometime during the weekend if you can!!!!

    BTW, KD told me that the backside was the worst part of her post-op LBL pain, was this true with you too?

  3. I would love permanent eye lashes. I need some killer ones...lol...:wink:

    BBK, I bet the eyelashes work really well for photos!!! With your height -- you should go for the "glam" ones.

    I've decided that I'm going to have this done while I'm in Miami. Assuming I survive my butt lift next week (LOL :wink2:). There is a lady who does them here on the island, but (like everything else around here) it's expensive. I found a spa in Miami that does them for $90 -- for that price I'll give it try, why not?

    Between this, the makeup, the updated PS pics, and the backside work, I know I owe you guys about 30 zillion pics, and I promise I will put some up as soon as I can!!!

  4. I wouldn't say so much explode...:wink:

    Its more like a flat tire...:wink2:

    :tongue: LOL

    pretty much how they look at the moment then, but with possibly only one nip.

    LOL at both of you :ohmy: -- too funny!

    Nina girl you need to push past this!!! Not only did my nips not fall off, but they have been restored to their former youthful glory. I love my new breasts and everything about them, and I started my PS journey not even wanting to have the breasts done!

    If you want new breasts lady, go for it!!! Dr. P will not let you down -- just remember that.

  5. Yes I am getting very very excited!! Super busy getting things wrapped up at work. My nervousness has peaked and now I am in prep mode! Any tips are greatly appreciated. Did you really have 18lbs removed during your tt?

    Hi Karen,

    No, I only had 4 pounds removed from my TT -- the other 14 was simply weight that dropped off rapidly within a month post-op.

    I'm glad to hear that your nervousness has peaked, because I'm sure this will all go well for you. My surgeries were much easier than I ever expected them to be.

    If you read the first few pages of my (and Becky's) PS thread, there are some really great tips about what items to stock up on before surgery. The ladies were really helpful -- and their suggestions were invaluable.

    Let me know if there is any other info I can help out with :wink2::smile::wink:!


    Great to hear from you! I've been thinking about you and wondering how it all went. I'm so glad to hear you're on the mend now. Isn't it completely amazing to have a flat tummy? I still can't believe I have one!!!!

    How does the backside feel? That's what I'm having done on Tuesday.

  6. Karey, I think that now might be a good time for you to start a bit of written communication with your doctor. Ya know along the lines of, can you please confirm that the collection of Fluid in my abdomen is in your opinion of no concern. Could you please Explain why you thought that my band is in an awkward position, and needed unfilling when I have no fill. Could you please explain why you feel that a barium series would be beneficial and what you expect it to show?

    Doctors as a rule like written communications as much as they like lawyers.

    Do not let this doctor fobb you off, you have paid good money for this surgery and it aint right, so they have to sort it out! Go and kick some white coat ass!


    The written communication idea sounds like a good one to me too. Great suggestion Nina!

    But Karey, I thought I just read in BBK's thread that you talked to your Band Dr. and she (he?) suggested that you might need to consider having your band out?

    If they're talking about doing that then I would definitely seek a second opinion before deciding on that issue.

  7. Wow Karey,

    That's a tough one and I can totally understand why you are having doubts about your Dr. right now.

    My first inclination would be to get a second opinion, but I'm wondering if it will be difficult to find a bariatric surgeon willing to give you one (????). What I might do is give a copy of the report to your Internist and in the meantime, try to find another Dr. who will consult with you.

    Chances are your current Dr. did everything just fine, but I think since she has planted some seeds of doubt in you right now, you will feel much better about moving forward with her once you have gotten that second opinion.

    Alternatively, perhaps you could sit down with her in person and just be very frank and honest with her regarding your doubts and concerns (if you haven't done so already) and see what she has to say.

    I feel so badly that you're feeling badly and that this has been such a struggle for you and I hope this all resolves very soon.

  8. I had my Lap Band done in Mexico and I know that there are some fine Dr.'s there, but the thing that is really bothering me right now about Mexico is the crime problem. In fact, I just read this morning that kidnappings are up nearly 10% this year alone.

    Mind you many of these kidnappings involve wealthy Mexicans, but this problem spiraling out of control indicates to me that the crime situation is deteriorating rapidly there and the government is somewhat powerless to get it under control at this time.

    Police corruption is a huge problem there -- understandable when you have an underpaid police force in a poor country and wealthy drug/crime lords willing to pay HUGE bribes, a very bad combo indeed.

    The Mexican people are some of the sweetest, nicest people on the planet and I have nothing but good things to say about my bariatric surgery experience in Mexico, but if you do decide to travel there at this time, be very careful............

  9. Congrats on your date. I'm having LBL and BL 8/13. I'm trying to stay busy and not think about it too much. I am getting nervous though.

    Hi KD,

    Did you have your LBL last week as planned? How did it all go?

    Karen G, not too long now are you getting excited?

    Ellen, I'm sooooooo jealous -- according to Nina soon you will have the best ass in all of Europe. Not fair, I want one too :smile2:!

