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Janice's Journey

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Janice's Journey

  1. Hey Janice!!! Haven't heard from u in awhile. Don't give up! Anything is possible!! Haven't had my 6mo visit yet so not sure of my stats etc I had surgery the day after u. I slowed down a lot then the pregnancy being so sick I lost more in a month that since my 1st mon post op. Now after losing the babies I'm stalled. I think u have done great and I will always be your cheerleader! Don't give up!! I want u to prove then wrong :) u got this

    So, so sorry to hear you lost the pregnancy. I was just reading through older postings and read that sad news. Take care of yourself and keep healthy. I wish you all the best.

  2. How is everybody doing?? Happy 6th month Anniversary to all. My 6 month anniversary was 10/29/13. Went to the doctor's for my 6 month checkup. He said I was on schedule for my weight loss, maybe a little on the lower end. I am at a plateau. I haven't lost anything in about 7-8 weeks. Very discouraging since I am only eating about 1000 calories a day, getting about 60+ grams of Protein a day, drinking all my Water and taking all Vitamins. Not to mention all the time at the gym. The doctor said he thinks I will lose another 10-12 lbs by my one year visit in April, and he doesn't think I will lose much more than that (without a superhuman effort). I want to get to Onederland, but I have been at a stall. I had really wanted to get to at least 175 lbs, but the doctor seems to think I've maxed out with my weight loss. My labs were all good, except my protein was low. I am still in the "obese" range on the BMI chart. Has anyone else slowed down or stopped losing weight? I try not to be discouraged, knowing how far I've come, but I can't help wish that I could lose another 25 lbs. But I won't give up trying.

  3. Having a really hard time. I truly was hurt by my Inlaws. They basically teamed up on me arguing about my southern grammar and how certain things I say make me sound ignorant and why did I continue to

    Say things and raise my child like the pattern to use southern words and even if I knew it was wrong. Why didnt I want my child to speak better. I will never go to their house again. I am basically done with them and wanna take my little ignorant southern ass home. I have spent the last hour crying my eyes out. My husband admits it was awful of them. I just wanna go gorge myself in cake or ice cream or something. This truly has been the worst I've felt since surgery and I have no outlet. I'm stuck crying my eyes out alone. I'm so hurt I can barely stand it. Nothing much I can do but I feel like I could eat to the point of making myself sick. I hate this. I hate feeling this way.

    Gosh, I could talk for hours about terrible in-laws! I feel so sorry for you. I got married at age 23, and my in-laws never accepted me. I've always treated them with respect and kindness. My father-in-law was very nice, but he was so afraid of his dragon lady wife, he went along with it. My husband never stood up to his mother...I think he was afraid to and had a life long fear of "standing up to mom" and suffering her wrath. We even went for counseling about this, but my husband never learned to support me. When they didn't acknowledge the pregnancy and birth of my 2nd child, I decided I was done with them (age 34). I told my husband he could visit them any time, with children. He did a couple of times, but then they started to treat him badly (because I wasn't there to take all the slings and arrows), so he stopped visiting them. The in-laws went to their grave rejecting us and our 2 lovely daughters. Their loss! Anyway...I was always respectful of my "elders", and I go to great lengths to avoid confrontation. At age 53, this is what I've learned. You teach people how to treat you. If you allow them to treat you badly, they will continue to do so. I wish I had stood up to them when everything started when I was age 20, but I didn't have the confidence or the skills to do it. It is CRUCIAL that your husband backs you up and stands up to his parents about their behavior. If things don't improve, cut them off. Do not allow anyone to treat you badly. Value your (lovely) self more than that. If your husband loves and respects you, tell him that you two are a united front. Marital loyalty comes before parental loyalty. I will stop here, but I am very passionate about this and suffered greatly for years at the hands of my in-laws. Every holiday and special event were ruined because of my mother-in-laws nastiness (I suspect it had a big mental health component to it). Anyway, I don't know you, but I detect a sweetness and a kindness in you. Value yourself. You are on a fabulous journey to self improvement. Make how you allow others to treat you a priority. Don't wait until your 50's to learn this! I've said my peace. Good luck to you. :unsure:

  4. I know how you feel. We talked about it earlier in some posts. I was a 44DDD and now I am wearing a 40D. It is a huge change especially trying on clothes and I don't fill the tops out like before, no cleavage. Everything has to be pushed up and out! But, it's a problem I am happy to have because the surgery was the best thing I've ever done for me!

