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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by braveheart

  1. Ok, I spent a month at 700 calories and less and lost 1.5 pounds total.

    Please please please find another surgeon!

    Being too tight like this is not healthy nor is it helpful. For him to insist that you stay too tight is nothing short of curel and inhumane!

    I don't know if any of our UK bandsters can help you, but you need help fast. This isn't fair for him to do to you, and you desperately need an unfil.

    I think some bandsters want to be too tight, but you obviously do not, and I think you need to demand an unfill. Make a deal with him and tell him for every day that he can stay at that amount of food, so will you. Fair's fair.

    I am so very sorry you are being treated so poorly! You have my deepest sympathy!

    i am afraid that here in teh uk it is not that simple

    the helth service have paid for my operation and my orimary care trust only have a contract with him so can not pay for me to see a different surgeon and because i am on state benifits i do not ahve the money to go private and if i did go for a private unfill tehn he would discharge his responsablity to me so iwould be left with no care at all

    i ahve been to his office and demanded an unfill he said it is not possible for me to be over restricted as the fill was done under xray and it is his opinion that it is not possible for my band to be too tight

    i must be doig somthign to cause inflamation and swelling to my stoma so if i stick to the ru8les and stay on fluids for 4 more weeks it is his opinion that i will sort the problem out but he will not see me agian till end of may

    and it is his opinion that if i had been following hte rules i would not have a nutrition problem the fact that i have been bringing back more than i ahve been keeping down since january and i was limited before that has nothig to do with it in his opinion and of course he is the surgeon so he knows best surely he has all the txt book knowldge dam arrogant ******* i am living hte walk not him


  2. don't lose hope! truth is, you WILL lose weight at that rate of intake. of course, your body may currently be trying to hold onto to what it can due to the extreme lack of intake. try to raise the calories, but more importantly, you need Protein. can you not eat hard Proteins at all? what about egg drop Soup? or Protein shakes? 700-800 calories is just not enough. can you not eat flaked tuna, fish or chicken? what about trying these blended? how slow are you eating when you eat solids? are you chewing until it is mush? are you able to get in your 64 oz of Water?

    please try to focus more on protein .. check out www.fitday.com to see how your protein/calories add up..

    it will get better, I promise!

    no i can not tollerate any hard foods and even blended meats are making me feel ill my surgeon was clear no soild foods for 4 weeks so i am not even trying any more but when i was i was eating really slowly in fact my dietican told me i was eating tom slowly can not get it right i am going to up my Water intake this weekend to se if that makes a difference

    my dietican does a weekly nutrition evaluation for me and it is not good news :)



  3. hi

    i do not go back untill may

    my biggest problem is that i am on such limited cal intake that i now gain weight even at an intake of 800 cals a day and a 5mile walk

    being unwell through malnutrition is not easy becasue i have no energy

    i spoke to an independant dietican and she has told me that my matbloism is so stuffed up that it is going to take months before i see a steady weight loss and i might regain some of what i ahve lost how frustrating is that

    i feel like i am floundering in the dark


  4. hi folks

    i had my badn fitted in june i have lost just over 6 st but i have bee having problems since january when i was over restrictied i can still tak on fluids Soups and stuff but most soild food causes me to pb. I went back to see my surgeon a cople of weeks ago and he refused an unfill but said to go onto fluids again for 4 weeks to give tit cahnce to settle and thans should give me a good weight loss and in turn taht will reduce the restriction to be honest i was desperate so agreed

    first wek in fluids i lost 7lb or there abouts

    i ahve remained on around 700-800 cals a day and this week i ahve gained 3lb work that one out becasue i am so frustrated

    i have had enough now i ahve ben out walking 3 timnes this week and generally stepped up my activity over all i really do not see teh point right now

    i feel like going and buying the biggest bar of chocolate throwing cautin tot eh ind and eating till i throw up becasue i so do not see the point of all of this if i am going to gain weight

    the dietican said to me yesterday that my matabolism is so stuffed up that my body has forgetton what it is suppose to be doing

    please help

    how can i reduce i am only having 3 200mls of Soup a day and 1/2 a weetabix i veg juice and tea/coffee/sugar free squash

    thansk dee

  5. i have to agree

    this was the first site taht i went on and has been a total God send

    unfortyunately tehy are a victim of their own sucess as the site is having problems at teh mo with the server being over busy but tey are working on it

    biggest prob is caused by the fact taht the web master has been seriously ill and is only able to do a limited amount of stuff right now so all teh little gremlins are running amock

    but if you do ahve problems keep trying

    i am from teh uk and i would not be in the postion that i am into with out wls info and support


