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Posts posted by mazzojr

  1. Ok so I have a bit of news..shocking news. I'm 6 weeks pregnant!! We haven't told our family and friends really as pregnancy is not easy with me. I've had 3 prev miscarriages. I'm on lovenox shots to my belly daily and optimistically hopeful this "change of plans" Is going to be healthy and happy ! It was such a shock..infertility for years and one oops and I'm preggo!!! Still gonna hit the gym and follow this path as healthily as I can. I've asked about what I can and can't do..so I wanna continue on this plan as close as I can..just have to nourish a baby with a bit more intake.

    I'm so excited and afraid!! I didn't expect 4mo post op to be be preggo! I feel blessed and I hope tho after this baby is born I am able to get back to this lifestyle of health and fitness I've been working so hard for..gonna continue what I can between now and then tho. I'm struggling with getting my Protein in fighting morning sickness. Right now the most important part is staying hydrated so I'm trying to focus and ensure I can at least stay that! I call this Murphy's law!!! I was round and preggo looking before and I finally lose weight and get a somewhat flat belly..and here comes baby! Yep Murphy's law :)


  2. Hi all, I've actually tried the Protein Shots before. I was having a very hard time with liquids and Protein about 5-6 weeks after surgery so my dr and nutritionist recommended them to help. They are not the most pleasant tasting things! It's a little under 4 oz and I struggled with it. However it's a good option to have in a bind or a day where you aren't getting enough. I tried a couple different flavors and they were equally not pleasant lol. Everyone's taste buds are different so hopefully you all like them.

  3. Every day I'm so grateful that I chose this surgery to better my life. I'm down 57lbs as of this morning, wore a size 14 jeans last night (cant even tell you the last time i wore a 14!) and I'm feeling amazing. I'm not as self conscience about going out or taking pictures. I notice I can keep up with my nieces and nephews when only 5 months ago I couldn't. I'm physically, mentally and emotionally in such a better place and I'm enjoying life so much more than before. There have been some bumps along the way but I wouldn't change it. Thank you all for helping me get here. Even if I don't comment often, I do read this thread every couple of days and you're all inspiration for me so thank you.

  4. Welcome! I totally experience the last supper syndrome. I gained 8lbs in a month and was mortified during my appt. I said the same thing. "I won't be able to eat like this again. This won't harm my progress." It actually does. It's very common to think like this. You will be able to eat things again in the future but smaller and not as often. After that appt for me it got real. I didn't want to cancel my surgery so I needed to make a change and stay focused. You can do this. I wrote a list of all the reasons I wanted this surgery and every time I had that urge to eat something I knew I shouldn't, I brought the list out and looked at it, had a glass of Water and moved on. I'm almost 5 months post op and its been the best decision. Wishing you the best of luck.

  5. Ok so I'm back from my weekend and it was incredible we had so much fun together not to mention the sex was incredible used muscles hadn't used for a while I thought I was doing a good job at my exercising all my muscle but I guess physical contact is going to be in my new exercise goal I like this new one a lot. I honestly think I'm in lots of trouble with this guy and they way he makes me feel but I'm being careful to still take it slow not to confuse myself my shrink say you are very venerable after surgery cause your hormones and emotions are very high I've explained all this to him and told him that is why I've waited and being so careful with expressing my feelings but I can tell all of you I think I could really fall deeply in love with this guy. We even went to my support group together last night yes we did leave the hotel I had told him and he said he thought it was important to go so we did and went to dinner also and just went back to the hotel and honestly just went to sleep just holding each other

    Congrats! Very happy for you and he sounds like a keeper. Patient, kind and thoughtful. Him wanting to be there and go to a meeting with you is great.

  6. Yea they are just nasty tasting to the point where i start gagging and i cant drink it anymore. Ive tried the premade kind from Walmart and even that tastes disgusting to me. :-(

    I had a problem the first couple of weeks out with the Protein shakes. They felt so heavy to me and were making me sick but it does pass. I get unflavored and some flavored Protein powders from Nashua Nutrition which you can order online. When I had trouble with drinking I broke it down to 1oz at a time. The whole cup intimidated me. I got little medicine cups and used 1oz at a time. It helped a little until I could tolerate more. I too also experience "pockets" of depression. I was scared going into the surgery bc I suffered years Go from depression so I made sure I was prepared and ready should I experience it again. I felt it helped to talk to others who had the surgery. When I had a moment where I wanted to cry, I did but moved on. I didn't dwell on it. I allowed myself to feel those emotions but then I went back to my list of why I wanted this surgery. I know it can be hard but focus on why you did this. Talk to someone and get out for a walk. It really does help or at least it did for me. I also made a pact with myself that I would allow myself to weigh myself 2x a week. Every Sunday I record my weight to keep track and another day just to get an idea. I don't want to live by the scale and feel like I have to see that number daily. Good luck, stay strong, you're doing great.

  7. So sorry to hear about what sounds like a horrible day. Just know that things will get better. I can understand how you're feeling and contemplating cancel surgery however take a moment to think about why you've gone thru this process and why you want this surgery. Don't let this day take away what you've worked for and wanted. This is just one day out of many. Don't let the person or persons who took you're belongings take away why you've wanted this surgery too. I wish you the best of luck and prayer for you and your family's safety. I hope things get better.

  8. Some days I am hungrier than others. I most days have no interest in food but then other days I am wanting to try everything. The days when I eat more I find I tend to lose weight. Maybe this is because my metabolism is jump started? I am having trohble with Protein unless I do my shakes everyday. I am not interested in chicken or fish lately. Mainly do cottage cheese and yogurt s.