    This conversation is so funny! I was a 48DDD(F), and now am a 44D. I much prefer being smaller busted. Down 2-3 clothing sizes. Just wish my stomach would shrink down more. :rolleyes:

  5. I am 12 weeks post today!

    My 3 month post op visit is tomorrow. ^_^

    I'd be interested to know how your 3 month visit went. We have the same surgery date :) My visit is scheduled for early August. Got labs 2 weeks ago and requested a copy, but haven't received them yet. Anxious to know how I am doing. I am looking forward to checking in with the doctor. I feel I am losing too slowly, but I will get more info when I get weighed on their special scale. I hope you have a good visit!

  6. When I was 1st post op I wasn't hungry and would even forget to eat. Now it's not so much I feel hungry but feel a weird almost hollow feeling. I really don't want anything tho. Nothing really at all seems to sound good or appealing to me. Wondered if it was just me. I eat..but it's only cause its more or less what I have to do. I don't want to slow my metabolism down by not eating but no matter the diff things I keep trying to feed my body I just don't care for anything. Am I the only one? Eating has no pleasure anymore..suppose that's good but it sucks I don't like anything.

    Hi there! I'm still having problems with meats/fish/eggs. But, I've been really enjoying watermelon, cantalope, blueberries, and cherries in small quantities. I know they are not Protein, but they don't bother my stomach and are delicious. Went to a party yesterday and I was very hungry. Ate a small piece of pepperoni bread (probaby too fast), and was throwing up in 5 minutes. Mostly "slime"...I guess that is what my NUT calls "the foamies". I thought those days were over. Had meatloaf tonight....could only eat about 2 oz. I get a "hollow" feeling in my stomach when I am hungry...can't really call it hunger. There was so much fabulous food and Desserts at this party, but I couldn't eat it. I admired it all, but I can't really say I felt deprived. The desire to eat it is just not there. I guess that is a good thing. :unsure:

  7. 1st time I had coffee my tummy felt odd too. Now it's kinda ok with it. The chicken..I don't know if I can ever put it in my mouth again. I hate eggs..I can tolerate it with something hiding the egg taste. I get concerned I won't be able to tolerate any meat soon. Pork doesn't taste right what I've had so far but nothing like chicken. I have not even had 20grams Protein today. Nowhere near enough fluids I'm sure after the vomiting from the chicken.

    If u have a hard time adding me to my fitness pal just tell us your screen name and some of us here will friend u. I had soccer mom tell me how or I'd never know myself :) I think u are doing great losing 60+ is amazing. I am trying not to even get the scales out..my husband said he was going to steal them and get rid of them as it was making me neurotic not losing even a 1 every week or so but yet I'm busting some mean saggy Clothes. I guess he's right. Your body has had a bit more to heal from that most her so u def deserve some time to heal. Your daughter gone off to college..you may have to start Sexy Sunday.. :) I will just say my husband thinks I'm crazy but when my son was gone I'd go streaming through the house saggy skin and all just trying to make him notice :) that was my sexy Sunday lol

    Hah! So funny. I told my husband we are going to walk around the house in our underwear now that there will be no kids in the house. Not sure that will be too pretty of a sight! I have you "friended" on MFP, and I can view your menus. I have two "friends" now. Woohoo. It is interesting to see what others are eating. Seems like we are so limited. I loved eggs before the surgery, but even a few bites starts things gurgling and I get these loud reflux noises coming up my esophagus. Not sure what that is all about! Chicken and fish don't go down well, either. Tonight I had 2 oz of low salt ham and 1 oz of cheese in a small salad, and that went down well.I guess it is just going to take time. Of course, carbs go down great...crackers, Fiber one bars, etc. But my nutritionist wants me to stay away from carbs. Melons and berries are sitting well, too. So my food world is expanding. Vegetables are a little harder to digest.

