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Posts posted by norasinclair

  1. I'm going to Cheesecake Factory tonight to have some skinny menu artichoke!! Yummy!!!

    Lets see.... Still on two week post op diet sooooooooo many choices ,applesauce , 30gm Protein Drink two, and Popsicles , yum last day of this diet is Friday. Yay !! But I'm still not hungry, the strange thing is I've never eaten this thing called corn nuts but craving them how the hell do I explain that one ?? It's crazy a friends son was crunching on it sounded painful but smelt good now I crave it!!

  2. I am going to be attending my first amusement park in like 10 years!! I'm heading to Branson' date=' MO for the weekend with a sweet friend and we are planning on going to Silver Dollar City. I haven't been to an amusement park in years because I just didn't fit in the rides! I'm so excited!! I think that I should be able to fit in them now and I am ready to start living life again! Has anyone been to SDC before? Any tips or recommendations?

    Thanks! :D[/quote']

    Good walking shoes light clothing bring your own snack? Plus Water ,have fun

  3. I am 8 months post op today!!! I have two questions. I need some input on how to respond best to the following statements that I hear pretty regularly:

    * * You look so great/fantastic/amazing!!

    -----> I never thought I'd struggle with a response to this as "Thank you so much!" has been sufficient up to this point. Now when I say that' date=' the person just sort of stares at me...should I respond with how much I've lost? How I'm working at this? What?? I have no idea?!?!?

    ***Secondly, and this one has surprised me...and has been more stressful than I imagined...I hear this from friends, "I am so fat and unhappy. I need motivation. Help me." Uhhh...I am JUST learning success with weight loss. I have NO IDEA how to be helpful in this situation!!

    Ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance,


    Keep it short and sweet " I eat healthy ,drink plenty of Water, take my Vitamins and I workout on the regular" then smile and say want to join me? ;)

  4. sounds like some of my days.... I have so much energy its hard to stop!! I am usually done by about 7pm...and dont know what to do with myself!

    I walk at 530am' date=' work from 8a-4p then go to the gym for an hour and home to cook, wash clothes, clean up and a couple days a week cut/weed the yard! I sleep well, feel great and seem to have more energy than I have ever had!![/quote']

    Feels great right and I'm just 11 days post op. have a wonderful rest of the day ;)

  5. My 11 year old let me know that she missed the bus this morning. I had already been thinking about walking her to school today and I got the chance. My fitbit tracked it at about .62 miles round trip. At 11 days post-op I was worried it may have been a little too far' date=' but other than a little bit of stomach muscle soreness I was glad I got out and enjoyed the morning![/quote']

    Way to go!!

  6. I disagree with the carbs comment. Unless you are at goal weight-I.e.a bmi of 25' date=' You need Protein before and after exercise.[/quote']

    And how many marathon ,half ,10k 5k have you done..?? I know what I'm talking about from experience not from gut feeling group chats or the Internet .disagree if you must but know from experience ,carbs isn't going to kill you nor will they add weight remember she's going a 5k 3.2 miles not sitting on the couch .it's a bagel for goodness sake she doesn't have to eat the whole thing there are mini ones out there, do you know what runners load up on the night before a big race? Carbs, and race day it's bananas salt tabs and potassium and Water some runners do the little gel packets consisting of electrolyte ,sugar and potassium ,that's for the prevention of cramping in the legs .so that little bagel you have a fear of is strictly for energy nothing more nothing less. Ex Runner now a walker.

  7. Hey everyone! I am 3 months post op and have been doing 5K training for 8 weeks now. I normally have all day to hydrate and get good nutrition so I have been feeling ok after our walks in the evening. On Memorial Day we had a celebratory practice that was at 10am. I never recovered for the day and felt horrible the entire afternoon. Then' date=' last night at practice Summer was finally here and while we only did 2.5 miles I was light headed when I got home and it took about an hour of sipping Water and eating a Protein bar before I could stand without getting cold sweats.

    My actual question is, I have two 5K's coming up in the next two weekends which of course are in the mornings. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for what they eat in the morning or how they hydrate first thing in the morning that helps them power through a morning workout and feel good afterwards?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Jen you'll need some carbs plain and simple,water and potassium banana ,bagel, water.... Nothing heavy

  8. Good afternoon everyone, I can't believe it's only 4:00 my day is done I've accomplished every single thing I set out to do, I walked this morning,check, I deadheaded my flowers,check, cut down my rosé bushes, check watered my plants also discovered a new lily!! pretty ill post a picture , I got all my Protein and fluids in before 9:00pm, check ate before five, check washed and laid out clothes for tomorrow's walk , check took all my Vitamins and minerals, check ,I guess it's time to relax!! I can't believe it's soooo early!!!! Well goodnight everyone , wow unbelievable


  9. I'm starting to get nervous and excited. Tomorrow is my last NUT appt and they will submit to insurance either tomorrow or Thursday. Hoping to get a quick approval!! But I knew that I would be needing some stuff for the hospital. So' date=' I ordered some new bras and underwear and a couple pairs of lounge pants. Got a VERY good deal on the bras at onestopplus.com. They were less than 7.00 a piece!! I really hope that will be the last time I HAVE to order online because I can't find clothes to fit from the store!!!

    I told my cousin I felt like my momma because she always had a "good" gown and robe in the closet and "good" underwear and bras in her drawer in case she ever had to go to the hospital.[/quote']

    Get some granny gowns the kind that slips over your head,no shape no sleeve no style just comfortable and covers your butt!! Won't bother your incisions and inexpensive so you won't mind ditching them in the garbage once you're done with them I bought seven ,used them once ,ow they're in a bag waiting for the goodwill truck to come through the neighborhood for pick up!!

