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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ajustice

  1. Narcotic or non? Usually good old Tylenol is the 1st line they tell us. Hope your pain gets better and good luck with your upcoming surgery.
  2. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    How are u feeling Krystal? Any news?
  3. ajustice


    Ok ladies ..gonna pull some moderating here..please remain on topic. Don't wanna see this thread get outta hand and in some way locked.
  4. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm so sorry u are going through this. I hope they can get you fixed up soon. Prayers and hugs for u!!
  5. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    We got here yesterday thank The Lord! Very pretty but yes the altitude is a big rough. We are all having headaches. Some nose bleeds for me and occasionally feeling like I struggle to take a full deep breath. Looking for a home. We have 10 days to get a place cause we are in temp lodging. So far so good. My husband is excited about the Mexican food! We have had any in forever and another snow storm tonight lol
  6. ajustice

    question about Flax

    I did buy the whole flax seeds and would sprinkle it in my salads, yogurt, etc. Was a good tasting addition. Just a tiny bit nutty flavored. Needless to say it cleaned the plumbing. I take flax seed capsules daily.
  7. ajustice

    Smelly Gas

    Yeppers! Gas so bad get ready to clear a room!! Gas x!!!!!
  8. ajustice

    In the hospital again!

    Praying u get to go home tomm. Be strong girl!! Bumps in the road!! Hope u get to feeling better soon and home to those sweet babies.
  9. ajustice

    Newbie Chica

    Hi and welcome!!! It's a learning curve that takes a bit of time but no doubt I'm sure u will get there with getting all the intake. It's truly does come with time, trial and error. As for others noticing and not you..I totally get it! The fact is we don't always readily have our brains acknowledge or catch up as fast. It's very helpful for me to look at pics. I started taking pics of my 1st few weeks then on my monthly date of surgery and I've made mini collages with apps and just putting them side by side was insane. Sometimes it took the picture to truly show me more where the baggy and saggy clothes didn't. It's exciting so hold on for the wild ride! Congrats on your surgery and weight loss! Welcome again!
  10. ajustice


    I'm a weirdo I think. I get a few hiccups when I'm full. That's literally my sign of no more!! my son is a little stinker and he often jokes about it and he knows it's time for mama to stop eating. I've thought it was my weird way of body telling me post rny that's enough. I didn't gave this until about 6 months out. It's usually no more than 3 hiccups for me tho.
  11. ajustice

    How Skinny Is Too Skinny?

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing
  12. ajustice

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Ok so here is my update. I had told u guys we were moving and getting sent from FL to CO. Ok so we sold our house but weren't set to leave til Jan cause that's when the military was sending us. We spent 6 weeks in a tiny rental condo as we sold our house and had to get out and we spent the holidays between family. We left FL about 2 weeks ago and went to see my family and came to KY to see his kids and take em on a ski trip. Tomorrow we leave and head to CO. It's been totally exhausting for the last 2 months and although we weren't truly homeless we were transients and I can't wait til we find a house in CO and I can have the movers deliver all of our things! I want my bed!! Right now I think I'm struggling with a bit of depression from all that's been going on and the reality of the life change. I've not checked my weight on the scales in awhile so no idea how I am weight wise even tho I feel I might be ok. I'm usually kinda upbeat but I'm struggling. I'm going bald! I have my bald patch I try to hide and I'm down to about a 1/3 of my hair. Over all I think it's all gonna be ok. Gotta get settled and the stress outta life and find a new job when we get into where ever we will live. I did my challenge of skiing and I can say I hated it. Learned a lot about a lot also! Hope y'all are doing well. Love u guys all!! Here's my bald beauty
  13. ajustice

    Help question about hunger

    Hi! Well the only way I know how to truly answer this is in my experience and it is we all have different experiences. I didn't feel hunger..or honestly sometimes fullness at 1st. There were times at the very start I didn't know I was full until it was too late. I learned quickly to measure things as I had been instructed to do. I went through periods of head hunger where I thought I would lose my mind or just die if I didn't eat more or have things. I've had what I thought was hunger when truly I really needed more fluids. It's a learning curve. We have different sensations and signals we have to learn after surgery. Good luck!!
  14. ajustice

    In the hospital again!

    Speedy recovery Misty!!! Hope u feel better soon!!
  15. ajustice

    Newbie..sort of!

    Hi! Welcome to the board! It's a pretty awesome spot to come. Lots of knowledge and good advise and just over all a bunch a nice folks here. Hope we an help you as you start your journey. Congrats!!
  16. ajustice

    Brrrrr, I'm so cold

    Think it comes with the territory only time I miss all the insulation!!!
  17. I Use the Walgreen petites same as Dorian. So much easier and better than chewing the chalky bigger wafer types.
  18. ajustice

    Stressed out and can't do my norm.

    Food addict and emotional eater here.. I Feel your pain!! Is hard especially at 1st when you have to learn to really cope and deal with the feelings without the old ways we comforted ourselves. You did awesome tho by reaching out!! We are all here to support you!
  19. ajustice


    I hate dumping! I've had a few mild episodes and one really severe episode where I thought I would die for nearly 2 hours. I had rny for the dumping tho. Keeps me grounded. I'm a sugar Dumper. I do also as soccer mom said tolerate more when I've had more protein pre Consumption of the carb/sugar laden items. It's scary and something you prob can expect at least once. I learned a valuable lesson tho and I haven't forgotten it yet!! Dumping isn't always a bad thing (in my opinion) when the threat keeps you on track and head in the game
  20. ajustice

    Lap Band vs RNY Bypass

    Both surgeries can have life altering changes to your life. All I can say is research and research some more. I started out dead set I was getting the band. After I met my surgeon I knew I would cheat the band and it wouldn't work for me due to my own food addictions and emotional eating. I knew I needed to dump for my own accountability. Rny has been the best thing I've ever chose to do for myself. I am sure the band would have been good if I did not have the other issues. I just knew after talking to my surgeon I would probably fall into bad habits where I would slurp milkshakes on bad days. Rny may or may not be for you but I can only tell you my experience. Some people have Wonderful results With the band as Do others with the sleeve as well. A reputable surgeon from a center of excellence can definitely Come in handy as you make your choice. Good luck and hope no matter what you decide that you have wonderful success!!!
  21. ajustice

    I'm so lost

    Hi! Welcome! This is a perfect spot to get support and meet others just like you. I wish I had more advice but I'm not as knowledgable with the sleeve as I had RNY. There are some wonderful Sleevers around here so I'm sure they will reply soon. A good bariatric surgeon makes a commitment to his patients after such a life altering surgery. I would consult my Previous surgeon to ask him about your progress. If you worked With a nutritionist that might come to be helpful again. You are always welcome to get a second opinion from a reputable surgeon. Congrats on the weight you have lost! That's an awesome step forward!!
  22. I haven't changed careers but moved recently across country and will be looking for a job. Before I always was the one wanting to hide and just did my own thing. I'm now definitely getting more confidence where I'd like to go for the jobs where I am a bit more out there. I'm a lot more social for sure and think it could be a great move with my aspirations. Definitely think before I would have been overlooked if I had even tried.
  23. ajustice

    I love olives

    I remember last year early post op also we were all discussing pickle cravings. I think maybe it's the sodium. Maybe our body is trying to get a bit more of what it needs. Who knows but yummy!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