    I feel so lucky to have the friendship and support of my on-line friends! :wub:

  8. Well Janice..hang in there. I know all to well the big Publix scale I always look at it as I walk into my local one. Fl has indeed been wet..I think we will need an ark here soon. I don't think u should feel bad..the m&ms are just am example u can tolerate some sugar but its not to say u go over a certain amount your body won't decide to act out..I've learned I can allow my body 2 Hershey nuggets..my husband just had to buy 2 bags and yes..bad girl that I am..I've had some but only 2 at a time. I've had my share of watermelon but I was told I could have fruit just go easy on more tropical types as they have more sugar. I love watermelon right now. It's my fav shack until I wake up during the night to go potty several times :) if u go back to myfitnesspal look me up my name there is akmjustice and several people on here have friended me and its been great to see what others are consuming and also gives me ideas. I've been pretty religious about logging my stuff as I know it reins me in. There also has been alot of people on here losing tons of weight..I'm not exactly losing alot but I'm proud of my small victories. I am lucky if I lose a lb a week and my hair is coming out in clumps. I'm happy tho cause I have saggy baggy clothes and underwear that are falling down under my clothes and bras that are starting to bunch up the fabric cause too big. All of this "shifting" while I'm not losing any numbers so I try to consul myself in that. I'm gonna try to pull a tape measure out and let that speak for me. Have u noticed any changes? Well hope u continue to get stronger..u have been thru alot. Love to hear u had a good trip.

    Just got this answer from the post-op nurse regarding Medic Alert bracelet: "It is good to have something on your person that lets people know that you had a gastric bypass and cannot have any NGT or OGT(nasogastric or orogastric tubes)." I think I will look into getting one.

    Also, I will look you up on myfitnesspal. Haven't done that yet, but I am sure I can figure out how to "friend" someone. I am having a hard time getting enough Protein and staying in the 700-800 calorie range. Plus, chicken, fish, and eggs are still not my friends. There is not much else to eat! Today I had some Decaf coffee (I didn't want to wait anymore!). It was delicious. I only drank 6 oz. But my stomach did feel a little strange afterwards. Eating chocolate...that was my biggest addiction. I've found that I can eat it, but I can only eat a small amount and I am satisfied. I can live with that! There is so much candy around my house, because I had a huge candy station at my daughter's graduation party. But once it is gone (not eaten by me!) I will not have anymore in the house. She heads to college at the end of August, and my house is going to become a no-junk food zone.

    I am so bothered by the fact that I am losing maybe 1 lb a week, but I am down 2 clothing sizes, so at least I am seeing improvement (just not on the scale). I lost 38 lbs before surgery, and 27 since surgery, so that is 60+ lbs. I just expected the weight to drop off a lot faster after going through a difficult preop and surgery experience, but there is nothing I can do about it. I guess I need to get to the gym more and walk more (even though it's been about 95 degrees in the Phila area).

  9. Hi Janice!! Hope u had fun on ur trip. This is a new pic? Looks great!!! 27lb is great!!!! U have been through so much and it's gonna be ok and u are gonna do great!! Well my surgeons office actually gave me a brochure and they nurse told me about it and showed me hers she wears since she had rny. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get one. Just seems sensible to do as I worry too much and I also see so many accidents in my career field. Hope u are doing well :)

    Had a wonderful week with my family in Siesta Key (Sarasota) Florida. (In between the rain downpours!) Exercised like crazy in the pool and was very active all week. Didn't record my food all week (took a break from myfitnesspal) but pretty much ate the same foods every day. I went to a Publix supermarket yesterday and they had a huge scale in their lobby. Showed I had lost 10 lbs. I was so excited. Weighed myself as soon as I got home today on my own scale. No weight loss in 10 days. I guess the scale in FL wasn't accurate. I drank lots of Water all week to try to prevent dehydration in the hot weather. I hate to complain, but I will be 10 weeks post-op on Monday, and I thought I would have lost more weight by now.

    There are so many of those Medic Alert bracelets on-line. I don't like things around my wrist...I don't even wear a watch. But I will ask my doctor what he thinks...if he thinks I should get one I will. I just got a script in the mail for my 3 month labs. I hope when I get the results everything is OK. I am keeping up with my Vitamins and I try to get all the Protein in, but 80 grams a day is almost impossible. I just eat as much protein as I can, because I still can't tolerate too much chicken or fish, and can't eat more than 1 egg, if that. I sat here this evening catching up on everyone's progress, and I am amazed at how much weight some people have lost. I guess everyone's bodies are different and I know I shouldn't compare myself to others. I am just happy for everyone's success :rolleyes:. The bad news is that I learned I am not sugar intolerant. I nibbled on some M&M's and red licorice on vacation, and it didn't bother me a bit. I didn't gorge on it, but I felt no bad side effects at all. Plus, I had watermelon every day and it was very delicious and refreshing.

