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Posts posted by lirri

  1. I'm 4w5d post op now and every week is a marked difference in energy and what I can eat. At two weeks I was still getting fatigued very quickly. The two week mark was also the point where I moved from full liquid to soft foods. While I thought the progression to the new diet was going to open new doors of eating for me, I ended up going back to mostly Protein shakes and yogurt. If I ate anything else I'd get nauseous right away.

    I ended up taking 5 weeks off of work and each day I still ask myself if I'm ready to return to a full day of work. At least I'm starting to feel normal more often than not.

    Are you planning on returning to work soon after surgery? If so, please spend your time at home getting used to the schedule of eating/drinking Water on a regular basis. Returning to work can throw a wrench into your eating schedule and you'll really notice it if you go 4+ hours without food.

    There are a few unknowns that you aren't going to be able to make decisions for until after surgery. You are also not going to know what type of pain you are going to be in at 2 weeks out, or if there may be complications which may mean more recovery time.

    Good luck!

  2. I had a hiatal hernia but tested negative for Barrett's. I'm sorry to hear that you have it. I was planning on doing the RNY to begin with but was told by my surgeon that with the reflux I already have that the sleeve and lap band were not suggested for anyone with GERD.

  3. I took a month off and am on short term disability right now at three weeks after my surgery. My doc's office called a few days ago and just wanted to clarify with me on what date I wanted to go back to work. I probably could have asked for more time off but I'm happy that I at least asked for a month off. Sitting up for long periods of time still leaves me in pain.

  4. Oh I forgot, I was given liquid senna (a stool softener) at the hospital to take for Constipation as well. My pharmacy was able to take the Rx and get me it though I had to pay out of pocket for it. However the hospital pharmacy I guess didn't have it because they said it was OTC and they wouldn't fill it. I tried the liquid Colace at first at the hospital and the after taste caused me to get nauseated so they promptly changed it to senna. I am off of it now but it was a nice thing for me to have during that first week while I was worried when/if I was going to have a BM.

  5. I was given pain meds (oxycodone tablets), Multi Vitamins, and liquid prilosec that I started taking at home right after surgery. Two weeks out I'm taking Actigall as well, which prevents gallstones which are common when people start to lose weight. The pills are huge and I think one got stuck today. I asked the doc about the size of the pills when I first got them and they said that it'll be ok. I'm happy not to get gallstones though so I'll take them.

  6. Great thread guys! Here's my list:

    I won't miss...

    • Worrying before every business trip about the plane flight and fitting into a rental car with my co-workers.
    • Not being able to fit comfortably in one airplane seat.
    • Not being able to fit in a booth at a restaurant.
    • Being the biggest mother on my daughter's basketball team.
    • Worrying that I smell all the time because of sweat.
    • Not getting a Brazilian done because I'm too ashamed to see my wax lady.
    • Having to take my seat belt out so far that it inevitably drops out of the car when I get out and I shut the door on it.
    • Not being able to do drills with my daughter for sports.
    • Weighing more than my boyfriend.
    • The same old sex positions.
    • Having a big towel for showers.
    • Shopping at the only store in town where I can fit the clothes.
    • Wearing the ugly tarps with ugly patterns that designers seem to feel I should wear because I'm fat.
    • Living to eat.
    • Not doing the 5k runs with my office.
    • Feeling bad almost every day.
    • Acid reflux and not sleeping every night because of it.
    • Not having energy.

  7. I am the same way. I've dealt with GERD for over 10 years and it's gotten progressively worse. Two years ago I also ended up having ulcers in my stomach and esophagus and the stomach acid was slowly eroding my esophagus. I would wake up at night aspirating my stomach acid and would choke until it was clear. Since the moment I woke up from surgery I haven't had any type of acid reflux or heartburn. I am now 15 days post-op and feel that the surgery was a success just based on that. During the surgery my doc also fixed my hiatal hernia which was contributing to my problems.

    So happy.

  8. I'm 33 and 10 years postmenopausal. But I can understand being worried about it the day of surgery. Like others have said, it will end up being the last thing on your mind the day of surgery when it's all said and done. And you'll have a team of people that are used to dealing with this type of thing while women are in the hospital. Talk with your nurses after you get into your room after recovery and let them know so that after your catheter is taken out.

    On the morning of the surgery if you do start, make sure to pack some pads with you that you can wear after your surgery is over. Good luck!

  9. My 11 year old let me know that she missed the bus this morning. I had already been thinking about walking her to school today and I got the chance. My fitbit tracked it at about .62 miles round trip. At 11 days post-op I was worried it may have been a little too far, but other than a little bit of stomach muscle soreness I was glad I got out and enjoyed the morning!

  10. How long after surgery until you felt well enough/ it was safe to have sex again?

    I posted a reply under another area where you asked as well. But I had sex 6 days after surgery in a position that I felt was less stressful on my stomach muscles (read doggy style). Like deaddemama says, talk with your doc. If your doc says to wait, he/she's the boss and has the best grasp on the state of your body, inside and out.

    I stay away from positions where I'm getting my stomach squished like full missionary. There are many positions out there that don't cause you to get squished or strain your stomach muscles. I don't know if I could go three weeks.

  11. How long after surgery until u felt good enough to have sex again?

    I had sex at I think 6 days after my surgery. We did it in a way that didn't cause my abs to be stressed at all (read doggy style). I'm 11 days out and feel almost back to normal. My sex drive is through the roof right now too.

  12. I'm now 9 days post-op. Gained about 10 pounds while in the hospital and didn't start getting it all out until the day I got home. I think in the first day and a half I lost all those pounds and more just from going to the bathroom.

    And Jeepchick42, I did a reality check what felt like every moment leading up to my surgery. I'd wake up at night and freak out because I couldn't believe I was having it done. Best wishes to both of you.

  13. Surgery at 7 am this morning. In my room with pain med button. Actually pain just starting to get a little rough. Already been on a walk and sat in chair for an hour. This really isn't as bad as I thought. Although guess it could get worse! Anyway, doing good here. Biggest thing I wasn't prepared for was not being able to drink anything and my mouth and throat are so dry. There are times I have to stop talking as my tough wont work because it is too dry. Can swab down but that literally lasts about 30 seconds.

    Wishing all the best to Wednesdays surgeries. I will pray for you all.

    Glad to hear you are doing well. My mouth and throat were so dry and irritated by whatever was down my throat during surgery that I couldn't talk right until into the following day. Wish you a speedy recovery!

  14. I think everyone has covered it.

    Toiletries are a must. I felt so much better after I had a shower. I went a full day of walking around before I remembered I had my flip flops. Such a game changer after I could walk around in something besides the booties. A robe would be good, or at least ask them to give you something that works like a robe while you walk around. I brought some loose-fitting knit pants with me to the hospital to wear home. But I ended up calling Will and asked him to bring me a dress to wear home because they elastic waist was too much against my incisions on my waist. I wore a dress the first two days I was home and it was very good.

    I brought my iPad, S3, and laptop to entertain during the longer times of doing nothing at the hospital. I didn't end up taking out my iPad because it was too much stimulation. When Will would go home for the night, I had him take the laptop and iPad with him, keeping the valuables away from the hospital. The only thing that stayed with my was my phone and my charger. You may want to ask if the hospital has a safe that you can put your kindle in.

    When you are in the hospital, ask for Water whenever you can and don't use a straw. The straw can get more air into your stomach and you don't want that. I had a hard time getting enough Water while I was at the hospital.

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