  10. Thank you all so much! Truly amazing advice!

    I wish I could be some comfort to you, I'm just 11 day post op, please don't get down on yourself , you made a choice,good or bad you learned from it, now keep it moving, you're a smart woman ,you've made right and wrong choices we all have. You've reached your goal weight !! That's not an easy task,but with all the right choices you've made you succeed, so keep your head up and don't sweat the small stuff and the little pizza thingy was just that, small stuff. Now smile;)

  11. Good for you! We're having freakishly cold weather here in Wisconsin.It's only 46 degrees! Way below normal. Still I'll walk at the dog park today. But I'm waiting for summer to finally come!

    Wow 46 degrees that's my kind of walking weather!!! Cold and the rain nothing' better for a nice brisk walk to get me moving I miss the Pacific NorthWest ;(

  12. I exercise in the morning as well... it starts my day off on the right foot. Consider a treadmill as well so you don't miss a workout when the weather is bad or too hot.

    I always workout in the mornings but especially now that I'm here in Texass , I'll be walking as soon as first light comes because it gets for freaking. Hot and humid down here, if I'm can't finish and be back home by 9:00 I can't/won't do the miles I need to do to prepare me for the DFW race in Dec. for ill be out there 5:45am after I get the all's clear Friday from the Dr. I have a complete gym in my garage bike,treadmill, elliptical,vertex weight station ,free weights ,medicine balls, ,you name it i got it ,just with three inches of dust of it, it hasn't been used since my knees blew out back in 2010 I just love walking outside,it clears the mind and I forget just how far I've gone until I'm finished on the thread ill I'm constantly looking at the mile, calories burnt, it's a real distraction for me.

  13. I'm going to try going out in the morning. Just for 20 minutes to do the couch to 5k challenge. I could do this in addition to my refular workout routine. I want to really step it up. I know that I will be out of commission right after surgery....so I figure I'd better get my head start in now.

    Where are you from and when is your surgery ? Will this be your first 5k ? You'll do great on both ,good luck!

  14. Good evening everyone !!

    Hope you're doing great this very lovely day ,, I'm so excited to be healed and free of pain without taking meds !! I'm back on the road again and it feels wonderful!! My buddy and I walked our 2.5 miles ths morning at 7:00 am without a problem I wanted to go around again.... But I went home and walked another 2 miles with my hubby and the boys felt great !! Went shopping and drove by myself for the first time since May 24th.it took me 9 days to heal and able to start walking again . Tomorrow. I'll start the day walking with my hubby and the boys ,my friend has the pre op appointment she starts her diet on the 5th and surgery on the 20th. She'll have the sleeve . Downtime might be the same as mine, I'm not sure but while she recovering I'll start my long walks which is 7.5 miles one way and have my hubby. Pick me up at the end. My plan is to do the DFW marathon in Dec ,I did it in 2007 ,2008, and 2009 twice , so I just have to talk my buddy into doing it with me or volunteering ,it's nice when you can do it with someone you know. Oh if you're wondering no I don't run anymore , I walk all the way .i had knee surgery on both knees in 2010 that's when my fat issue began ,couldnt walk,therapy wasn't going well, depressed, miserable ,just mad and disappointed in myself and my Drs .in other words I was throwing a giant pity party stuffing my face with all kinds of nasty, gross greasy, fatty foods But now I'm back ,my AC ,and meniscus has healed I'm ready to beat my previous times!!! Weather was great here a little warm but nice, I'm still in the liquid stage so I got all How could I have miss sweet Olivia's Birthday ;( happy 1st Birthday sweet baby ,many many many more!! liquids in and Protein ,I soooooo sick of cottage cheese ,applesauce , Protein drinks , Popsicles , and yogurt !, can't wait until Friday !! Something solid in my mouth after 3 weeks . Well everyone have a peaceful sleep ;)

  15. I'm sorry you had a rough day ' date='but you sold be proud of yourself ,you didn't do what you've done so many times,turning to food to soothe you . It takes one block at a time to knock the proverbial wall down, you're did just that congrats it'll get easier.[/quote']

    Damn auto correct " should be" ;)

  16. I'm ending day 4 of 14 Optifast diet. Today was the hardest. Arguments with family members made be realize in an emotional eater. All I want is to chew something that isn't a crappy chocolate diet bar. But support groups helped me steer clear of Burger King and what could have been a total disaster.

    I'm sorry you had a rough day ,but you sold be proud of yourself ,you didn't do what you've done so many times,turning to food to soothe you . It takes one block at a time to knock the proverbial wall down, you're did just that congrats it'll get easier.

  17. Hello' date=' I had a lap band placed 9/4/2009. I started @ 330 lbs. In 19 months I lost down to 170. I then had several plastic surgeries. Arm lift, breast lift, Tummy Tuck x 2, thigh lift. My band then slipped approx jan 2012. I developed severe reflux & began to put on the lbs. After several adjustments with no success, I consulted another surgeon. In March 2013 I had the band removed and 5 days ago, May 28, 2013, I had gastric bypass. I have gained up to 254 & will diligently do my best to get back down where I need to be. I suffered a GI bleed with the RNY, but being a nurse myself, I have not been discouraged. I came home yesterday and day by day, plan to become the "new me" all over again. hopefully for good this time. The pics here are before and after lap band, prior to gaining weight back.[/quote']

    Good luck and welcome!! You'll do just fine,I had GBP may 24 th just pain on my left side because I stopped taking the meds. I quickly found out. TAKE. THE MEDS. and so what if it knock me out for the day ;)

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