  10. Do any of u guys have the medical alert Bracelet? I've been thinking more and more about it after my surgeons nurse told me it would be a good idea. She said we really needed to make sure emergent personnel didn't try to do a blind ng tube I'm case of an emergency as it could cause internal bleeding and damage the spleen. I'm back & forth about it. I know at kinda a good idea and then I have the idea of having to feel like I'm advertising. Thoughts???

    Good question. My mom emailed me today urging me to get one because of something she read on-line about a bariatric patient. I will ask my doctor about it when I go for my 3 month visit. No mention of a bracelet has been made at any of the support meetings. I guess it is a personal decision to make.

  11. Officially lost 80 pounds this morning!! Woohoo B)

    Happy 4th of July to everybody! ^_^

    Wow, congratulations! That is a lot of weight!! I had surgery the same day, and I am at 27 lbs lost. Just got back from vacation and ate very little. Got on scale for first time in a week, and the weight was exactly the same. I exercised and was very active all week. Very disappointing to not have lost anything at all.

  12. Grrr I am still stalled. Still suck at my 40lb loss! I haven't lost anything since 6/14! I upped my Protein and Water and I go to the gym every night! I don't understand and I am so frustrated!

    CandiH, Spring, TX_Surgery Date 4/22/13

    40 lbs is awesome! You are way ahead of me. Next time you go to your doctor's, get a printout from the bariatric scale. You most likely are gaining muscle weight, which is a good thing. If your clothes are getting looser, you are headed in the right direction.

  13. Hi, how is everyone doing?? I just sat down and read the last several pages of blogs. Wow, so much going on with everyone. Sorry to hear not all of it is good news. :(

    I am doing well. Just graduated my youngest from high school and had her party this Sunday. I'm exhausted! The good news is that we head to Florida for a weeks vacation this Friday. I can hardly wait to have some downtime and get away from work for awhile.

    Saw the nutritionist yesterday for my 8 week visit. She said I am doing well and am right on target for weight loss. Not enough lbs for me, but I will take her word for it. According to her scale, I am steadily losing fat weight, so that is good. The scale just is not going down quickly. Next month I get my first labs. I hope everything looks good when I get my blood work.

    If anyone is looking for recipes, I have a Board on Pinterest under JaniceE-. Don't forget the dash after the E. There are some bariatric recipes on my Board, and I am regularly adding more when I have time to surf the web for them.

    I am eating about 550-750 calories a day. I log everything on MyFitnessPal. I still cannot tolerate eggs, fish, or chicken so it is really hard to get all my Protein in with food. I am getting tired of the Protein Drinks and can no longer tolerate drinking one every day. I have a Liquid Protein I ordered from Wellesse.com that has 10 grams of protein for two tablespoons, so I usually do that once a day to increase my protein intake. My nutritionist said I should be consuming 80 grams of protein a day by now, and I am only doing about 47-50. She said to add 100 calories of nuts to my diet a day. It is still a challenge to drink 80+ ounces of Water a day, but I work on it hard, especially now that the weather is so hot.

    Good luck to all of the April surgeries! Please post any food ideas. I am getting tired of eating the same things every day. :blink:

    Joyce: I am 53, so now you don't need to feel like the old lady of the group. Hah! I am excited about focusing more on my own health in the future now that my children are older.

    Pre-surgery Weight: 299 lbs. Surgery weight: 262 lbs. Current weight: 235 lbs. Date of Surgery: 4/29/13

  14. Congrats on the weight loss so far. I'm losing very slow too :(

    I talked to the nutritionist today. She said most people have lost 30-40 lbs by this point. I have been 100% compliant with the program. I have an appointment with her next week. She said she'll reserve judgement until she sees what the scale readout says. She said even though the scale hasn't changed, she'd like to check how much body fat I've lost. She said the scale doesn't tell the whole story.

  15. Scary at 273?? I'm 267 today, and feeling pretty good! It is strange how we are all different sizes when we start. When we lose weight, we think of where we used to be as huge. Then there is someone who is finally down to that same weight and feeling good! Funny how our body and weight perceptions are all so different!

