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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ParaGirl

  1. I am trying to go back to following the band rules... Protein shake Coffee Chicken/Noodles frozen meal 1/2 cucumber 4 pieces of hard candy Protein shake 1 piece of fish (frozen, Gortons) 1 cup broc/cheese Total calories so far: 855 Total protein so far: 89 May have some hot cocoa later, not sure.
  2. I am currently at 5cc's with very little restriction. I can eat anything and have! My second fill is today.
  3. I liked Elizabeth and Leslie is great too. I like how Leslie doesn't have us lie all the way down to fill us. She doesnt seem to put as much pressure on me as Elizabeth did while filling. Yes, she was banded also, so she knows exactly what we are going through.
  4. ABC, I was banded the same day as Nip and I have lost the same as you! I look at it this way, any other time in my entire life that I have lost weight, by the one year mark, I have begun gaining it back, and will get it all back and then some. So, please know that this time, it aint coming back! I have begun to feel as if I am too tight also. I wouldnt even dare attempt to eat even one bite of pizza. The whole idea of bread scares the heck out of me. Also, most days I only eat beef veggie soup, chickennoodle, or chili. I LOVE chili. If I go out to eat, I eat nachos, as they are smothered in chili and cheese and all that other good stuff. I have the APL 14cc band, filled to 11cc's. I would like to have about 1/4cc taken out, but am so afraid. I know, it is ridiculous. Please let me know how you are doing. 48 pounds is nothing to be upset about, expecially if any other time, you wouldnt have kept it off permanently. Take care. Dana
  5. Dang girl, You look great! I can really see your "trunk" getting narrow, and your face is getting thin. You look great. Isn't it cool how our eyes look BIGGER as we lose weight?
  6. Globally, It has taken me almost a year to get to the restriction I needed! I am down 48 pounds and hoping to lost 50 more!
  7. That sounds like a load of bull, seeing as your ins. pays for much of what is included in that $2000 fee. I would tell him no way.
  8. Yesterday at dinner i tried half of an egg roll and about 4-5 bites of rice and veggies. The meat was too chewy and I decided not to try to swallow it. About 10 minutes later, I was violently throwing it all up. It was awful. It seemed like 4 times more than I ate came back out. No more of that crap for me. Also, I may have to get half a cc taken out of my fill if this doesnt work for me.
  9. I got a fill last week and it is pretty tight. Still getting used to this level of restriction. I am able to eat, but my portion sizes are so distorted, that I still overeat some and bring it back...yuk. Today: Protein shake Nutrisystem lunch of pasta parmasan some potato chips Protein shake with strawberries 1 cup of chicken noodle soup Total calories : 840 Total protein : 63 I may have one scoop of ice cream later...not sure.
  10. Today I was craving ice cream, I have this "condition" montly... B - Protein shake L - about 1/4 c chili with 6 saltines D - Protein Shake 2 scoops Cookies and cream ice cream about 4 oreos life savers hard candies couple of hersheys milk chocolate treasures I know, I need serious help
  11. Wowee, I am tight. I am thinking that possibly, since we withdrew all the fluid and then put it all back and added 1cc, maybe I need extra time to see if I am swollen. I am going to give it about a week and if I am still this tight, I will probably get a slight unfill. For the first time, I am feeling like I have heartburn whenever I eat, and I mean CONSTANTLY. I am pretty sure I am beyond my sweet spot.
  12. I just got another fill today, which brings me to 11cc's now. The nurse did withdraw fluid to make sure I was really at 10 and I was, then we added 1. Will see how I do in the next week or so.
  13. Wow Mia, you look like a whole new person.
  14. ParaGirl

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I will Leslie. Also, where do you workout? I have a membership at Tony's and would love a partner. Let me know.
  15. ParaGirl

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    It stinks when we compare ourselves to others, yet we cannot stop ourselves from doing so. I began this journey at 265, got the band last Oct. and am now at 219. I was once down to 210, but have gained due to a lot of outside crap going on that shouldnt have this effect on me. Ihave been at this weight for around 7 months! I have been ticked at myself, but have decided to look at it this way, I have not regained it all. By now, any other time i lost weight, it would have come back with a vengence. Note, I am getting a fill tomorrow and am restarting with the same diet i did last Oct. I lost a lot very fast, and just maintained it since. I want to lose another 50-60 pounds. We are here to support each other, and everyone does a wonderful job of that. It is up tous to regulate our behavior and not compare ourselves to others. Dang, im in teacher mode now. Back to work. I am impressed with everyone here and the progress they have made. Sincerely, Dana
  16. Dan, Very interested to see how it goes for you. Let us all know. THanks.
  17. ParaGirl

