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Posts posted by HeroOfThisStory

  1. Hi everyone! I'm scheduled for surgery on the 31st of December (Happy New Year to me!) -- so I guess I will be the last person in the December group. I am feeling much more afraid now as the time is coming closer -- but reading all your posts makes this seem a lot less scary. My question is: What is one thing you wish you had known about the day of surgery and recovery?

    Day of, and for a few following days, it's extremely hard to cough and laugh.

    As far as recovery goes, puree foods will drive you crazy and you'll be eating a lot of the same things. It gets old quick. Also I always read that scent and taste buds change but I really didn't think that'd happen to me. Boy was I wrong. Everything tastes different and I feel like I have the scent of a dog. Crazy how that happens. Best of luck!

  2. I have concerns. I ran this by two other new bariatric friends who had surgery Dec 2nd and Dec 3rd. I would like to throw this out to you all and see if anyone else has the same issue or worry that I do.

    I am a RYGB surgery patient. Surgery was Dec 17th. I have had no issues what so ever. I can drink, I can swallow, I can take my daily meds and all of my Vitamins and supplements I am peeing, I am pooping. I am losing weight. I gained 14 pounds post op from Fluid and gasses. I came home at the 48 hours point and I was 307. I was 293 at check in at the hospital...so, there is that 14 pounds. I have lost all of that and another 7 pounds for a total 22 pound loss since I left the hospital on the 19th. That is down 22 in 11 days. I think that is all fine, normal and okay too.

    I am pretty sure I am restless and irritated due to head hunger. I am kind of bored. When I feel great and I am forced to relax and lay a bit lower than normal, it drives me crazy! I am doing light housework and busy little stuff to keep me mind busy...but I feel like I can run a marathon. I understand that I am less than two weeks out of surgery and I must rest my body and be kind to the internal stuff that got a major modification.

    Per my doctors orders and nutrionist guidelines I am to be on a liquid diet ONLY for three weeks post surgery, until my follow up on January 9th. I am supposed to ONLY have my bariatric approved shakes (2-3 oz per hour, each hour) for an ideal total of 100 grams of Protein daily. In addition I am to drink a MIN of 64 oz of proper hydrating fluids in the other part of the hours all day long, when I am not drinking my protein drink. I may also have SF popsicles and broth. I may NOT have Jello, pudding, cream Soups, eggs, etc....NOT until I am approved to advance my diet on/after the 9th of January.

    I have "cheated"....I call it tested the waters. I have had some bites of Beans (chewed until they were thin and no bulk, no chunks.). Today I had 1/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce with a 2oz piece of ham pureed with it. (Might sound gross, but it was great flavor).

    I can consume SO MUCH more fluid that what I think I should. I have been told me new pouch is only egg size and should be a holding tank of about 5 oz. So when I drink all of my fluids all day, I am guessing it goes in and exits that pouch rather quickly and doesn't sit in there and hang out, like food would/will.

    I had NO ISSUES at all when I had my applesauce this morning. What is up with that? Shouldn't I be feeling full? Shouldn't I be having some restriction? I just don't get full. I don't get uncomfortable. I don't get a signal that says to STOP.

    I do NOT want to stretch this pouch out and I certainly hope for it to heal properly.

    I see others who's providers allow them all of the jello, pureed whatever, eggs, cottage cheese etc, at this point in the after surgery/post op diet. Are they doing damage to their pouches? I know each provider is so different, I get that.

    I plan on calling my office on Monday and letting her know my exact consumption's (I have it all charted and documented).

    What else are you folks experiencing that are freshly out of surgery, or how did this work for you earlier in the month, after you were post op?

    Your feedback is appreciated.

    I'm not getting full either. I had my surgery 12/11 and am on pureed foods for eight weeks. A week after surgery I asked my doctor why I'm not feeling full and he said it's going to take a few weeks because you're actual body doesn't register the change yet. I'm doing everything I should and taking all my vitamins. Lacking about 15g of protein daily but I just can't get that extra in no matter how hard I try. My list of pureed foods is pretty strict so I'm going crazy and have no idea how I'm going to get through the next six weeks. I'm losing on average two pounds a day right now so hopefully I can keep that up for a few more weeks. I am allowed to have saline/low Fiber crackers so when I feel hungry I eat one low fat cheez-it. I feel your pain though, definitely don't think you're alone.

  3. Hi. I am new to this site but am so so so glad to find it. I am one week out from surgery 12/17 and down 11 lbs from surgery and 17 total. I'm feeling better, very little pain left, but am starting to get emotional and bored. My family is hovering and also eating holiday food, both of which are annoying. I don't want to irritable in Christmas but I am and can't help it.

    I know exactly how you feel. I just look at the long run. All my family was miserable after eating and I was just fine with my pureed deviled egg and pureed squash. I kept telling myself "this time next year im going to be opening gifts with the cutest clothes ever" and a year flies by. I know it doesn't seem like it but I'm two weeks out and it's already crazy to think. Plus the 28 lbs I've lost have been ton of motivation! We got this!!! Best of luck!

  4. I should clarify...I say everything but you are right. Pork and no red.meat for long time. No asparagus, bacon, or steak. And supposed to be on pureed for at least 3 weeks and then soft foods. I am very careful and a bit hyper vigilent as to not go overboard. I am really not eatting much.

