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Posts posted by ajustice

  1. I started to tell a few people and family. I had some negative reactions by what I thought was a close person friend and also a few others so I just decided to keep to myself. Overall it's my decision and no one has no right no judge my choice that I make in my life. I don't truly keep it a secret km just very selective about what I say and to whom I say it.

  2. Tomorrow is a day I never thought would get here in ways! My 1 year! I look

    Back and is mainly the timeline of pics I've taken along the way that reminds me how life totally has changed. Is been a lot

    Of ups and downs and I'm proud to have "arrived" and survived! Thank you all for being there with me along this journey! I've made

    Some pretty amazing friends here and I'm so happy!! Thanks u guys!!

  3. I'm sorry that you're in this situation and having to make such a choice at this time of your life. I honestly would be making the same decision if I found myself in the same situation right now. Don't let anybody (here or wherever) guilt trip you about whatever you choose. I applaud you for being open and honest on what is a volatile topic.

    I don't think nobody is guilt tripping her here. She came to an open public forum with various thoughts and opinions. She had to expect she was going to receive honest opinions and feedback. You can't post such topics on a public forum and not want to hear what everyone has to say.

  4. My one year is looming here shortly. So excited!! Is there anything you guys wanted to happen and didn't? I might have a thing or so..over all this year pretty much helped make a lot of my dreams come true health wise. I went into this hoping to reach a single digit in clothing and able to get off my cpap! I feel so awesomely blessed both of those things happened and a lot more! What are some amazing things you dreamed/ wanted to happen that probably like me.. Wasn't sure it would...in the year post surgery!? Just curious to hear what u ladies had happen amazing to your lives as well!

  5. I've been a nurse for 8years. Some of the hardest working folks I have ever saw where CNA's. I know they are the backbone and can make or break any nurse on a shift. While nobody should misrepresent themselves it's a lot of semantics about someone saying they are in the medical field that really...who cares? If you give any form of patient care in the medical field you work in healthcare. Who cares what tier you are? We all in healthcare have a job to do and we all make up an integral part. Snobbery and "nurses eating their young" are unfortunately still a part of things today. I personally wouldn't want to work with a fellow nurse who looked down their nose at any member of the team..right down to the housekeeper! Every bit is important to insure the overall patient well being. Get over yourself!

  6. Thank you dorian I try my hardest

    I've gotta say you are an amazing inspiration! I have my one and while it's not easy it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I knew from the moment I found out about him I would move heaven and earth for him and I always will.

    The loss of my twins and all the others babies makes this a difficult topic for me to stomach.

  7. My dearest friends. Today is my 1 year surgevarsary. I day i was looking forward to, but one which came with so much mixed emotions! So let me just spill it. I found out I am pregnant! This is my first pregnancy. dde33 It is unplanned. Only told my partner yet, nobody else. And noe you guys. I am both happy and scared and a bit upset. And worried. Because it is not a good time now. We just bought our first house, moving in a month's time. But we're not married. But we have been planning it (our plan was exactly this easter weekend next year!). Although nothing concrete as we have to save up, this house is a big thing. And now the pregnancy. Honestly i dont know what to do. I cant speak with my mum about it, because if we decide not to keep it (a reality, unfortunately, due to financial circumstances), they will be devastated. I cannot do that to them. I cannot do that to us. But also, the reality of it happening. What a crazy day! I was looking so forward to the day i would get pregnant. And now, this day of all days, it's not as i envisioned. I am also worried whether it would be fair to a child seeing that i am mentally not at my best - although i am much better than 6 months ago. On the other hand, if i end the pregnancy, i am so mortified that it will have a dire effect on my emotional state especially with regards to my partner. What if i come to loathe him for it? We love each other very much. And i know i would be a great mum. And i know people say a lot of the times "it is never the right time", but now is honestly not a good time! Friends I dont know what to do! I am like a deer caught in headlights. Please give me some sound advice. And dont be too harsh on me, i am very emotional right now, and well, yeah. What an anniversary, hey? (Plus I am not yet at goal weight, have lost about 115 pounds if i'm not mistaken, need to lose about 40 more - but this wont have an effect on my decision, i am quite relaxed about the weight issue now).

