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Sheri h

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Sheri h

  1. Haven't replied in a long time and I don't have any pictures yet that I can post but had my surgery April 10, 2013 over the last year I have lost 132 lbs. I have been through the good comments and the negative ones. I used to tell people I had gastric bypass surgery now I just tell them when asked that I made a life change. I tell them when asked what kind of diet am I on, a Meal Replacement for Breakfast with 2 meals of meat and vegetables, fruit and Protein Bars as my between meals Snacks. Am I perfect, no I have eaten somethings over the year that I knew better but what I managed to do was keep these cravings under control by willpower that i never had before surgery. I have been termed as not diabetic any longer no shots, or pills. Colesterol is great all my labs are good to perfect. Taking less than half of the medications that I was previously on. My surgeon commented to keep up the good work.

  2. you are going to get your good stories and your bad for me I learned the same thing band back to work in a week rny back after 2 well I was off for a month because I had a small bowel obstruction 1 week after my first surgery. saying this to tell you what ever choice you make always be prepared for just a little more. just in case I had leave from job was supposed to be for 2 weeks but had saved up enough for 6 weeks. had 2 left after when I went back but I have very understanding bosses I did kinda light duty for the first month. would I do it again I am down 120 lbs in 6 months I haven't weighed this since I was 19 yes I would have just prepared financially a little better.

  3. That's what I'm afraid of...taste changing! Is this a big problem?

    I've always related to something I heard Richard Simmons say once...I love food and it loves me! Time for that to all change soon! :)

    they told me in pre op group that your taste buds change well mine did and it changed not only taste of foods and drinks, it changed the way things smell as well. still can't bring myself to drink ocean spray grape juice powder mixes too sweet. can drink the white grape and peach ones but have to add extra Water and can only drink maybe 1 a week and I am 5 months post op. I had bought a cabinet full of the boxes of ocean spray drink mixes and crystal light, and my children drink more than I do. Water is my favorite but it has got to be cold or full of ice can't stand warm water.

  4. I voted the first one only because there was not a line for me. yes less for medicine but I wanted to be smaller so I didn't feel self conscious when I stood up in an auditorium or movie theater to go to the bathroom. I did it because I didn't want to be an embarrassment to my 10 year old daughter by walking into her class and having one rude kid say is that fat lady your mom. I did it because I want to be around when my 10 year old, turns 18 and graduates from high school, turns 22 and graduates from college.

  5. I was told something horrible when I had my gastric bypass! I am on Medicare and one of my "friends" said "I cannot believe that Medicare is covering an "elective surgery" so basically I am paying for your surgery because you are too lazy to get off your butt and excercise and keep the twinkes out of your mouth!" Needless to say I do NOT need friends like that and I explained to her the process we have to go through to even get approved for the surgery and how hard I tried to loose the weight on my own so many years. It was just a stab in the heart to hear that!!

    I had to respond to this for one reason only: People tend to not see the bigger picture as with medicare or any insurance. Insurances companies are waking up to the fact that they are going to pay more in the long run for things dealing with obesity (I hate that word I would rather be one of the four F's fat, fluffy, or full figured) than they are paying for the surgery. Me myself I have went from 3 pills for blood pressure to 2 and working that to 1. 2 pills and 2 insulin shots for diabetes to 0 on both. as of next week will not need anything for insomnia had been breaking my ambien in half to pill cutting it into 3rds. every 3 months I would spend almost 300$ on just scripts now 50$ at the most. And on the part of your friend stating that she is paying for your surgery forgive me if I sound a little angry about this comment because as a working american who has held a job since I was 17 and am now 51 I have paid more in taxes than my surgery cost and then some so please use me if you have to the next time someone says to you that because medicare is paying that their tax dollars is paying for your "elective surgery" tell them that no you are pretty sure your friend sheri's tax dollars are paying to save my life.

  6. I am post op so this may not mean much but here goes anyway. I tried the Protein Shots and found that the New Whey with 42gms of Protein in the acai berry brand was so nasty even added to Water it was gross and I couldn't imagine sipping on this all day. the short bottle shot in fruit punch was drinkable can't remember the name of it but the reason I said i am post op and this may not mean much is because I was doing the shots for protein when I had ran out of the Meal Replacement and my doctor had to get me back on track. protein wasn't all my body needed at that time so I had to get my Meal Replacements back in play for the vit & nutrients that a protein shot will not provide. I was also told by a personal trainer that the body only absorbs 35gms of protein at one sitting anyway so when me and my smart self was adding protein to my meal replacement to get it done and over with in one sitting i was not getting the protein absorption like I really needed. and you know what comes next with poor absorption of protein. The body starts to suffer skin and hair.< /p>

  7. men metabolize different than women so they tend to lose faster and also the heavier a person is the first to go is always Water so the weight loss at first can go faster then it slows when you are working off the fat. I lost 40lbs first month at 10 lbs a week first month then it slowed to about 2 lbs a week.