    Still, three weeks isn't bad at all. I'm on puree foods for 8 weeks, then soft foods for one, then week ten I can start introducing normal foods little by little with the exception of starches and red meat.< /p>

  5. I had surgery 12/11 and am feeling pretty fantastic with the exception of my incision is sore but I'm sure that's with everyone. We have a December surgeries thread you are more than welcome to check out. There are a lot of people in the thread that are going to be on the same page as you throughout the journey! Best of luck!!

  6. Had my surgery on 12/18. Feeling pretty good today. I must admit that for a brief moment while in the hospital, I was like, 'what was I thinking?' But feeling so good now and excited for my new life!

    I know the feeling. I was going crazy the first few days but now that I feel better and I've lost 23 lbs in 10 days I'm not complaining!! :-)

  7. I am allowed to have saltine crackers. Not sure if anyone else can but I tell you, it's the best thing I've tasted in 9 days. My nutritionist gave me sample meals and one meal was a "pizza" with a little pizza sauce on a saltine sprinkled with mozzarella cheese. Microwave for about ten seconds and its pretty much heaven. My no-no list includes deviled ham but one of my suggested meals is deviled ham.... I'm avoiding it now but definitely going to clear that contradiction up in my next nutritionist appointment because that sounds real good right about now. I say we keep it coming with pureed ideas because even people still waiting for December surgeries can benefit. A cold scrambled egg eaten over thirty minutes is only good for so long... blah... we're all doing great through and I've lost 20 pounds in 9 days!!!

  8. My surgery is dec 20 and the only thing that im worried about is sleepimg afterwards. I am a stomach sleeper. Anyone already had their surgery? How did you sleep after you went home? I've seen where people sleep sitting in recliners, some on their sides, some on their stomach..... help please

    I normally sleep on my stomach. I had bypass 12/11 and got my staples out today. I was able to sleep on my side last night but other than that is been so hard to sleep in any other position than my back. Not sure about your incision but I have one three inch incision right under my breasts in the middle.

  9. I'm almost a week post op and my stomach growls all the time. I'm always hungry and it drives me crazy. I'm going to ask my surgeon Thursday when I get my staples out but it's terrible. I'm good at getting every Vitamin and every ounce of Protein in that I need to but am still hungry. I thought for a few days this was a mental thing but I've been waking up in the middle of the night because my stomach is growling so bad. Don't know why I'm an exception but it's so annoying. Luckily I know I can't eat anything other than the delicious pureed food I've been enjoying. :-/

  10. Had a really rough day at work. My boss has made this super hard on me, including asking me to postpone my surgery when i had it scheduled last month, and today He was just down right cruel. Criticizing my work, asking "what's wrong, too hungry? " Insinuating that my diet has made me incompetent. I cried for over two hours. He knows my surgery is on Friday. And that I am stressed and scared. I don't understand how he can be so mean.

    So sorry to hear that. That is cruel, screw him. I'd continue with your surgery. He can't dictate you like that.

  11. Each day gets easier. The only "pain" I have is from my incision. Gas and stomach are fine. I get my staples out Thursday. Hoping I'll be able to venture out and shop a little tomorrow. The only problem is waking up in the morning. I'm sleeping on my back still but can't wait to be able to make it to my side. Have had no problem getting in my Vitamins and all my Protein but I'm 24 living at home during recovery and my parents are on me every few minutes to drink, drink, drink lol. I feel like I'm always hungry and mentally I'm a little screwed up but sticking to my three tiny meals and lost 12 pounds in 5 days so I'm sure I can look past some of the struggles as each day passes. Good luck to all the upcoming surgeries and everyone who has already had it!!

  12. Glad you made it home hopingnomeds. Hero I got the soft gel gas x but I believe the gas x strips would be better, atleast that what I been told on here. Funny I would feel like a million bucks if not for the gas pain. But its so much better than yesterday. We are going to make it

    I just sent my dad out for Gas X and coloring books. I agree, I'd feel great if it wasn't for the gas pains. Going to try to take a nap. I was able to shower and get all my Vitamins in so far. Also had a little applesauce and working on my first Protein Drink. One thing I will say about this surgery, every ounce of dignity I've ever had is out the door. Guess a hospital stay will do that to ya. Just longing for a night where I sleep all the way through and am comfortable.

  13. Hero I had mine done on the 11th also. I was I terrible gas pain yesterday. I am way better now. I took some milk of magnesia and some gas x. It took about 7 hours to work but I feel 100 percent better now

    What kind of MoM and Gas X did you take? I just threw up a little which I'm guessing is from not taking my pain pill with any food at 2am. Uugghhh!!

  14. Hero I had mine done on the 11th also. I was I terrible gas pain yesterday. I am way better now. I took some milk of magnesia and some gas x. It took about 7 hours to work but I feel 100 percent better now

    I have such a hard time getting up, laying down, etc. I cant decipher between hunger and nausea, and the abdominal binder is pretty much killing me. Ugh idk why I feel like I'm not getting better.

  15. I had my surgery 12/11 and now I'm wide awake with what appears to be my first set of gas paid? I'm miserable. Of course regretting every decision at this moment. Nothing seems to work and I can barely stand up straight to walk. I've never had anything major so I had no idea what to expect, I just need for this to get better and go away. I can't describe the pain I'm in. My parents basically have to do everything for me. Ugh, guess I'm going to walk some and hope these pains go away.

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