  6. hi susan

    i have yelled and screamed

    isw my service provider last week and he said that if i did 4 more weeks on fluids and then slowly reintroduced mashed and tehn soilds it should give teh stoma time to settle as it is his opinion that it is swollen and inflamed from constant pbing as in his opinion it is not possible to over fill under xray we all know as we are living the path that it is but he is not willing to listen

    as far as supplements my general parctisoner is fantastic and is tryignt o sort out supplements

    as far as protiens and Calcium is concerned i tend to add extra dry milk powder to Soups which i tend to make myself i add milk powder to milk shakes and i use things like lentils and stuff as they are quite hig in protiens

    i have almost 3 weeks before i can try soild foods again

    i am not too fussed and i am not missing food to be honest as i ahve got used to not eating real foods so i am not missing textures that sounds really sad

    i can no longer tollerate meat even in liquoid form i am often sick so i am using alteratives such as cheese spread in sop that is quite nice

    now that i am back on to fluids i am not pbing so hopefully resting the pouch an d alowing the swelling to go down will help and i will be able to tollerate food once agai

    thanks for your reply



  7. hi folks

    thought that i would introduce myself my name is Dee. I was banded here in the uk back in june of 2005 and i ahve lost a total of 6 stone 2lbs or 82lbs and i ahve lost 5 dress sizes.

    it has not been a simple path as i am sure that many others will say. i Have had 2 fills and have 7mls in a 10 ml band I had my second fill in january and i can still tollerate only fluids. My service provider is not willing to give me an unfill and becasue my health authority pays i can not do anything to change that, so i try to get as much nutrition in as far as fluids that i can.

    I am a single mum to 4 children and i work with teh homeless my life had become so restricted so this year to be able to regain life has been a wonderful blessing for me i can now do so many things that we once denied me simple thingws like walking and having a bath things that everyone takes for granted my confidence has sored and at the moment i ahve anew battle on my hand that is to get my drivng licence i ahve a test in a week of so hopefully i will be a legal driver after that.

    i use a forum in the uk that has been a total God send to me first registered on here but i ahve only been reading so i thought that i would post and introduce myself

    other than being over restricted and not being able to get solid food in it has not been too bad between my fills in in january i did try soild foods but i kept pbing which was not good and my stoma became inflamed and swollen and increased my restriction so i am hoping that 4 weeks off foods will give me a weight loss off my stomach and so reducing my restriction.I am not due to se my service provider till may/june time so need to struggle on till then in the first week i lost 7lbs but this week i have not lost which is strange becasue i am on around 800 cals and under a day one thing that i find strange is that pre surgery if i was under 1000 cals a day i would ahve dropped weight now i find that i need to get under 800 on a daily basis in order to lose weight now so if anyone has nay tips i will love you forever

    well that is possibly enough for now



  8. Hot drinks can often reduce yor restriction

    i find in the mornings i am realy really tight and a hot drink helps so that i can get some nutrition in by about 9:30 i know that if i had a cold drink i would be tighter than ever hope that this helps

    this thread has been so useful as i have a close friend that has a vangard band and she is having a really hard time trying to get restriction i will send her this link and i am sure that she will be encouraged by it as she is so dipondant



  9. :Bunny hi there i just thought that i would introduce my self i am due to be banded late june time.

    this is the first time that i haqve been on this forum so thought that i would post to say hi.

    I am having to do loads of research now as i was sold on the bpd but my surgeon presented a good case for teh lap band and i am happy with my discission.

    i got this link off the site that i use in the uk

    hope that i will gain lots of tips and maybe make a few friends olong thw way aswell

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