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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mazzojr

  1. mazzojr

    Quest protein bars!

    I just ordered the sample pack of protein bars from Quest but I also ordered to try their pastabilities. Has anyone tried them yet?
  2. For about two weeks (5-7weeks after surgery) I went thru the same thing except it was vitamins, fluids and protein. I was feeling sick all the time and no desire to eat or drink. Actually had to get iv fluids twice however it passed, thankfully. I use unflavored protein in drinks and foods like soups or yogurt. Even if you use half a scoop in one drink or food then later in the day the other half scoop its a little added protein to your day.
  3. Totally normal to freak out! But take a moment and breathe. Keep in your mind the reason You chose this path for your life. Everyone is different however I had a great experience after surgery an coming home. I woke right up in recovery and asked to go to my room. I walked within hours of surgery. Slowly but I was up! I'm usually a big baby with pain and I was able to handle it very well. I was fortunate to barely use pain meds while in hospital and after. Mostly used at night to be able to get sleep. Again everyone is different this is just my experience. I was in the hospital for two night and when I went home I was able to be alone. You will do great and this will all be worth it. Good luck!
  4. mazzojr

    100 pounds - Gone!

    Congrats!!! Awesome job.
  5. I did the swallow test after surgery and all was clear. I've also had an MRI because of something they found during surgery which ended up being ok. I'm not actually throwing anything up just things are sitting heavy and I'm full for hours after. I had 1/4 c of light soup for lunch and was full for hours.
  6. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this...I'm almost 6 weeks post op. I've been doing fantastic with everything...vitamins, fluids, eating and walking however about a week ago I lost all appetite and want to eat or drink. Just taking my vitamins is a struggle. I feel full or bloated no matter what little I eat or drink. I've been exhausted the entire time but so much more now. I had to get iv fluids yesterday and I'm pretty much back to fluids only per dr focusing on milk and shakes. I feel like I was doing so well and took a step back. My anxiety has been heightened this week bc I'm scared of going backwards. I'm tired all the time and force myself to get up an do things only to have to sit/lay down after a while. Anyone else? If so, what did you do to help get out of it. I know I'm emotional and questioning doing this only bc of how I physically feel at the moment.
  7. mazzojr

    Emotional NSVs

    One of my best friends is getting married next May and I'm looking forward to not being the "fat girl" at the wedding. I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling comfortable in my own skin rather than ashamed of my body and what I allowed myself to get to.
  8. My dr recommended Wendy's chili too! I puréed it to make sure I didn't have any issues and I added my own cheese vs theirs so I could track it. Dr also recommended hummus with puréed salsa, meatball with ricotta cheese and sauce puréed together. I felt like I was eating food yet it was all puréed and not bad for you.
  9. I know exactly what you're talking about. My passion and goal was to become a chef. Senior year in high school my grandmother fell ill and I chose (and don't regret) staying local to be with her. Life took different turns than I thought it would and took me away from culinary professionally. I love food. Good is everywhere and seems to be involved with everything we do. dinner with friends, parties, cookouts...it's the focus of everything. I'm only 5 weeks out but I view food differently than before. I was so worried about missing out of being with people and doing things that I too was like should I do this and how will it be after? I eat to live now vs living to eat. I am able to cook now and it's fun finding different healthier ways to cook things I love. Yes it's changes but you can choose to make this change a positive one and embrace it. Don't let your love for food stop you from having the surgery units what you want. You can still love food, just in a different way.
  10. What may help is planning something different for date night. Plan a picnic and a hike/walk or make your dinner together so you're spending time together but eating what you can eat. Yes things will change right away after surgery but you will find ways to spend time together that both of you can do and enjoy. If anything it may deepen the relationship. Customize date nights. I've been so blessed to have such supportive people in my life but they were afraid to of things changing but they understood things needed to change in order for me to be healthy and happy.
  11. The center/hospital I used did charge $400 out of pocket to cover classes that weren't covered by insurance. The therapist/nutritionist/surgeon appts were covered by insurance. Also, I'm about 5 weeks out now and a big concern for me was eating with family/friends or going out. I did go out to dinner with a friend last week. I ordered off the appetizer menu and took home over half of it. I didn't feel out of place and felt like I was out with her like before surgery just a smaller, much smaller, meal and left overs. Saves money too! I think it helps to be out with someone who supports you and doesn't focus on how little you're eating.
  12. I would suggest calling bcbs to verify its 12 months. I'm in MA and it was less than that. I went to the initial seminar in November and had surgery on April 1. The program here required weekly weigh ins, see a therapist, nutritionist and surgeon as well as a series of classes to help prepare you. I am a baby when it comes to pain and I barely used the pain meds given in and out of the hospital. It was more just uncomfortable vs actual pain. Feel free to ask any questions.
  13. mazzojr

