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Posts posted by Jeepchick42

  1. <p>Tonight the kids have asked for Breakfast, so I'm going to be making my version of huevos rancheros, grilled mushrooms, and I'm going to try a recipe for cream cheese pancakes.</p>

    I found this recipe one day while having a craving for pancakes. By the time I found the recipe the feeling had passed so I have not tried the recipe but it sure does look good! Here's the link


  2. So I did it. I booked my trip to Disney World today. This is my reward to myself for working hard this year. Last time I was there was 3 years ago and I could barely fit on the rides and I wasn't even at my heaviest. This year I'm going to have room to spare! And maybe I'll blend in on the photos that they take during the rides. Last time it was like where's Waldo in reverse. I'm also going to try to reach my original goal (145) by the time I go. So I have 9lbs to lose before April. I'm nervous about the food choices there. I know Disney is very accommodating and there are salads and stuff but had anyone been since surgery and what was ur experience with the food? Can't wait for April!!

  3. Bowl of very spicy chili! Perfect on a freezing day.

    Spicy chili for me tonite! I whipped up a batch this afternoon - it's Hubby's favorite. :-)

    And what's up with this crazy weather? Single digits all last week, 42 yesterday, teens today, supposed to be forties tomorrow, then back to frigid weather for the rest of the week! :-p. On the plus side, January is almost over - on to short February! :-)

    I completely agree this is the weirdest weather I've seen in a long time. I heard that ugly four letter word (snow) on Tuesday too. Can wait for beach weather!!

  4. Omg I thought I was the only one!! I was freaking out earlier this week cause I haven't lost anything in over a month. I thought it was cause I was cheating a bit but I've been bouncing between the same 6 lbs for what seems like forever. Thank god I'm not the only one!! Makes me feel so much better. I was getting depressed thinking I was screwing up or sabotaging myself. Fingers crossed that the scale moves for all of us really soon! I've got 20lbs left

  5. Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement! I think I just needed to get out the doubts that I was having about whether or not I would succeed at this. But I realized that I'm the only one responsible whether I succeed or fail and I am NOT going to fail! I am DONE eating crap. That's how I got big in the first place. If we go out to lunch at work, no more pizza, SALAD! I cleaned out my snack drawer and gave all my chocolate away to my coworkers. sugar free Chocolate only! I feel empowered again like when I first had my surgery. I got this! food has got nothing on me. 3 or 4 meals a day, all protein! I am not going to give in anymore! I am stronger then this. I've also realized that I need to start attending my support groups and start logging my food again. I need the support. As much as I want to, I cannot do this alone. You guys definitely help in the support department. Thanks again for all your advice!

    PS It's good to see you on the boards again Tiny! You were missed!

  6. ... It's a lifestyle. I have been so depressed lately and I can't seem to shake it. I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to about it because everyone just sees my weight loss and thinks I'm doing so well or "what would she have to complain about?" I have been eating crap like pizza and chocolate since before the holidays. I haven't really lost any weight ( I've been bouncing between the same 6lbs for the past month or so). I literally have not done one bit of exercise since I've had this surgery. Sometimes I eat so much that I feel like my stomach is going to explode. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I am happy with my weight loss but the only way I know that I've lost any weight is when someone says that I look skinny. I don't see it at all. I don't know what to do and I'm really upset about it. I just can't seem to stop sabotaging myself. I have 20lbs left to my goal and can't picture myself reaching my goal or even maintaining my weight loss if I keep going the way I'm going. Someone please help me. I'm so lost right now.

  7. 156.4. I was at 155.8 on Tuesday but I ate a lot of candy. I can't seem to get back on track since the holidays. Everyday I wake up in the morning all gung-Ho to eat right, but by the the end of the day I've had candy and pizza and a lot of other things I shouldn't be having. I know it's ok to cheat once in a while but when it's every day, it's not cheating anymore. It's just crappy eating.

  8. This is the first Christmas EVER that I didn't gain so much as a single ounce! I weigh exactly as much today as I did Tuesday. I made it through both Thanksgiving and Christmas w/o any trouble, aside from the pecans that made me sick last night. :-)

    I wish I could say the same. I admit I went bananas over the past 2 days and ate a lot of things I shouldn't have. I tried to detox off sugar today and made it through about half the day. I caved and had a piece of chocolate. I need to get back on track. I didn't really gain but I certainly didn't lose anything. I am a sugar and carb addict and I need to stay away from them.

  9. I'm typically around 30 carbs per day. Lately I've thrown caution to the wind though and have been eating sugar. Unfortunately I don't dump and sugar is so tempting. I have an appt tomorrow with my nut so I'm going to ask her how many carbs I should be having a day. I need to get back on track and not eat sugar anymore. It's my kryptonite.

  10. I lost weight thanksgiving week!! I was down 1.5 lbs this morning. Grant it I cooked for thirty people but I ate what I wanted just in my 'fun sized' portions. That's what my nephew says about me that everything is fun sized. :) being 5'2" in a family where everyone is over 6' is interesting. My weight loss has certainly slowed but gosh if I can just keep it moving it will be good. Oh did I mention I wore size 12 petite (not womens) jeans at dinner yesterday? Im so thankful for this surgery!!!

    Omg I lost 2lbs!!! Crazy!! I don't get it. Maybe it's the carbs that I had in the pie and pumpkin roll. So strange but I'll take it. Congrats on ur loss!!

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