  10. Cori,

    Go for it!!! I'll think you'll really like it!!!!

    It's not really saving me very much time because I still have a very involved make-up regime BUT it sure does look better -- especially at night when the applied makeup comes off.

    The next thing I want to try are the permanent eyelashes!!!!

  11. Karey,

    Got a question. If you have lost all your weight--what exactly is there to Lipo away? I guess maybe the fat cells shrink but are still there? I would love a boob lift someday. How low can they go!!!???


    I thought I would make a quick comment about this one also.

    I believe your comment about fat cells shrinking but still remaining is true. I've also read that empty fat cells tend to sabotage our weight loss efforts by sending desperate messages to our bodies to be filled back up again -- which is another reason why it's good to have as many removed as possible........

    Based on my own experience as well as others, breasts don't tend to survive the battle very well. Even my pathetically small breasts went south, and having them hitched back up again (as well as plumped out with an implant) was one of the best things I've ever done!

  12. Karey,

    I'm hoping your family will eventually get used to this whole idea and jump on board with you before your surgeries. But I can say that my husband was not on board with me having WLS or PS.

    However, I knew I just had to move forward without that support because I was sick and tired of hating my body and absolutely at the end of my rope. I knew that once he saw how happy I was (am) with everything and what a sense of well-being these surgeries have given me, he would look back and say that it was a good thing, which he really has at this point. So even if you don't get the support you need up front, I believe it will come eventually, even if it comes a little late. In the meantime we are all definitely here to support you :thumbup::thumbup::)!

  13. I have some baggy skin but I'm only 18. I have not yet seen a doctor and am too embarassed to show a live person. I can't tell if it will retract with excersize or if I am going to have to have something done about it.

    Please help! I will send someone a picture but am not posting a picture of my stomach publically.

    Hi Hollie,

    Congratulations on your weight loss!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::)

    Many plastic surgeons will do "virtual consults" where you can begin the consultation process by sending photos via email.

    I suggest that you contact some Dr.'s who offer this service and who you might be interested in working with if it's determined that plastic surgery is the best course of action for you.

    Good luck!!!!

  14. Oh no Frangi!! First Stein Mart now this!! I will need a part time job soon!:thumbup: Maybe my DS can get more hours at the gas station!!:lol::lol: He is rolling his eyes laughing.

    Keep the great shopping tips coming!:)

    How do I keep getting these PS threads derailed off the main subject lately?


    Jody you're looking at this totally the wrong way. Yes, I give you shopping tips, but I always tell you how to get bargains at the various places I recommend. So you won't need a second job at all, in fact you and DS could probably retire on all of the money you're saving. Think about it :lol::tongue::tongue:!

  15. Frangi, you blow me away!!! GO YOU!!!!!! You are going to look too hot for words and your poor hubby will be needing new hankies to wipe the continual drool off his chin. Oh. That sinful shopping site. Bad you!!! I broke down and bought that darling crocheted cardigan and a few cami's. I justified by telling myself a girl has needs :cool2:

    I agree with the others.... keep the post here for the next round of surgery. It will be fun to read through and see the differences between rounds 1 and 2. I hope Becky stays here too when she is ready for the next go round.

    Speaking of which, I agree. I've not even had PS yet and I'm already addicted! I still need to lose 20 pounds or so, and my backside is getting as flat as a pancake (though not my belly.... what's up with that?!!!) but I've promised myself a boob lift and Tummy Tuck (with Lipo as needed) so I'm going to stick with that. For now. Probably.

    So good to see you all here, chatting!

    Hey Cori,

    Good to hear from you! White House Black Market is great -- go to a store, it's even better! I've shopped there for years, but for a while there when I got fat (the dark years that I'm calling them now.......) I couldn't wear their clothing, but now I'm back to being hooked on the place again!!!!

    I bought the crocheted sweater too in black! I also bought the "Gilded Safari Jacket" and the pic doesn't do it justice, I LOVE it. It has very subtle, snakeskin buttons that give it just a little punch. For me in my climate, and traveling to back and forth to the states this is the perfect piece for me and I know I'll get a lot of use out of it.

    Because I belong to their "Black Book" I got the additional discount and also had a coupon so I ended up getting the jacket for $29.98! I also bought the lace camis you bought because I have some already and they're awesome -- high quality and go with everything (including my new jacket). I got the camis for $8.46 with my coupon and discounts -- they run $35 in the stores. Sign up for their Black Book -- it's free and it will get you even better deals!

    You're doing great with your weight loss -- only 20 pounds from goal???? That's FABULOUS -- Congratulations :thumbup::thumbup::sneaky:!!!!

    I'm laughing about your comment -- yeah, why is that? The butt goes flat, which we don't want, but the tummy which we want to be flat, isn't. So we have to pay to plump up our butts up and flatten our tummies.

    It seems to me that God has heavily stacked the game in favor of the plastic surgeons :thumbup:!

