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Posts posted by cbsweet33

  1. Kathleen68: how did that pouch test work out? I think that might help me get myself back on track.

    Greeneyes49: I also have very brittle, frizzy hair, with brittle nails. I have tried many combinations of Vitamins but have not tried the bariatric type, I think I will have to give it a try since you have had success already. I found out through my labs that my Iron and ferritin(iron storage in your blood was very low)-which can cause your hair to fall out like mine did, and also lack of energy. My doctor suggested taking Iron with vit C....my levels have come up and my hair has stopped falling out and back to normal loss.

    keep in touch

  2. I also have a struggle going on with my weight gain. I would also suggest talking with someone regarding your sleep issues. I also want you to know that is NEVER too late! I'm not giving up and you shouldn't either! It isn't going to be easy, none of this has been. I've lost, then I gained. I'm going to loose again and you can too. I need to do better at logging what I eat...no matter what it is...good or bad. I will write it down so I can see it and then make better choices, I hope. I am hoping the good eating habits will lead to better exercise and less stress. We can only give it our best and try and try and try.

  3. so the past week hasn't been as successful as I have hoped. But that's okay...I'm going to try to do better this week. I have a hard time getting in my Protein, and well since I didn't log much I'm really not sure. But his week I will do better at logging my intake. I need to get a handle on this because my life at work is going to be crazy during the month of Jan.--year end close...ugh.

  4. Dave,

    Thank you for your great questions. I did the math. I originally lost 60% of the my expected weight...I am now at 38%. I started to slip when I went back to college to complete my degree....poor eating habits, stress, lack of sleep, while working full time. It took me just over a year to complete my degree---then I realized what was happening. I still feel great, but I kick myself for letting this happen. The health benefits are still there....my diabetes has not caught me yet, but it is breathing down my neck.....this in itself I enough to get me moving. I just found out my insurance will not cover bariatric services of any kind so for now I will skip this years visit. I did speak with the nurse over the phone and we chatted for awhile. Back to basics she suggested. I also went to the support group meeting not much help there. So I am reaching out to you here in hopes that I will get some support and make some connections to keep me on my path.

    As for motivation, I was bound and determined to be successful, I still dream of reaching my goal weight, or close to it if possible. I have set small goals for myself, like getting another 10 pounds off before Feb. I need to stay away from the junk, exercise more, and regulate my intake of Protein and carbs. This sounds so easy.....I wish it was.

    I'm just over two years out and haven't experienced any loss in motivation. But after reading your post, the first thing that came to my mind was what was your motivation three years ago? If you have 65 lbs to go after gaining 30, then you were within 35 lbs of your goal weight. That's a pretty amazing accomplishment in and of itself! What was your starting weight and what kind of plan did you follow to lose weight? What worked best for you? When did you start struggling? What may have changed in your life that resulted in your losing focus? What health benefits have you seen from your weight loss? What quality of life improvements have you seen from your weight loss? How important are those things to you? Sometimes I think we all need a "refresher" course in the things that work best for us as individuals and why we started this journey in the first place. If you did it once, you most certainly can do it again. Tell us more!!

  5. so I am over 3 years out. I have never reached my goal weight.... started gaining and gained 30 lbs. I have only lost 5lbs in the last year. I now have a total of 65lbs to lose. I have lost my motivation.... anyone out there have a similar story? Or maybe some good suggestions?

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