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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by tracik

  1. tracik


    Thanks. Blood work shows infection, doctor says kidneys. Low potassium and iron. Urine shows blood, ketones and protein. I am a mess...on potassium pills and antibiotics. She said all result of surgery.
  2. tracik


    I am on the way to Doctors this am. Can't pee and pain in lower back. I am hoping nothing too serious...
  3. tracik


    I am so glad it is not just me. I feel like I waste so much food. I can't do much meat at all - I seem to be getting my protein from yogurt, nuts and some beans. I think part of the issue for me is the chewing. It nasuates me to chew my food for so long. I take really small bites (unless I forget) but I still chew chew chew...and by the time I get done chewing all I want to do is spit it out as I am so sick of it by then! I really didn't think this part of this process would be the hardest. Everytime I eat I get this sick feeling in my pouchie and have to lay down - it really puts a damper on wanting to do anything right after eating. While on vacation we of course ate out a lot - and everytime we went back to the house so I could lay down. Ugh. My poor husband doesn't know what to think! I also have a really big problem with not being able to drink while I eat. I know early off it isn't as bad if I do - but I have to break this habit and it is sooooo hard! But enough griping... I am so glad I did this. Bought 1 size smaller pants this weekend - yea!
  4. tracik


    Hi everyone. Just got back from a last minute vacation - lost 4 pounds in 6 days. Not too bad I guess. I am very inpatient when it comes to results! I am dow 46 pounds since I started this on May 2. My surgery was May 28, down 36 pounds since then. Seems slow to come off. I know my problem is not eating enough - but I can't eat more than I am. For those May surgeries out there - what are you guys eating now and how much? I can do about 3TB for each meal, and I eat 3x a day (but I force myself to do that as I am not hungry). I do get about 60-70 oz of fluids in - but protein is only about 25-30 g. I honestly have to choke the protein down as I am not finding anything I want to eat right now. I have had a greek yogurt sitting in front of me for an hour now - and have only eaten 3 bites. I can eat carbs though... which scares me. How much are you guys eating at this point? Is it a chore to eat as much as you are? I also walk 2 miles a day.
  5. tracik

    May surgeries!

    Hi everyone. Hope all are doing well. My vacation ends tomorrow, so back to OH we go. This week has been difficult trying to find things I want to eat. We ate out a lot which seems like such a waste. I can't do leftovers now so it is even worse. I had my first dumping incident yesterday, with frozen greek yogurt. Plus yesterday I ate too fast and threw up. Not a good day... But most of my time has been ok. Doing well with liquids, protein not so much. I have never liked meat and post surgery hasn't changed. It is a struggle to find something I can chew that doesn't make me sick. Getting there. Can't wait to see the scale. Haven't weighed in since last Wednesday....hoping the scale is good to me! Have a great night everyone!
  6. tracik

    May surgeries!

    You look awesome! Good for you!
  7. Flew yesterday with no extender necessary. And I didn't feel like I was sitting on my neighbors lap!
  8. tracik


    Happy 4th to all my fellow May surgeries! What is everyone doing on this holiday? I just landed in Fl from Oh. Yea!!! Vacation time!
  9. tracik


    OMG!! That is awesome! Good for you!
  10. tracik


    Today not so good for me. I woke up not feeling so hot, but got a glass of water down. I then had a cheese stick (red fat cheddar stick) and about 2" of a slim Jim, and had a sick feeling within 10 minutes. About an hour later, felt a little better so went to go grocery shopping. We always go someplace to eat beforehand, so we went to Red Robin. I got the tortilla soup. Ate about 1/4 of the cup then instantly didn't feel good. Skipped the shopping and headed home. Sat on toilet for 20 minutes, nothing. Then started heaving and throwing up foam. Yes, the dreaded foamies. Had only read about them. 2 hours later, throwing up 4 times, all foam, I finally fell asleep and work up a little but ago with only a small tummy ache. Won't get my protein in today cause I am not eating anything else! What a miserable day. I don't think I chewed the cheese enough.
  11. tracik


    I am down 36 pounds. Surgery May 28. Saw surgeon today for 1 month follow up. He was pleased with progress. Told me to take naseous medication if food makes me ill. I actually had forgotten I had that medication! Told me to keep working on getting protein in. Nutrition told me nothing is off limits, except sweets, fried foods, etc. that I can try anything and need to be getting 800 calories in every day. I am at about 400/day. So today is a good day.
  12. tracik

    Weight loss stall

    Finally...the scale moved again. I had a good day yesterday with protein. I actually found a smoothie I can stomach with a whole scoop of protein powder! Yea!
  13. tracik

    Weight loss stall

    I am four weeks out. Get liquids in, but usually protein is between 25-30 grams a day. I just can't do anything more than that right now. I am eating about 2 tablespoons a meal, 4 meals a day. Probably 400 calories. I have stalled for past week. Is it too few calories or not enough protein that is causing the stall? Walking 2 miles each day.
  14. tracik


    Ok, I guess. My surgery was 5-28 and I am down 25# since then, 36 total. Having an issue getting enough food in me. Funny, yesterday was my best day in terms of protein (I got about 40 g, which is awesome for me) and today I have so much more energy and feel great. I guess low protein is why I have been so tired lately! I had called my Nut. She said if I don't eat enough I won't lose weight. So now my phone goes off every two hours and I make myself eat something with protein! Have a great day!
  15. tracik


    Nice job! Good for you!
  16. tracik


    Is anyone else still getting tired every day? My surgery was May 28, but I cannot go an entire day without being exhausted (and I am not doing anything!) I can only eat 2-3 bites of food each meal and am not hungry at all, so I have to force myself to eat,so I am no where close to getting the required protein, just wondering if that is affecting my energy levels. I only have one week of leave off and was hoping I would have more energy at this point. There is no way I could go back to work now. I would need to bring a cot to work with me for a mid afternoon nap!
  17. My company didn't cover the surgery but did approve STD. I had my surgery on May 28. I go back July 1, take as much time as you can.
  18. tracik


    I went to my PCP today for my annual physical. First time I had seen her since my surgery (just 2 weeks ago). The nurse didnt realize I had had GB and said "Ummm, you have lost 9 pounds in 6 days, is everything ok?" I just smiled and said, "I know, isn't it great!" I then told her about the surgery, I am down 33# in two weeks! Today started out bad, tried to drink a protein shake on way to doctor, but it was not going to happen. I tried some mashed potatoes for lunch, but immediately felt ill, laid down and fell asleep for 4 hours! I was ale to have some beans for dinner and walked 2 miles, but I am beat today.
  19. tracik


    Just go slow. And remember to chew. Sometimes I forget and then I am reminded! Definitely don't eat while doing anything else so you can concentrate! Only 1 more day for you!

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