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Posts posted by nursejb

  1. Anyone else mourning the loss of a few bra sizes? I didn't even think about it before but this is hitting me harder than I would have expected...

    heck yeah my breasts are long now which is hard to buy an accurate size bra and my back/side far is soft which spills over in on the sides of my bra so right now I wear 38 g/DDD but prob could go down to 36DD but not a good looking DD cause the volume is in the bottom part of my breasts and not on the chest of u get my drift lol. I could use a lift and a tuck.

  2. Hello everyone just gonna give some info on me I am 48 I am a RN and I have 10 beautiful grandchildren. I made my choice to get healthy after I had a stroke my health was awful on insulin 5 times a day 7 different blood pressure pills felt awful all the time. When I had my RNY it change my life I am 9 months out hw 317 cw 204 I am off all meds now and my new life is awesome I am still loosing can't wait til I see the scale say 199 thank you for reading

    Great job fellow RN. I'm 9 months out myself am feeling great best decision that I have ever made. Keep up the good work!

  3. Don't give up, you're not alone our minds can be our worst enemy. When did you have surgery and how much have you lost so far? I'm 8 months out I've lost 93# my weight is stuck at 162-164 I'm often at war with my mind. I remind myself that this is not a race, if I get off track I pick myself up and start over. You got this!

  4. I was told that I would never be able to conceive with out the help of Ivf. I did 2 runs of it and have 3 beautiful little Girls.

    Now fast forward. I had surgery on May 31 2013 and I am currently down 110 pounds. On Jan 07 2014 I went to the Emergency room for Gallbladder pain, turned out I needed emergency surgery. They admitted me and I had it removed that day. I went back a week later for abdominal pain and was told that I was pregnant. I freaked out and told them that A. I just had surgery a week prior and B. I was told I couldn't have kids and had to do Ivf for all my girls. I ended up losing my pregnancy because of the surgery. I am angry and hurt. I was pregnant with my second set of twins. Please ladies listen to when people say you have better fertility after you lose weight. Sorry for the vent but I don't know who else to talk to.

    omg I'm so sorry for your loss, I am 8 months post OP and haven't had problems with fertility. I have the nuva ring and so far it's worked well. Good luck I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  5. Hi! I had RNY surgery on May 1st. My start weight was 270, pre surgery weight of 254 and as of today I weigh 240. I'm averaging about a loss of a pound a day. I'm feeling that I don't have enough guidance. Or maybe it's just me self doubting. But what should I be doing for exercise right now? I am blessed that my journey has been without speed bumps and that I am healing very well. Any advice will be much appreciated.

    Congratulations on your surgery, if I were you I would take it easy start with walking nothing strenuous, pace yourself and listen to your body. I had surgery at the end of September 2013 I didn't lift weights for 6 weeks and I started doing zumba at the end of my first month. Good luck hopefully this will answer your questions.

  6. Has anybody experienced social changes after weight loss? I have been at my current job for three years. Clearly, when I was hired I was by far the fattest person in the office. It is a relatively small office of 14 women and one man. I am currently one of the slimmest in the office. Friday my boss had to speak with me about complaints from my co-workers. Apparently, I am "getting on their nerves". They no longer wish to have any conversations with me, about anything that isn't work related. Apparently even the sound of my voice when I am on work related phone calls has become grating. Nothing has changed in the past three years except my weight. Most days on my lunch I take a walk. I don't join in and eat the snack food that somebody brings into the office. I think there are some women that are threatened or feel guilty or just don't like the fact that I am now the size that I am. I think that I am paying a price for weight loss success.

    I am emotionally crushed by this. My boss told me that I do my job wonderfully. The teachers that I work with love me. I get my work done and she has no complaints about the quality. In the past, this would have been the kind of thing that would have sent me into a half gallon of ice cream. I have been dealing with it by having some awesome workouts. Just wondering if anybody else has seen social ramifications from weight loss. My clinic warned me about this happening, they have a whole chapter about it in the materials they give out at the first visit. Believe me, it's hard to work in a small office and speak to no one. Makes me more grateful for the love and support of my family though!

    you know Baconville I think that has happened to me! My director and I got along with each other well when I was the jolly fat nurse, now that I am slimmer I approached her about some work conditions that I felt were poor and my concerns. Next thing I know I was in a meeting with her boss and hr wth I still the same person, yes I have changed in my appearance so I think that for some that is threatening.

  7. The 1St and 2ND week after surgery I didn't have regret but more thoughts of what the hell did I just do. With that being said I am 7 months out had surgery in 9/30/13 I am down 90# something that I would have never been able to do in my own. My weight loss doesn't feel super fast but when I look at the numbers I think my God! I don't have any regrets, with that being said not everyday is a good day. Some days I don't feel well, sometimes I get tired and moody. One thing that I can say is if I had to do it over again I would! One of the best things I have ever done!

  8. I know how you feel had surgery in 9/30/13 I know the rational part if me says that I didn't gain weight over night, and old habits die hard. I have been struggling with my weight for years and my me lifestyle is definitely a work in progress. My hubby and kids didn't have Weightloss surgery ago I don't expect them to not eat what they love just because I can't. But it is hard watching eat burgers and links and beer! what I would give to have a beer or glass of wine! sigh we will get through this phase and I keep telling myself nothing tastes as good as thin feels. it doesn't help that I've been in a stall for the last week! Good luck I hope everything works out

  9. Congrats to you. This liquid phase is bothersome. I am going to tell my doctor there is no way on the planet I will be able to purée meats when the time comes next week. I'm a texture person and meat should not be put in a blender. I can't eat cooked fruit, oatmeal anything close to oatmeal a form or slimy texture. I have a lot of foods I can't and won't eat. You would think I would be naturally thin.

    you know believe it or not I've been enjoying my pureed canned chicken and tuna I pureed it with 2Tbsp of low fat mayo and added some pepper not to bad I also are some unsweetened applesauce not to bad. I'm glad to not have to eat broth any more yes!

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