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Wow. I have read through your entire thread here and you are amazing! You have been through a lot and still have a great attitude. Your pin up pictures are absolutely gorgeous. You are an inspiration to all of us who are on our way to being our best.
  18. First, I must apologize for this being so long, but if you are up to it, here goes..... I must admit that I feel a bit like a failure. I was banded last October and quickly lost 55 pounds. However, I haven’t lost since at least March of this year. In fact, I have actually gained about 10 pounds back. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> See, my ex-husband and I are going through some serious problems. We are both remarried, but the woman he married is completely nuts. (this is my opinion.) I must also mention that he lives in SC and we meet halfway (2 1/2 hours drive) every other weekend for visitation. <o:p></o:p> My husband has been in my children’s and my life for 5 years now. He is wonderful; he is the one who taught both of my boys how to ride a bike without training wheels. He is the one who taught them how to play baseball, and other sports. He attends all their football, basketball, and baseball games. For all intent and purposes, he has been their father for 5 years. <o:p></o:p> We were always able to talk issues out with my ex, though we really didn’t “get along” so much. There were many times that we did things for my ex that were over and above what was expected - such as paying for his hotel room when he came down here to see the boys, or actually paying his way into Wild Adventures so he could go with the boys. We have also actually given him spending money for his visits with the kids. Just a lot of extra things, to make it easier for him.<o:p></o:p> Anyway, since he got with his new wife, she has cut off all communication between my ex and me – and I mean about the kids. I never had other communications with him. <o:p></o:p> He isn’t allowed to speak with me at all when it comes to the boys. I have emailed him concerns, but he rarely ever responded. <o:p></o:p> Anyway, one time this summer, she picked up the boys for visitation and decided to accuse my husband of assaulting my boys. Keep in mind that I was present, and he NEVER hurt the boys. He HUGGED them and she decided to say he grabbed them by their necks. So anyway, my ex-husband decided to try to have my husband arrested (cops refused to, as my children weren’t going to lie for their dad and say that my husband hurt them, they told the cops he was hugging them), and he also called Child Protective Services to claim my children were being abused at our home. <o:p></o:p> Of course, CPS investigated and found that my children are not abused. This has all taken its toll on me. <o:p></o:p> I am also dealing with the fact that one of my boys doesn’t want to go to visitation with their dad. I have to send them, otherwise, I could be held in contempt of court. I am constantly hearing about things going on up there that break my heart. My boys are suffering. Basically, their dad and his new wife hate me, and my boys are exposed to her children calling my husband and me names. It is so hard for them.<o:p></o:p> I am a stress eater, and I have certainly eaten. I have eaten countless bowls of ice cream, plates of nachos, and boatloads of candy. I am totally out of control.<o:p></o:p> Needless to say, I have gained back 10 pounds to show for this eating. I am so ashamed. I feel like I need shock therapy, hypnosis, something to stop me! <o:p></o:p> I suppose this post will help me, it is somewhat cathartic to write it all down and get it out. <o:p></o:p> Has anyone else found that stress eating is still something they deal with? I am getting another fill on the 16<SUP>th</SUP>, and I hope it helps. <o:p></o:p>
  19. What recourse do you have regarding the false allegations that were made? There really isnt anything legally I can do, all he would have to say is that he truly believed that the boys were being abused. No way to prove in court what he did or didnt believe. Do they really HAVE to still go to visitation in a hostile environment? Yes, they ahve to go, no judge would stop visitation over this type of behavior. (I worked as a paralegal for 5 years, I have seen sexually abused kids forced to continue to visit the parent simply because a jury found them not guilty of sexual abuse...who cares that the child was the accuser.) Do they (ex and new wife) really still WANT them to be there? You may learn that they find it a hassle and don't want them every other weekend. Maybe it can be spread out a little more. As the boys go through therapy, they will learn they aren't responsible for the behaviors of the adults. In order to irritate me, he will continue to see the kids this much. I do not believe he wants them there this much, but would never be the one to say it. He is also very concerned about what people think of him and wants everyone to think he is "superdad". Thank you for your response. I do realize that I need to find a way to deal with this myself. I will do what I can to take care of me.
  20. I just re-read this and it sounds very ME centered. Please note that my boys are in therapy, and we are doing all we can to take care of their needs emotionally. Thanks.
  21. ParaGirl

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I cant wait till the meeting Tuesday!
  22. ParaGirl

    Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

    It starts at 7pm, at Palmyra Hospital in Albany.
  23. Hi all. I am currently at 10 cc's and am going in for another fill in a little over a week. HOping to get really good and restricted this time. I do have some, just not enough!
  24. ParaGirl

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    I will be at the support meeting. I RSVP'd today.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