    I have lost twins! A total of 4 babies all together in my lifetime and you are talking about abortion!? I'm sorry my normal opinion of a woman's right to chose doesn't apply here. You were blessed with something I can't apparently be blessed with and you wanna throw it away!? I lost not 1 but 2 babies in Oct and I was in a wonderful place and my mental health has suffered ever sense. I have no words.

  8. Sorry I've been a recluse. Started my new job and in between trying to get settled into the new house and work a few boxes at a time unpacked. It's getting where I can at least see some parts of my garage now. I've been busy with the new job and battling a cold that's came along. Not a lot to tell really. Doing fine health wise and just getting adjusted. Hope all my April peeps are doing good

  9. K so apparently my husband isn't quite as thrilled about my happy dances and singing of show tunes and whatever else comes to my mind today but I don't care. I have officially reached my surgeons goal weight! I myself wanted to get to 135lb and thought that was so impossible when I started this journey. I have officially reached 130.0! It's arrived and I'm so thrilled and gotta say there were days I didn't know if it would happen. Now the maintenance part begins. I feel so blessed. For any of you struggling out there..it does get better and it can and will happen! We all started this for a reason. Don't lose sight of that. My reason was to get past health issues brought on my obesity and also to make my kiddo proud of his mama. Don't lose sight


    my fellow sojourners!

  10. It's variable for everyone. My surgeon did a great job of making sure my pain was adequately controlled while inpatient. I was sure to hit my button before I would get up and do my strolls down the hall tho :) it honestly wasn't that bad. I took pain meds when I got home for a few days. Was more sore than anything but honestly not that bad. My c section was awful, gallbladder rough, and rny...breezy! I gotta say I think my dr was right about the get moving and walk and it would help. That and never miss any opportunity to blow out some of that gas!!!!

  11. I'm not quiet 10 mon and I'm at goal. I had to take pics. Lots of pics. I think a lot will agree on here that at 1st it's the pics that show the proof. Couldn't see it in the mirror but I took pics the weekly anniversary for my surg and then every month. It was amazing watching it. I couldn't see it at 1st and I was so hard on myself thinking I was doing as good as others. There finally came a point where I had clothes falling off. The brain takes the longest to catch up. I had a lot of emotional ups and downs afterwards. The pics helped. Even when I stalled it seemed that's when I noticed another size going down. Please if I can tell u anything is don't measure your success or lack of by comparing yourself to others. I hurt my own feelings so many times like that and it was for nothing. :) as DL says...your gonna love the new you!!! Take your pics girl and get ready to have your mind blown!!!

  12. thanks ajustice, I am a bundle of anxiety right now, and I am like why am I having all this going through my head, I had the lapband surgery already so I know pretty much what to expect, I am just anxious to get it done? I want to feel better about myself, and move forward with my new life and let go of my old. I just let so much get to me and I shouldn't. Thanks for the kind words and I will have to try what you have. I would love to go out walking but it is freezing outside and I really hate the cold, so I don't know if I will get to that today or in the next few days being in the low 20's and windy as heck out, I don't want to freeze, lol. As for the warm bath, that sounds like a great idea, I might just do that tonight, and soak!!! Thanks again!!!

    I think it's totally normal. Even tho u had the lap band u know RNY has a little bit more to it and is going to change life a lot. I was so scared and right up until the time they were wheeling me in I was like wtf am I doing? There are a lot of people who have these same feeling I just don't want u to feel u are alone and u are at the best place to vent and share. As for the boss...jackasses will always be jackasses! :) happy hump day!!!

  13. My husband had a hard time at 1st. I think seeing is morph into this new body right in front of their eyes brings a bit of their insecurities to light. My husband made comments at 1st like I wouldn't want him anymore now I was thin etc blah blah crap. I recognized he was insecure. All u can so is keep working in assuring him.

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