    buyers remorse

    That happened to me on day 6. I was home alone, only could handle Water and forcing Protein shakes down since I didn't want anything else. I broke down in tears and was like why did info this to myself? Thankfully it passed. It totally gets easier as each day passes. Keep your head up and just try to remember why you chose this path in the first place.
  14. I agree that this group is doing so well! I'm an April post op too. Surgery was April 1 and thankfully no complications. HW 240 SW 230 and CW 212.8. I stalled for about 10 days where the scale didn't move but I've been told that's normal. Just focusing on taking all my vitamins, getting a minimum of 70g of protein daily, light exercise like walking and drinking my water. Some days easier than others but so far so good. Congrats everyone!
  15. mazzojr

    What ya eating tonight?

    I don't have a recipe but Walden Farms has an Alfredo sauce. They make a lot of sugar free things like salad dressing, dips and sauces like a Carmel sauce or Alfredo sauce. It's not the best tasting Alfredo but of you add some season sing to it it makes it a little better.
  16. mazzojr

    Bad night

    There were two I found. One is New whey liquid Protein and the other sunkist. I found them at Nashua Nutrition which has a store in Nashua New Hampshire but they also have a website and can have it shipped. Also I believe I saw some at Walmart. Not sure about other places. I got a couple different favors of the new whey liquid protein. 42g of protein per shot which is 3.8oz. It does have a little bitter taste so about halfway thru I did dilute with Water but it helps on those days where you can't seem to get enough protein in.
  17. mazzojr

    Bad night

    I've tried the unflavored one as well. Not as much protein as a shake however you can put it in anything to boost protein like yogurt or even water.
  18. mazzojr

    Bad night

    Tomorrow is a new day and hoping its better for you than today. My dr recommended protein shots when I told her I was having issues with the shakes. There are a couple different brands and favors. It's a little under 4oz and about 40g of protein. I've seen them at a couple different stores. Not the best tasting things but helps get your protein in. Also try different shakes. For example ones that are like an iced tea or lemonade. Not sure where you're from but I know Nashua Nutrition, which is in NH, also had a website. I've tried a few samples and they aren't bad. A different take on the shakes and good protein.
  19. mazzojr

    Bad night

    I'm a little over 3 weeks out. When can you start having puréed foods? I think that will help too.
  20. mazzojr

    Bad night

    I 100% understand what you are feeling. 6 days after my surgery I felt the exact same way. I could only drink water and force down protein shakes bc everything else I couldn't stand to even think of having like Popsicles, broth or jello. I broke down in tears and questioned myself and kept thinking why did I do this to myself. Trust me when I say, that moment passes. I talked to a friend who's been there and I took the time to reflect back on all the reasons of why I chose this surgery in the first place. Take a deep breathe, reflect on why you decide to do this and know that this will pass. Completely normal to feel that way. Keep your head up and know not only will this pass but it will all be worth it.
  21. mazzojr

    First time here

    I also had surgery on April 1! Puréed foods at the moment. I had 2tbsp fat free refried beans with 1 tbsp salsa and 1/8c low fat cheddar cheese for lunch. Dinner is one meatball with 2 tbsp sauce with 1 tbsp fat free ricotta and 1/8 c low fat mozzarella heated up. Trying to find creative things to eat and just taking it slow.
  22. mazzojr

    April Dates

    8 days post op appt today with my surgeon. Everything went great. Incisions are healing perfectly and cleared to start puréed foods!! And I'm down 11lbs!!
  23. mazzojr

    April Dates

    So happy those who've had surgery today are doing well. Get some rest! Try to get up and walk tomorrow, even if a lap at a time then rest. It helps more than you realize. And sip, sip, sip. Today was just the first step towards the rest of your life! Congrats!

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