  16. Nina & all: Went to see the ps today and I have a surgery date. October 16th (provided I get over this nausea). I'm not having a LBL. I don't know what the correct term is, but it includes the butt lift and thigh lift. Also, because I've lost more weight they are going to revise my TT and do an anchor incision to tighten everything up. Also getting alot of Lipo. Also getting an arm lift! Whew, that's alot of surgery! I can't believe that my weight journey is almost complete. Now, if I can just get my family to support me and not keep telling me that I don't need anymore surgery. I think they really just don't want me to put myself in harms way again, but I wish they would be more positive. Do you think I should start a new thread?


    I think you should stay with this thread, and I hope your family will quickly become accustomed to your plan and give you the support and encouragement you want. :):smile::tongue2:

  17. Okay, I went to see my ps today and I have a date for my surgery! Whoa! October 16th! I'm going to have a lot more work done than I previously thought. I have lost more weight since my TT, so I have a lot of loose skin on my upper abdomen. Dr. Saltz wants to do an anchor incision and revise my lower one to get everything tight. Also, going to do my arms. Also, going to do my thighs and a butt lift and lots of Lipo. He said it would take about 6 hours. I'm actually excited about all this. He is going to do the same thing that Frangi's doc is doing with the butt lift, he will add my own back fat to my bottom to round it out. (Sounds reall appetizing, doesn't it). My journey is almost finished. This is exciting stuff. I couldn't talk him into the horizontial thigh lift in front like Becky had. He said it would be too much. But I'll be so close to being the best that I can be! Four weeks after all this surgery, I'll get my knee done and then rehab for the entire body! I'm glad that Frangi is doing this soon.


    It sounds like this will all work out perfectly for you! I'm so glad to hear that Dr. Salz does that same buttocks augmentation procedure -- it sounds to me like more people are doing that procedure than we know about.

    I hope your "before" backside is in better shape than mine. I was looking at my backside after I got out of the shower today and I really cannot imagine that the Dr. will be able to make it look good.

    What a saggy, baggy MESS it is back there!!! I am in shock!!! I just don't know what happened because I have always had a very generous behind. I see my Dr. on Monday and I'm going talk to him in detail about my expected results because I'm VERY concerned about this.

    oh frangi & karey - the booty is the ONLY thing not shrinking on me; i'd be happy to share...:cool2::tongue: i got enough padding to supply you both...LOL.

    keep the thread alive - i keep following you both onto the next phase.


    LuLu dear, at 125 pounds you cannot possibly have very much booty left to share. :):biggrin::tongue2:

    But thanks for the offer and the encouragement!!!!:lol::smile::clap:

    Karey, Congrats on setting your date. That is so exciting! I can't wait to follow round two for Frangi and you. You both are going to be masterpieces!

    Frangi, its just a week away now! I know you must be getting really excited. When are you heading to Florida?

    Thanks Becky. I'm headed up to Florida very early Saturday morning. I'll be there by 10:30 AM, which is good because I have lots to do to get myself all set up and ready for surgery on Tuesday.

  18. Frangi -Not the BVI unfortunately, I would love to hook up, but I am off to Jamaica!!! Cant wait, I have been to Cuba before, but I have never been somewhere that has the Jamaican vibe, so I am a big bundle of excitement! I have heard that crime can be an issue but , hell I used to live in Manchester (or Gunchetser as it was fondly known) so I am sure that I will be able to keep my nose clean for 8 weeks!

    My sister loves the Amalphi Coast, I have thought about moving within Europe, but I have to consider the language barrier for the kids. I reckon that if I do 8 weeks a year in the sun I might be content....... I hate the weather here! The place that I live at the moment is very rural and quite isolated from the rest of the UK, but it is very very safe. Are you talking about the Fijian Islands? My sis loved them when she went round the world, she keeps telling me to go there!

    How come you live out there then? Were you born there, or is it work related?

    Good grief, I just reread this and realized that I wrote a novel! Sorry about hijacking your thread like that Pink!!! Nina got me started on travel, which is the thing I would be doing 24/7/365, if I could -- and is definitely something I plan to get back to in earnest once I finish getting this body put back together :)!

    Let me do a little editing..............

    Hey Nina,

    The Marquesas are part of French Polynesia, which is a French territory. They are absolutely stunningly beautiful (as are many of the islands in French Poly) and there is virtually no crime problem whatsoever.

    Jamaica is beautiful and great and you'll have a lot of fun. Jamaica is a HUGE island (compared to many of these islands, such as mine) with lots to see and do. Crime is a problem there, but there (as here) it's pretty much like traveling to any large city, and anyone with a little "street smarts" (which it sounds like you definitely have) will be absolutely fine. Let me know when it gets closer to the time, and maybe I'll head over there for a few days. I'd love to meet you!

    I'm here in the Caribbean because of my husband's work. I like it here, but I don't have children and if I did that (of course) would change everything. Many people who move here with children find it a challenging place to live -- for themselves as well as the children.

    I think your idea about spending 8 weeks in the Caribbean is a good one. If you are able to do that on a fairly regular basis, you and your family should easily get your fill of warmth and sunshine -- as well as having an interesting cultural experience.

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