    Good to know that I may not stay hungry all the time. I'm sure that I'll have days when I'm not hungry. I have to do a shake of some sort every day or I won't get in my Fluid or protein. I'm not having full meals yet. Mostly protein. Yogurt is a go to for me or Protein Shake.< /p>

  9. My nutritionist last week told me it was normal about the start to freak out cause eating a bit more. I noticed it too but as long as it not copious amounts to expect the appetite to pick up a bit. I just also got the sensation back where I feel like I could eat. Pms time..last week..I could have ate the paint off the wall!!

    Lol, thanks. It's been a blessing and curse not having an appetite so to be getting it back is so scary. I just keep thinking of everything I've learn from the classes and meetings but so scared to go back to any old unhealthy habits.

  10. I haven't posted in a while but looking for advise/help. I had surgery April 1 and I've lost 45lbs so far. I'm feeling great. Since surgery I haven't felt any hunger or cravings for food which is normal but the last two days it kicked in. I notice I'm hungry again and wanting to eat everything. I track everything I eat and drink but notice I can eat a little more than I have been. For example I used to eat half a smart one meal but now I can eat most of it. Is this normal? I'm afraid I could be eating too much and stretching my stomach out.

  11. Scrap booking sounds fun! Because of depression I never feel motivated no matter how much I want to be. One of my friends grows her own vegetables to make her own salsa and she makes a lot of handmade things. I'm a good cook but I never feel motivated to do it. I have a lot of pickle recipes and used to make them and give them out to friends. I would like to have a hobby I could include others on' date=' but I can't think of one. Lately my friends have been leaving me out of things and I think it's because I'm married and they are all single...[/quote']

    Scrapbooking is a blast, especially with friends! It took me a while to get out of the funk of depression. I just wanted to be alone & not be around people but I needed to take the steps for me to make a change. So I went to see a dr & opened myself up to others to tell them what I was going thru. I was missing out on so much & that only made things worse! I love to cook too but being single it's hard to cook for one so my friends benefit from it. I would feed a few friends from work almost weekly. There are still days where I have no motivation, sometimes I embrace it & acknowledge I need a chill, quiet day to myself but other times I force myself to get up and do something bc I've just come to the point mentally I don't want to waste my life being alone. If you love to cook, see if there are any classes in your area for cooking and meet some people that way that share an interest. Sorry you're friends have been leaving you out. Where they are single, maybe suggest a girls night out and go dancing or get a pedicure or you could invite them over and cook dinner together.

  12. Hi everyone, since you're all sharing your stories, thought I'd share mine. I haven't posted much but I also check in almost daily to hear everyone & what they're going through. My name is Lyndsay & I'm 31 from MA! Boston Strong!! I had surgery on 4/1. Surgery went awesome & couldn't have asked for anything better. I was doing great until about week 5 when I had no desire to eat or drink. I felt like what little was going in was making me so nauseous. Had to go for iv fluids a couple of times and now I'm feeling great and back on track. As on this past Sunday I'm down 32.8lbs & so happy I made this choice. I decided to keep the surgery private except for a few select people. I am so blessed the ones I told have been incredibly supportive. I've told a lot more people recently & have had to deal with some flack but I simply tell them this is my life, my body & my choice. You don't like it then don't do it for yourself but please don't tell me how I should live my life. I've struggled with my weight, I feel all my life but more so right after I graduated high school. My grandmother was very sick and our family watched her suffer for a couple yrs prior to passing. Her husband, my grandfather died 14 months later then my uncle, their son 2 1/2 yrs later. I suffered from depression during that time, for obvious reasons but also bc I never dealt w/my mom having breast cancer. I learned to eat my emotions and feelings away. I made a promise to myself when I turned 30 that I would change my life & be happy. Truly and completely happy but I needed to focus on me physically, mentally & emotionally. I'm so grateful for this amazing tool that will help me better my life as well as this amazing group. You're all an inspiration.

    For fun, I love to scrapbook! I have some close friends that share that passion which combines two great things in my life. No kids yet but I'm the proud Auntie to some of the most amazing kids that have ever graced this earth. I'm also a "mom" to my little handsome cat Brady. I love getting "to know" all of you. Keep up the great work.

  13. They have Protein Bars in all different flavors. But the pastabilities come in two flavors, spinach and regular. There isn't any real nutritional value to them but they look like real Pasta. I haven't tried it yet so for all I know it's nasty lol. But I like the idea of being able to have pasta again, to some degree.

  14. Keep your chins up everyone. Every thing will fall into place and the weight and inches will fall off. I would encourage you to stop stepping on the scale. The scale can be your worst enemy during a stall. Find another way to measure your success. Stay focused on your plan and remember that we did not gain weight over night and our bodies will not lose it over night. Please don't compare yourself to others because we are all so different. It will just cause you more stress.

    For those still under the 3 months mark - give your bodies a chance to heal and catch up to all the changes. We have just completely messed with our bodies. You could be in starvation mode and your body is throwing a temper tantrum. It wants to hold onto everything you put into it. It believes you are never going to eat again.

    Finally Get in your protein' date=' Water and exercise. Stay positive and try not to stress out as it will only make your body madder at you.

    My final thought on this - instead of making your goals all about the numbers and scale think of a new goal. Write on a piece of paper the non scale victories you want and when you reach them scratch it off.

    For example here were a few of my goals:

    Play soccer without pain

    Get into the police academy

    Fit into a size 16

    Run a 5k

    As I meet some goals I add new ones.

    You are changing everyday and the journey will be very rewarding and you will learn so much about your self. Please stay positive and reach for your dreams! They are possible!


    Wow! Inspirational. Thank you! Positive thoughts from here on.

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