  8. No the pt-inr before needs to be done out far enough so that if changes needs to be made that they have enough time to do it prior to surgery. I am on Coumadin and had to go off my Coumadin 5 days prior because blood would be to thin. I also had a small bowel obstruction 7 days later and they had to give me 6 units of plasma before they could do emergency surgery and 4 units of pack red blood after because I still bleed out more than they wanted after.

  9. the 2 biggest concerns I had about the RNY surgery opposed to the band for me was how long it would take to get back to work and the thoughts of dumping. I have taken care of patients and had co-workers that had constant dumping syndrome or IBS so was terrified of having it. well had a glass of orange juice only drank 30cc before it happened and so far the last for me.

  10. My summer has been a mess taking off work then then kp getting surgery rescheduled this will be 3 EGD I this is my last one if surgery rescheduled ir wasn't meant to be I'm done I'm just I. A funk today my whole summer appointments no

    vacation no nothing !!!!!! Just needed to vent

    Mz Shay

    It helps to get it out vent anytime you want and I hope that everything will change around for you soon and by your next summer vacation you will be where you want to be in size and health and will have your dream vacation. venting does the body and mind good.

  11. Not trying to be mean but the chewing causes saliva to be produced in which gets swallowed causing the pouch to fill. sugar free mints are a good substitue for something in the mouth but won't get rid of the, want to chew, sensation sorry used to love to chew gum so much that I bought the big tubs from sam's wholesale so I feel your pain and some reports (not sure how true) think that chewing gum can cause you to feel hungry. But this is just my opinion. Missed it so much had a nightmare that I was chewing a piece of gum and swallowed it and went into shock from knowing that it would not pass. crazy :huh:

  12. I have been craving pickles so much that I bought a resturant size jar of hamburger slice dill pickles. funny don't want the big dill ones just slices and I take all my Vitamins including an extra Iron pill. was also told by my surgeon off on last visit my levels were great :unsure:

  13. Is the staying away from caffiene temporary or permanent? They told me caffeine bothers the pouch. If I can't have my diet coke I really have to have my ice tea!

    some brands of tea has more caffeine in it than coffee but I have found that lipton Decaf has a really good flavor. and if you drink a decaf drink whether it be coffee or tea you still get a small amount of caffeine still. oldone made a good point it is your body and if you chose to drink a soda they did (and hopefully still do) have a decaf brand of coke but I am not sure how it taste or even if they still make it. when I did drink coke it had to be the real thing ha ha or what was the point in drinking it. Now it is decaf coffee, decaf tea and crystal light flavor packets when I want something other than Water.< /p>

  14. I have discovered the Quest bars... They are pretty good if heated for 10 seconds.. A little on the sweet side but tolerable but I can only eat about half at a time or I dump!

    I discovered them also GNC had them buy 2 get one free and the guy told me which ones were the best. funny on the eating only half me too but not because I dump just can't eat whole bar.

  15. I remember being excited by adding coffee to my Protein, it felt like heaven.. Now I'm completely turned off by it because I drank it every morning like that.. Now I can hardly get it down : (

    Dang I hope I keep enjoying it this way for awhile because I missed my coffee since I had to stop caffeine and could never get the Decaf brand to taste right and for the first time since drinking any meal replacement I didn't frown after taking that first sip and I am 5 days short of 4 months post op. I was already hyper sensitive to smells to start with and after just the smell of the powder turned my stomach. Can't eat most Protein Bars because the horrid after taste. and most meal replacements and protein powders have that powder and funky after taste (gross) even in pudding. but this way maybe because I blended it with the warm coffee first no loose powder or clumps just smooth like I had went to a coffee house and ordered a Frappuccino. the only thing I think may be a problem is when I did drink Frappuccino's would sip on them for hours and can't do this with my meal replacement because I wait 2 hours after to take my Iron and it fills me up so much that I couldn't eat anything for too many hours after. Next time going to try to add less Water.< /p>

  16. Funny to be this excited about Meal Replacements but I have this meal replacement that I purchased from GNC chocolate silk. I don't think that it is bad alone I have tried it with skim milk and its creamy. I tried it with cold Water taste like cocoa mix with water can stomach it. But OMG I put it in Decaf coffee with ice and blended it and it taste like a Frappuccino and because of the sweetness of the meal replacement didn't have to add any sweeteners was perfect. Now I can have my Protein, Vitamins, water, and decaf coffee all in one.

  17. and by the way walked in hospital and out in less than 3 hours and I was told the only reason it took so long it was the day after we had the deadly tornado in Moore Oklahoma had to drive to different hospital because the little hospital that my surgeon worked out of was destroyed so things were in a little disarray.

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