    I was 299 lbs on 1/15/13, and lost 38 lbs before RNY on 4/29/13. At 7.5 weeks out, I have lost an additional 23 lbs. I wish I were losing more quickly, but at least I'm losing. But, if I look at the big picture, I've lost almost 60 lbs since January. Actually, I've only received a few comments about my weight loss. But I'm wearing a smaller clothes size and I feel better about myself. I can hardly wait until I get below 200 lbs. It will probably take months, but I am on my way. Anyone else losing this slowly?

  16. Yikes! I am 10 weeks post-op and my hair just started coming out. :-( I was hoping I would be one of the lucky ones and not have the Hair loss. I started taking all my Vitamins plus Biotin 2 weeks before surgery in the hopes of keeping it all. Guess there is no way around this. :-(

    OMG, I'd better start taking my Biotin. I keep forgetting it is in the cabinet. I am almost 7 weeks out. I didn't realize the hair started coming out so soon!

  17. How's everyone's weight loss by going I'm 6 days away from my 2 months and down 42lbs was hoping I'd be down 50lbs but I don't think 8lbs in 6 days is gonna happen lol

    My surgery was 4/29/13, and I am only down 18 lbs. The scale is just not moving. Went to bariatric support meeting tonight. Talked to nutritionist a bit. She said I am doing everything right, and to hang in there, the weight will eventually come off. She said because I had 5 surgeries that day of my RNY, I may still be healing. She also said by 8 weeks most patients typically lose 30-40 lbs. Well, I am 6.5 weeks out and still at 18 lbs. I feel discouraged but am trying to have a positive attitude.

  18. I'm so thankful I've found this forum as a outlet cause I feel like u..I lost track a few days and didn't get nowhere near goal with my Protein. Revamping it tho this week and gonna hit it hard. If u ever need to talk I'm here..for u and anyone else. We are in this together and all kinda have the same ups and downs

    OMG, you are my hero! You had surgery the day after I did, and I've only lost 16 lbs. You are definitely doing something right. I can't seem to get all my protein in unless I incorporate at least one Protein Shake a day. I'm getting sick of them, so today I used only one scoop of Bariatric Advantage instead of two. Only up to 320 calories today, but I am heading to a party. Hope there is something there I can eat.

  19. Sun is finally shining after days of rain and gloom! And I lost two more pounds this morning! Woohoo! 274 which is 29 lbs down from surgery on 4/22. Have a great day all!

    Congrats! You are doing great. You must have sent the rain to PA. It's been pouring for 24 hours with no end in sight. You are one week ahead of me. I'm still stuck at 16 lbs lost. The scale just goes up or down 1-2 lbs every day. But my energy is improving. Still not eating much in the way of solid food.< /p>

  20. Gosh, so funny. My oldest(25) recently moved out after 2+ years living at home without a job (at least not a f/t job that she went to college for). She was very difficult to have around. My youngest (18) is a true pleasure to have around. I am really going to miss her. She is going to Washington DC for college. But, I am so excited for her. Finally got a call today from gastro doctor after waiting 3 days. Suggested more meds for me to try. Heading to Walmart tonight. Gastro office just called and said he wants to see me. First appt available is June 18. So we'll see what is up. Still no more weight loss. I don't weigh myself every day. Now, every other day or so. It is so strange to see no weight change since I got home from the hospital, esp after reading all the previous blogs about people losing a LOT of weight in the first couple months. The good news is that I lost 38 lbs prior to surgery, so I am over the 50 lb weight loss mark. That is why my clothes are loose. I keep thinking any day the weight will just "fall" off. Hah. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.

    One more thing...some days I eat 600+ calories, but on average it is about 500 calories. I use MyFitnessPal. My nutritionist said to concentrate right now on just getting all the Protein in, and not worry about calories at this stage. I am still on the pureed/soft food stage, so it is hard to eat many calories unless I add a Protein Shake with milk. Tonight I had 1/4 cup ricotta cheese, a little mozzarella, a bit of spaghetti sauce, and I actually at a few slices of zucchini. My first vegetable! I get full very easily, and if I push it I vomit. But, every week gets a little better. I think I am healing slowly because I had 5 surgeries instead of one. Plus, it takes me morning to night to get the 60+ oz of Water in. My nutritionist suggested yesterday that the chewable vitamins (large chalky pills) might be too constipating, so she found a website where I could order liquid vitamins. They should be delivered in a few days. I'm not even taking my 3 Iron pills a day. She said I should start on Biotin now to prevent Hair loss in the future.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
